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Everything posted by Vaporo

  1. Do you really have nothing better to do than draw eyebrows on cats?
  2. How about... The Supreme Intergalactic President of the Universe
  3. Depends on what you want to do with that language. If you want to script Excel, learn Visual Basic. If you want to write drivers, learn something like C. I would learn C or C++. They are difficult languages to learn, especially as a beginning language, but a large number of languages borrow syntax and concepts from them, which opens the gate to easily learning a number of other languages. Of the two, I would try C++ as it is an "expansion" of C. i.e. anything that C can do, C++ can do exactly the same but with classes. If you want to start slower, though, try something like Visual Basic. It's used for scripting Office applications, and the editor is available with any copy of Microsoft Office. It's a simple enough language that includes a large number of major concepts used in programming with miles of documentation around the internet. It's also JIT (Just In Time) compiled, which means that you can run through it line by line as opposed to all at once. Though, if you're looking to program an Arduino, they appear to have their own IDE (Integrated Developer Envirnoment. The program you use to write programs): https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software So, if that's your only goal, pick a language supported by the IDE (which may be a language made specifically for programming Arduino).
  4. Granted. You can already do that on a large scale, though, so nothing happens. I wish for the ability to turn any object visible or invisible at will.
  5. We have a cat who refuses to fight anything that's more than a hundredth of her body weight. We got her so that she would catch mice, but I think she's afraid of them. Sure keeps the bird population under control, though.
  6. Little puffs of smoke in front of your ship? Yep. I think it's because Krakensbane is moving the origin of the scene around while you launch, causing some particle effects to move with it instead of staying where they're supposed to be.
  7. Really? I could have sworn it was DOE doing it. I never see them without it installed. Maybe it just makes them more common.
  8. Do you have Distant Object Enhancement installed? It sometimes gives me annoying white circles that follow my ship around. Here's a screenshot.
  9. @UnionPacific Jacksepticeye (obvious from the face in the corner) playing Life is Strange (which is a great game).
  10. (WinkAllKerb, I know that I complain a lot about your posts not making sense, but I don't see how an old Macintosh computer, having a son, or any obvious combination of the two negates an exploding can, unless this is a reference to something that I've never heard of. I think that I'm going to invoke Google Picture War rules 4-5 here.) It's a pressure relief valve.
  11. Hello! Great to have you aboard!

  12. Something that I still struggle with when I try to write: Remember that your characters are people, not actors who are there to act out your story. They have their own ideas, opinions, and personalities that may not always agree with yours. Instead of asking "what do I want to happen at this part?" ask "what would this character do when confronted by this situation?" and design your characters so that they behave how you want them to in your story's climax. And I give these links to anyone asking for writing advice because they're good advice for any genre, but especially fantasy and science fiction: http://brandonsanderson.com/sandersons-first-law/ http://brandonsanderson.com/sandersons-second-law/ http://brandonsanderson.com/sandersons-second-law/
  13. Best: Actually not Spaceballs. Secondhand Lions. Second: Ghostbusters and Spaceballs tied for second. Middle: The Harry Potter series in general. They were great books, but I feel like they really should have stayed as books. Last: A movie called 30000 Leagues Under the Sea. It's a horrible adaptation of Verne's book. Some people might call it a "so bad that it's good" movie, but I thought that it was just bad. I swear, there was not technical adviser on that movie at all. Plus, the CGI was quite literally all at about 5 FPS (When I first saw the CGI, I thought that Netflix was bugging out. Then I realized that that's just how the frame rate was. I mean, you made an hour and a half movie and you didn't have time to let your computer render a few extra frames?! Come on). Favorite Christmas Movie: Die Hard
  14. Depends on how easy it is to build as well. It it requires a an empty can of spray paint and some chewing gum, you can expect every Joe Schmoe to build a starship in his back yard. If you need a thousand tons of gold-plated diamonds, building one will become a massive international effort.
  15. I find small SSTOs incredibly efficient for completing the "rescue from Kerbin orbit" contracts. Launches take a bit longer than rockets, but I get to space with plenty of fuel to spare and plenty of passenger space, whereas with rockets I always end up with less fuel than I'd like. Cargo planes have always proven too much of a hassle, though.
  16. *Must not do it. Must not do it. Must not do it.* I did it.
  17. 3/10 I actually never use the round-8. Like, ever.
  18. 8/10 Seen you around a lot lately.
  19. Try checking what plugins you have installed as well. I once accidentally installed a thing that attached ads to random words on the page. In my plugins it was called something to do with free games. I'd recommend uninstalling any plugins that you're not absolutely certain about what they do or don't remember installing.
  20. Ads? On every page that you open? Could you show us a screenshot of what you mean? You might have accidentally installed something that keeps giving you ads.
  21. For me, aerocapture has been more trouble than it's worth since 1.0. It's easier to get into Jool orbit via Tylo gravity assist, Eve kills anything that touches it that doesn't have 5 heat shields, and Laythe doesn't take too much Delta-V after using a Tylo gravity assist. I will aerocapture at Duna because the atmosphere is thin and my relative velocity coming from Kerbin isn't too horrible high, but it's the exception to the rule. Oh, and coming back to Kerbin I'll also simply slam into the atmosphere to slow down, but that's because it's easy to put heat shields on a return vehicle. It's not easy to shield an interplanetary mothership.
  22. Sure. No real downside to pressing the button, except a few extra gigabytes taken up on my hard drive. Press the button to be transported to the land of Oz.
  23. I wonder how future science classes will go if this turns out to be real. "Ok, class. These physical law apply in all circumstances, all the time. There is no time that they do not work, and there is no way they can be broken. If you suspect something is not following these laws, check your experiment, because you will find that you are wrong. Except when you shine a magnetron into a metal barrel. Then you can just forget this entire course."
  24. 4/10 Seems a little bit sparse.
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