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Everything posted by FirstSecondThird

  1. I have made a few mods, all of which are just little modifications to their .MU files and .CFG files, and the software I use to model my parts is with Autodesk Maya, and it works particularly fine when importing to unity to make the .MU files. One word of advice is to always use official documentation on some parts of the API, in some, I really can't help ya!
  2. This of course, I only remember vaguely, as this was so long ago, but I am taking the same course again in the same college because I want to get my second degree in Astrophysics. (And I call the so-called Warp Drive the Alcubierre drive because of the country I live in, this is what how they say "Warp Drive", and that was what they named the Warp Drive in college)
  3. Nope, I remember from my astrophysics class in college about 2 years ago that the Alcubierre Drive, after a single jump, will revert you to your previous velocity, and your orbit around a celestial body will be retrograde.
  4. It also has a stack separator for the 2 Kerbal cockpit using B9 aerospace just in case of critical failure or aerodynamic failure, plus Van Guard Parachutes for the ejection system in case of really really bad situations!
  5. I made a ship similar to SpaceShipTwo, but it can drive unmanned and uses KW Rocketry's WildCat V 1000 Kilonewton engine, and MechJeb for orbital maneuvering.
  6. This is a small forum thread about what throttle you use for your Vertical ascent/Gravity Turn. For me I start on 72% during vertical ascent to avoid overheating and possible rapid unplanned engine disassembly. Then I go full throttle to counteract Kerbin's gravity. It's completely foolproof for me, and my dorm mates in college right now because I decided to get another degree in Astrophysics. BTW please reply containing info like the kind above.
  7. KW Rocketryisawesome.bat is a Batch file I am coding! BTW guys, your mod is AWESOME! Loving it!
  8. In Fraps benchmarks on my GPU, it has a higher FPS when running with DirectX 9.0c (which is what my GPU only supports), but I rule in favor of DirectX, because it is hardware-accelerated, and OpenGL is basically software-acceleration.
  9. Yeah, but I use Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and that has bad Nvidia drivers. (I use a PhysX enabled GPU, which apparently makes KSP physics more faster.) I'm looking into preordering a copy of Windows 9. (Just sarcasm, don't pay any less attention you already do to your replies)
  10. My space agency, known as "Kerbal Rocketeering and Aerospace Masters", is a space agency dedicated to the principle of "MOAR POWAR!". Which means Moar Boosters. It is famously known for it's developments in the HI-G class of Spaceplanes, using the famous B9 aerospace parts and SABRE engines. It has brought the POW to Rockets Kerbinwide. It is a h*** of a good time when your in a cockpit using no Reaction Wheels and spinning uncontrollably.
  11. So I am hearing on the forums that some people need help getting to orbit? Quiver not, young Kerbonaut! I am here with a tutorial to save the day! First of all, I would like to explain some KSP Terminology to you. 1: Delta V is basically how much effort it takes for your spaceship to edit their course in the cold vacuum of Outer Space. Like say, your spaceship has 2000 Delta V. You wanna use a maneuver node that takes 1000 Delta V. You do that Maneuver Node and you lose 1000 Delta V. Simple Right? 2: Delta V budget is basically how much Delta V your spaceship has in total with each stage combined. 3: Prograde marker is basically where your forward velocity vector is located on the NavBall.(Which is the artificial horizon on the bottom of your screen) 4: Retrograde marker is basically directly oriented away from your prograde marker. Second of all, let's get down to business. First, you'll only need a 3 stage spacecraft in order to make orbit. In case you haven't made one yet, do so from the VAB. (or Vehicle Assembly Building) Second, once you're on the LaunchPad, activate SAS by pressing the T key. Third, throttle up to 100% and hit Space Bar to activate Stage 3. Congrats! You have successfully lifted off of the LaunchPad, now all you need to do is the hard part, which is doing the math required for getting into orbit. First, get yourself within 10 kilometres above Kerbin's terrain, then begin your Gravity Turn. (which basically is turning right and keeping yourself within the blue part of the NavBall, otherwise, you may fall back to Kerbin. Second, after getting yourself above 30 kilometers, you should be on a 90 degree heading, which is the horizon. Good. You have escaped Kerbin's densest part. Now it is a question of raising your Ap node to above 70 km. That is for you to learn, but now I don't have anymore time. Bye!
