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Everything posted by Kamuchi

  1. Captured 2 E class asteroids, could post an album that isn`t uploaded, but here are some awsome screenshots Personally loving the last one, wich was the last of the serie
  2. Hey Cybutek saiClassy Managed to break KER on this craft, might just be because of the tons of docking ports but it`s throwing quite alot of errors now dasAHH Craft: https://imgur.com/a/2mY5e Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mko6yinb91l7w7m/KER%20error.rar?dl=0 Cheers
  3. Missed my E class intercept so just went to have some fun. Presenting a fully modular, self sufficient low gravity mining outpost with it`s own orbital tug to bring modules down for assambly. Go, build, fuel up & go home ps; yes I know, it needs a tiny bit more fuel in interplanetary transfer stage
  4. Thanks Going modular is quite a fun challange, have the other planets mod where DSEV would shine in
  5. Alright Angel, here is why I was eager for smaller parts At the bottom that you can`t see is the reactor with pallet storage around, 2 plates and the refinery There are a couple more picks that are stored in my WIP album for the Minmus base project: https://imgur.com/a/Ny2Qy If you`re wondering what the heck that ship is, it`s a modular orbital tug/station builder that serves as a perfect Minmus workhorse aswell https://imgur.com/a/BmFyc Looking forward to actively test the mod while dorking around, thanks!
  6. In a moment of boredom capture a B class asteroid, throw a station at it and start playing with modular space tugging around the station switching modules and even be able to do interplanetary transfers as a space truck. Yes, the station last stage was vernors as I couldn`t be arsed to create a probe delivery stage
  7. Yup lol Just playing to get a stable ksp with adding some fav and wanted mods befor really starting to play with it, just had to tinker with the radiators right away
  8. Mini parts! awsome xD Looking forward to build new mini crafts using ions with the exploration pack \0/ Already started to picking my brain on new ways to abuse the radiators, already looking forward to use it in an extended state on real crafts like the hotplate cheat in 1.0 lol https://imgur.com/a/hjEOd Love the ability to use the new system to refine ore to pallets for the reactor, this will make long term self sustained reactor usage a real thing without the need to bring 1,000,000 pallets along
  9. /me prepares a new ksp install, bring on the 1.25m goodies! saiHappy That Nautilus looks epic!
  10. High 2000 hours, tbh, pretty burned out and just waiting for a mod update to attempt rebuilding everything for the 7341th time saiLewd I did have a blast though right when 1.0 hit with figuring out the broken heat system and cheat it, till 1.0.1 hit and went "ugh" seeing more facepalm bugs while modding... seriously Squad, atleast release an emergency 1.0.3 patch to fix the freaking heat gauge memory leak, or turn it off by default instead of on.
  11. Stop talking rocket science on a rocket science based space game, I no understand Good to see you figured it out \☺/
  12. it`s a small indicator inflight that shows if a part is really overheating, grabbed a quick snapshot during a test: http://i.imgur.com/SnjWZei.png Thermal looks like it`s fixed \☺/
  13. Lol yep, the system works perfectly This was the orbital speed http://i.imgur.com/JpA5CEF.png at 30 to 35km, should delete the other as I kept linking it saiFail
  14. Sooo... I, well, no comment.... but found some nullrefs that caused the physics lag onstream saiFail https://www.dropbox.com/s/qytc4kr1hzp4f00/hotplate%20nullrefs.rar?dl=0 and uhm, can we get a nerf on hotplate stacking? i don`t think this was intended xD 1047m/s at 7.8km http://imgur.com/9hhalIS :cool: and airhogging just got revived lol http://imgur.com/ItTyOrw Adding 2 big radiators, I could get to orbital speed at 30km and the radiators were just going dasSup and keep soaking saiFail They really need an atmospheric penalty as I`m having too much fun, lol
  15. No radiators exploding only the egnine overheating in 3 seconds (3 minutes rl ) https://www.dropbox.com/s/hljyp2us4csc3vy/output_log.rar?dl=0
  16. The radBoom loh saiFail https://www.dropbox.com/s/whpp8wigjl9e17l/radBoom.rar?dl=0
  17. Managed to bring up my 1,245,000 carrier Pythagoras into a stable orbit and the first 2 shuttles Not as easy as it looked, in the end had to use 8 of the KW 11,000 thrust engines :x
  18. Hi K.Yeon, I have a rather unusual question I ran into problems with the cargo bay doors having their own collision, so when you open them when clipped, the entire thing tends to break apart. I am totally clueless about modding besides editing simple things of part/craft cfg`s to fix small issues and I wonderd if there was an easy way to disable the collision on the doors or the entire cargo bay? I know this is an odd question, but trying to push KSP into my dream scale and it requires abit of, uhm, creative thinking lol Second welding test with a super structure for an actual giant scifi ship: https://imgur.com/a/I360J After this, I want to use majority of your parts to make a station that makes this thing look like a shuttle, but that`s where the collision mesh is going to get really an issue Cheers and hopefully it can be done
  19. I was handed *yet* another logfile from some one having major issues with their ksp, so bad I didn`t have a clue where to start looking for the problem... https://www.dropbox.com/s/115h1do5cu72z4g/output_log.txt?dl=0 After skimming through it and bashing my head about every mod and the game freaking out, I saw a tweakscale error, as usual these days, and suggested to delete tweakscale, as usual, and the game returned to perfect working, as usual. When is enough enough? Since the auto scaling tweakscale is causing problems across the board every where, 1.45 was the last stable version and after that people started complaining about the auto part reverts, blowing up ships and general game/mod freaking out creating all sort of problems. Not funny anymore that you need to ask a person who has problems "do you have tweakscale installed?" at wich they say yes and after deleting it the problem goes away. Can we get a 1.44/1.45 version compiled for 0.90 so that we can start to recommend it again to everyone instead of warning not to use it? pretty please?
  20. Having fun while playing on twitch, crashing a plane and it flew better with wingibits missing, sooo... RetroFuture style Download: http://kerbalx.com/crafts/663 You need Goodspeed`s pumps to balance the fuel tanks! Yes, with tiny wings it might look better, but without you can do the craziest acrobatics with it
  21. K.Yeon you have made some great parts and I love tinkering with them, but there is a modulemanager.dll inside the OPT filder instead of in the main. During load 2.5.4 loads with 2.5.6 wich you can see with double text during pathcing on the load screen, can you please move the .dll into the zip root? Merry Christmass & the smiley cockpit \☺/
  22. Single Stage Lawnchair To Orbit [sSLTO] Download: http://kerbalx.com/crafts/641 Building, debugging & flight testing: http://www.twitch.tv/ksp_kamuchi/b/602105801 (sorry, no mic yet, coming soon and Twitch being a ** about di.fm)
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