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Everything posted by Kamuchi

  1. No. RT is easy when you get the hang of it, but all realistic mods shouldn`t be made standard for the simple reason that it will not be fun to play as they will get way to frustrated while trying to even learn the basic stuff. Imagine you had life support, deadly reentry and remotetech installed while knowing nothing as a newbie, maybe some fun at the start watching blow up, but you will quit soon after out of sheer frustration.
  2. While continuing building my asteroid base I came across a pretty picture that even with 100 orbits a day, you keep missing or not at a perfect inclination while timewarping around. Behind Kerbin at a perfect time in geo orbit, you can see the evenly light breakup around the planet, wished I had stronger city lights to make it complete. [ Full res at the bottom https://imgur.com/a/2BRJH ] Starting to wander if I play ksp for the space program or for the awsome views you get to wish you were there
  3. I have a thread there in the mission reports and thanks It might help some people, but the entire 64bit is a prayer for each player, it does add alot of stability for me atleast. Just rememberd what extra I wanted to add to the -force-d3d11-no-singlethreaded part, maybe, just tiny maybe, there might be a bug in the gpu memory handling with the 64bit, same as abouve though, it forced unity to behave more as expected`ish. I run with 4 290X gpu`s, for single cards other issues might be to blame. Would be funny to take all people`s setup and see if multi card users have more problems then signle card users, I have a funny feeling that would be a "yes" Maybe it wasn`t clear due to my wording, the issue isn`t not rebooting or pc last reboot time. After 2-3-4 ksp crashes and immidiate restart, you will start to have serious click issues because most likely ksp bits remain in memory. The more crashes, the worse it gets. First startup: right click is fine. First crash & second restart: right click problems could start to happend, but not always. Second crash & third restart: changes are you are going to start having right click failures. Third crash & fourth restart: if you don`t have right click problems, you might be beating the odds. Fourth crash & fifth restart: I started having more right click failures then working ones, but for a test I kept going. Fifth crash & sixth restart: getting a click in was getting seriously frustrating, changing back and forth between space, space center and iva kerbals and back, a crash soon followed. Sixth crash & seventh restart: clicky fail madness that it was unplayable. First reboot & first startup: all perfectly fine. Hence and repeat. I must say that closing the game normally didn`t produce the problem (for me), only with game crashes and starting up without a pc reboot. I shutdown my pc every day and reboot if needed/wanted, but these unity crashes leave trash around that to solve the right click issue, you have to reboot the pc. If it`s happening with several crashes in an hour or a day, after a couple of crashes you must restart the pc or the problems stack up. Past 2 days I have crashed so many times that I was tempted to trash mods to speed up load times lol
  4. Well, did some testing... Everything became unstable, still playable, but unstable with alot of general crashes that were not happening befor. At one point I couldn`t even select a ship in the tracking station that almost made me crap my pants that nearly a month of game time went down the drain because ships didn`t want to load, tons of errors along with random mod failures ontop of unity that I had to start pruning the list and readd after a restart. On that note I did discover 1 thing and might have a hunch on the -force-d3d11-no-singlethreaded: The one thing that I did figure out is the right click. Q: Why is it always fine at the start but after 3-4-5 crashes and restarts it`s really starting to be an absolute pain in the arse? A: It`s actually windows, no, it`s behaving ok, but from my experiment, when you start having click issues, reboot the pc and all is fine again. - Wich brings me back to windows, again, my logic says that when unity crashes the memory isn`t cleaned, so when you keep restarting ksp, the underlying issue stacks up to the point it`s becoming nearly impossible to right click when in the world (ship) view. Solution: reboot the pc and go back enjoying with a working right click On to my f`ing headache during my 2 dozen crashes while testing and trying to fix all the ******* bs fake crash errors: Why oh why does -force-d3d11-no-singlethreaded has such a great success for me with disabled crossfire profile for ksp? My only conclusion of it can be that under the 64 hood there is simply a giant problem, like we didn`t knew that... -force-d3d11-no-singlethreaded might just be telling this, crappy, unity build "idiot! multiple cards!" and forces it to behave as it should`ish behave wich in a crappy engine prevents some random crashes and as the game doesn`t do crossfire anyway and CCC tells it to bugger off aswell. I didn`t see any performance difference with or without crossfire enabled, but it did start crashing more and became a horrible debug nightmare after returning to my current settings. My conclusion in short: -force-d3d11-no-singlethreaded tells the engine to work as it should, wich it doesn`t, otherwise I have no clue unless some one is a unity programmer I did get quite some stuff done, less then I wanted but having figured out the god annoying richt click issue made it all worth it, 55 pictures ( https://imgur.com/a/2BRJH ) and having shot Das into space in my game