  12. With FAR, with stalling, your plane can easily crash if you do not use an AoA or Sideslip flight assistance system or FAR could go into "Aerodynamic Failure" mode where everything on your rocket/aircraft will fall apart. It makes the game dangerously real.
  13. It still looks good, even with low-res, which is what I have, because I have Linux. (sorry, windows users, i just grew up using Linux, but I did use windows at school as a child)
  14. I tested this mod with NEAR aerodynamic model, and it works fine. It's just FAR that doesn't work quite well. With FAR, this mod is just plain dubious.
  15. Good heavens! Did you overload your install with mods?! Well if you did, lucky for you I have a tutorial on how to solve your RAM usage problems. Step #1: Look up "Active Texture Management mod for KSP <Your install version number here>" on Google, without the quotes. (It should be a KSP Forums link, don't press any other links, if you do, I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR BROKEN WINDOWS INSTALLS!) Step #2: Download it and open the .zip file and you will see a 'GameData' folder, merge this folder with your GameData folder in your install folder. .e.g Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program. Step #3: Run KSP. And BAM! You got yourself a working KSP install, with a lot of mods! Thanks for the applause! I will see you later kerbonauts!
  16. This is what helped me learn to fly aircraft and spaceplanes using FAR. It is really quite the FAR for noobs.
  17. I learned in my astrophysics classes back in college that patched conics is not an accurate representation for physics at all.
  18. We always have bugfix patches. Say hello to 0.25.1 if they ever make a bugfix update.
  19. I use mechjeb for everything! Sorry, but I am really lazy!
  20. I accidentally turned off SAS while burning a really powerful engine, and my ship disintegrated. Sorry Jeb, I will always miss that scary smile on yo face.
  21. Hi guys, I am FirstSecondThird, thanks for the applause, and I will be telling the tale of my first Minmus landing. First, I was on that steel plate you would call the "LaunchPad". Then, I throttled up to 75%. I punched the space bar and off I went into the cold dark void that is known as "Outer Space". I circularized my orbit in low-kerbal-orbit. I did my Hohmann transfer burn to Minmus and off I went to Minmus. I truly was so excited, because I was going to land on my first Moon other than the Mun. I got into a circular orbit of Minmus and later I burned retrograde to start the landing process. I landed after minutes of yo-yoing 32 meters above the surface. I took Jeb out, planted a flag, did some science, and went back in. I have a screenshot to prove it. (Right click and click, view image in new tab if you are using chrome, sorry for the comma, it's my english!) And I returned home safely, with Jeb inside the cozy warmth of his capsule. And the moral of the story?: Even if your a newbie, if people criticize you, don't let that discourage you.
  22. Here is the reasons why I use kerbal alarm clock. 1: So I don't time warp past SOI changes. (Really helpful for when you have small flyby periods in a planet/moons SOI) 2: So I don't warp past rendezvouses. (Really useful for when you are building GIGANTIC THINGS like interplanetary science ships) 3: So I can perform transfers to other planets by setting an alarm for when the planets align. And here is just another reason why you should install this.
  23. If you want to get the most science and not take years worth of effort to get to another planet. Try Duna! I have made it to all planets, and a lot of course corrections have to do with changing your inclinations and getting velocities right. Now if I am not clear, Duna is the easiest for me to get to, overall because all you need to do is get your ascending and descending nodes at 0.0 degrees, and then get your periapsis to intersect your orbit with Duna's, then you will see a closest encounter, THAT IS GOOD!, all you really need to do make a maneuver node and play around with the prograde and retrograde handles on the maneuver node editor to see if you get an encounter, and sure enough, if you followed all my instructions, you will get one.
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