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Brainlord Mesomorph

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Everything posted by Brainlord Mesomorph

  1. Actually I have decent results w/ 2 turbojets and 2 thuds.
  2. I thought it was a person in some kind of costume.
  3. you misunderstand,I want him to tell me what that avatar is!
  4. If you ask me, the current "Orion spacecraft" is Apollo redux.
  5. thank you btw, pls check in on my "What is your avatar?" thread.
  6. I think KAC should count as stock. I had hyperedit but never used it in my career game, and neither are in the reinstall (yet) Win 7media 64, quad i5 8GB, intel graphics nothing special EDIT: btw, pls check in on my "What is your avatar?" thread.
  7. I never said zero bugs. I (personally) have been very frustrated w/ 1.1 and 1.1.2 Over the holiday weekend I was keeping track, and KSP was booting me out about 3 times in every hour of gameplay, Add that to all the poodeling in the forums (and fact that Devs have already said 1.1.3 will be mainly bugfixes.) One can assume there were bugs to fix. (granted you and I do not KNOW that) I have been have a better experience since reinstalling (attn Devs: bulletproofing the installer??) But it has still kicked me out twice in the first 4 hours of gameplay. both times after minimizing to the task bar. And IMHO(!!) any computer program that (still) crashes every two hours should not have shipped, (can we just agree to disagree on this now?)
  8. You were another one I wanted to ask (and that didn't help)
  9. wow. (that was a rant) Do you not watch cable TV news? Pundits and other educated observers make assumptions and throw ideas around, that's all I was doing. Do I have to put IMHO in front of every sentence? No developer should ever release any buggy app. If its buggy software, it shouldn't have shipped. And I stand by that. That said, of course I don't have access to their books, I don't know if Squad needed to pay the rent, or meet a quarterly dividend, or (my educated guess) if the QC dept is basically non-existent because up till now, we've all been a free QC dept. And THAT said, I do appear to have had a worse experience than the rest of you since 1.1. (sorry if that made me disproportionately mad) EDIT: Wait, that sounds wrong: I AM actually sorry if I have been disproportionately mad.
  10. Crashing on changing scenes? Sounds like what I was having. How did you install 1.1.2? Steam? fresh install? upgrade? (I've been having a better experience after removing and reinstalling)
  11. I went to Duna and all I got was this lousy shirt. Patched Conics for fun and profit! I thought this patch from an old mission would make a good shirt:
  12. I've been wanting to ask certain users "What is that Avatar a picture of ?" But I though it would be funner to ask everyone: What is YOUR avatar? (Mine is obvious)
  13. Failure is always an option. "...to slip the surley bonds of Kerbin... and touch the face of Kod." My other shirt is an EVA suit.
  14. FYI in another thread we've been talking about solutions and its seems that TOTAL UNINSTALL and REINSTALL may be a thing.
  15. NRE? Neils Ready to Eat?? 2 hours after reinstall: so far not a crash. (could it be this simple?) I wish I could say "no problems" but I have had some issues in Map view. being unable to add a node, and not showing encounter points, but quitting to the KSC and reloading the ship seemed to fix it.
  16. I backed up(!) uninstalled, reinstalled, copied my settings.cfg file and my savegame folder to the new build. Now I won't have any news for several hours. (damn, now I have to play KSP for several hours )
  17. this isn't poodleing, this is constructive I'm trying to find reasons. perhaps grasping at straw, but I'm trying to find a reason some people are having trouble and others aren't. I was wondering if it might be because of all the different ways ppl play this game. Exactly the kind of thing I mean. I'm trying to think outside the box, literally, (not within the computer case) not RAM, OS, or video card, not mods, WHAT ELSE? BTW: if we call it poodleing enough, then doesn't that become as objectionable as the original word? (i'm poodleing about "poodleing" ) that's what I called the "Time-warp-through-one-mission-at-a-time" method. (and you say you are having very few crashes) IMHO to play that way, the game might as well be Kerbal Space Mission.(just not how I want to play )
  18. LOL you ARE joking right? we're discussing the the game (the computer program) crashing, producing error messages, suddenly quitting out to Windows etc. (not ships crashing).
  19. As often as I need to, I have orbital construction going on at Minmus and in LKO, and the deaprture window is coming up fast. Hmmm, really? Why isn't anyone talking about this?? I'll try it as soon as I get home
  20. I'm just grasping at straw trying to find a reason that some people have more crashing than others, beyond the usual suspects of RAM, OS and video card manufacturer.
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