  5. Sent Das Valdez into space as he sent me in his KSA bootcamp session (: https://imgur.com/a/2BRJH
  6. Assists are also great to help fix your orbit inclination: Fixing a 78 degree inclination with a 367ton vessel over Kerbin would cost you nearly 2900dV and then you still need to add the dV for the geo burn and circularization. Wait till the Mun is in position and tinker the best node you can get out of it, you can save a couple thousand dV with heavy ships/asteroids and getting into the desired orbit is peanuts as you`re far out
  7. It can still fail very easilly Top node collapse: lost my bottom node and the top node decided to just slide off
  8. I always try to do an aerobreak on Kerbin, even just for fun I don`t go out that much yet, so much to screw around with on Mun and Minmus and base building
  9. Setup part 1 of my class C geo orbit RemoteTech/fuel depot. Asteroid is in polar orbit around Kerbin with no fuel, hence sending it to geo first and bring the roid there.
  10. This sounds promising and just intime as I`m about to setup for a permanent vessel on an asteroid as a base, now it doesn`t needs big fuel delivers and top off when small planes come Heck, this makes capturing E class abit easier aswell for my next project
  11. I have no idea to be honest on both questions You would think -force-d3d11-no-singlethreaded would be a stupid thing to do when disabling CF. The only thing that I can even remotely come up with is that something in the Unity code is going wonkey unless forced with that flag so it doesn`t gets confused. Wouldn`t have a clue if my game is running dx9 or 11 at the moment due to that flag, but for god knows what reason I can play for hours on end?
  12. Ah ok, I had an issue that the asteroids wouldn`t spawn because of the disabled rss in 64bit, using an older version with the far fix worked and they started spawning soon after a quick timewarp
  13. Do you have the image quality at full size in settings? Skyboxes are also affected by the quality settings, not only parts.
  14. Worst idea ever, use a craft with ion engines to push an asteroid It worked ok`ish, untill docked and trying to bring it home...
  15. Watching Das Valdez stream yesterday for a couple of hours, decided to skip a few steps in my plan and also go and grab me a roid Instead of sending a probe I`m sending a base core where stuff can be connected too. Using high isp engines was a good idea so I wouldn`t have to drag alot of fuel along, just using ion engines is a disaster when doing it with an asteroid :x It`s still burning for 1h:39m... 11/15/14: a ton of pics added, still going 11/16/14: added more pics and still going strong, with failures...
  16. Repost of my post in the 64 enabled bits It`s now been 4 stable days, 1 ksp craft exploding on the runway crash wich tends to happen in any version and 1 mono crash while I was messing around with mods.
  17. With able to add/edit nodes (get the cordinates) this might be an invaluable mod so that we can fix/improve ubiwelded parts Would finally be able to build a large framework for space stations to attaches all the parts to it without wobbling/lagging apart
  18. Something bugged me since last night, but wasn`t there still an issue when KSP was installed in the "Program Files" folder and had to be moved out of it or to another drive? Install all my games by default on D so never had to move stuff.
  19. Thanks The big project was to use EL to build a base and from there move on to populate the system slowly instead of spamming rockets from Kerbin all over the place. The idea of having to construct and move core modules from one planet/mun to the next for base building befor I could even continue looked like fun, and it was untill fixing my 64bit install and EL being disabled :/ While the mod list grew yesterday and having fun, 2 days ago I did get a new idea to replace EL while seeing a pretty picture 1 black hole later, and 2 more solar systems were born Exploring Kerbin`s system while trying to figure out how&where to build towards leaving the familiar place. Think I`ll add Interstellar now aswell
  20. Do me a favor and search if you have "RealSolarSystem.dll" in your GameData folder and how many bites it is (file properties) Did you install new/updated mods since it started?
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