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Everything posted by Alshain

  1. Would it be possible to make that density entry calculate from elevation? I don't know the density but I do know what elevation I hit at certain speeds. EDIT: Oh nevermind, after submitting I realized that would assume Kerbin, which may not be where you are.
  2. I too find many things seem "out of place" in the tech tree. Rover wheels are one of them. Real world had rovers in late Apollo missions and just assuming for a moment that Apollo equivalents are 1.25m parts, Rovers are way too far back there. There are other things as well. I'm thinking the tree will get refined by Squad over time. Eventually as early access approaches it's end they will likely add many many more parts and they will have to take a much closer look.
  3. Pick up the item, turn symmetry off. Re-place the item. Then mod+click (Alt+click for windows) to create a duplicate of that item. From there you just have to eyeball it and get it as close as possible without symmetry.
  4. Weight and atmosphere. Nuclear engine is more efficient in a vacuum it's terrible in the atmosphere due largely to how heavy it is. If you look at the wiki for the LV-909 and LV-N you will notice Fuel Consumtion has 2 entries (the larger the number the less efficient). In atmosphere it's ~3 vs ~5, but that gets reversed in a vacuum to ~2 vs ~1. EDIT: Read Mr. Shifty's comment, he's probably more correct than me.
  5. Yes it's intentional for the exact reason you said. I think it's distance based, not time based. You have to get a certain distance before the activation occurs.
  6. It's not just getting "up to speed" on the code either. 2 to 3 programmers can discuss things among themselves. When you start getting teams of programmers you have to start hiring managers to divide task load and handle the differences of opinion, so now you've added more overhead cost. Adding more developers could be good if the project is large enough but can actually add cost and delay releases on small projects. Plus, even if you got more coders and were churning out code faster, well now you need more testers. It's a balancing game of bottlenecks. Depending on the size of the project there is a point of diminishing returns and on one like KSP, they could probably add 1 maybe 2 more programmers if they needed to, but too many and it's more of a hindrance than a help. (I am a developer by trade, not for video games, but yeah I know what I'm talking about)
  7. Or just use Kethane and atmospheric crafts to set up a mining operation on Kerbin.
  8. We'll see. I'm going to try building one from an earlier career point for 0.42 practice using something other than the RAPIER. I may give pWing another second chance too.
  9. I didn't care for the procedural wings to be honest. But that's just preference I think. In any case my Kerbal Station Crew thanks you all. They can now eat... and you know, continue to breath. And I'm just going to leave this here too cause well I thought it was cool looking with the Mun and all.
  10. Ok, good info. I didn't know about the density thing. Without changes to the craft, it didn't help with Mach 2, but Mach 3 and 4 it goes green on Lb at 0.4 density leaving only Xw red. This is actually closer to my speed at the time of instability. But if that's the case I can't figure out why I can't control it. EDIT: Oh, look at that. I moved the canards forward a smidge and added the control surfaces to them (an earlier suggestion). That is definately capable of making it to my station. It wiggled a bit at the engine switch but stabilized rather quickly.
  11. @ferram4 Thanks I'll look forward to that. Specifically the ones I've got now are Zu (Mach 1), Xw, and something that looks like L-beta @ Mach 2+. I have seen others go red but this is as refined as I've been able to get them. I'm at my computer now so screenshots are coming... oh here they are I do use TAC Fuel Balancer already to prevent that issue. Here is the plane, DCoM is not an issue apparently, though that was completely by accident. I'm not certain about the ideal TWR on a plane so tips there would be help. EDIT: OK here they aren't. Give me a sec to figure out the spoiler tag. EDIT2: Well since that isn't working here is the album. Ok, I was wrong earlier recounting from memory. The instability comes AFTER the rapiers switch modes, I try to pitch up and it almost immediately starts going every which way.
  12. That would work. There is more than one solution for sure. Just that in order for it to work there has to be a solution.
  13. Ok, well I've been doing that backward. I was following the wiki that said to get it stable between 0.2-0.8 first.
  14. Ok, so that's starting to make some sense. Your saying to sacrifice the subsonic because the sonic is more important (it's needed to break out of the atmosphere). But doesn't it have to land at subsonic? I appreciate you trying to help, I really do. But I don't see how that relates to my control issues. I'm not having problems with wings ripping off until I lose control. I'm not making sharp turns... on purpose anyway. My goal is to go straight on 90deg without turning. I did turn the yaw off on the elevators and the pitch off of the tail. Is that right? I think I got that from one of the videos on the front page.
  15. I was looking at the FusTek station parts and it said this was required. Can anyone tell me what this does?
  16. Lol, You just made my point. It's a game, not a career. I was just saying I want something semi realistic but not so realistic that I have to spend years of training to do it. I don't plan of going to flight school to learn KSP, and I don't think many people that play the game would. But, more than anything, I'd just like someone to explain why the numbers are green and red.
  17. Ok, when I get home (couple of hours) I will get screenies. But I did try moving them closer together and then I just lost control much lower and slower. That the way it always seems to go, one extreme to the other. As mentioned earlier, I don't think it's fuel as the tanks are mostly full at that point, remember I haven't even switched off of air breathing yet. I can't imagine the CoM changing significantly. This one had absolutely no issues landing, I got it on the runway and everything.
  18. No, sorry I should have mentioned that. The problem on this one is it tends to lose control. I have fight it back and forth to keep it from flat spinning (I think or maybe just pitching out of control, not clear on that) just after leveling off. The fact this one finally made it means I was able to keep it from spinning long enough to build speed. Once I get that speed and the rapiers switch, the rest of the ascent is pretty easy but it because I'm fighting it the nose is not generally where I want it and burn too much fuel getting it into orbit. If I recall I was actually pointed almost north by the time I regained control (90 deg ascent), I was kind of surprised I saved it. I'll try winglets instead. I feel like I did that once but I've done so many things I can't remember. It's just kind of randomly saying "I wonder if this will work" at this point. I wish I knew how to take video.
  19. Ok, guys. Believe me I have done all this. I'm not coming here after my first attempt. I'm coming here after almost a month of trying to get a flyable plane with FAR and only one that just barely got lucky. If it's going to take a month to build one plane that barely works then it's not a game. I really all I wanted was an explanation of the stability derivatives.
  20. Really? I had no idea that astronauts and cosmonauts had to ability to leave their bodies and go into a birds eye view of the solar system and draw lines on it to tell them where their burns were going to take them. Imagine that. Who developed that technology? I'd like to invest in their next project.
  21. Not looking to do barrel rolls here. I'm looking to pull up so I can get into space. I'm not sure what larger control surfaces I could use, but even if I did, then how would I get it off the ground without crashing. It seems to be one or the other but not both. CoM and CoL are fine, and at the time were talking, it's not even close to empty of fuel so I'm certain DCoM is probably not an issue. In the one case I succeeded it actually stabled out once I got nose up. There's just the middle window where it's incredibly touchy. You try to pull up even a little and your turning 180 all of a sudden. I've not been able to reproduce that one success, even with the same plane. I do have some screenshots of the one success, but I don't know that you will be able to see much (after stranding it in orbit I sent a refueling rocket so, yes it is on Minmus, but hardly single stage). This flight did have similar troubles but I was lucky enough to fight it into orbit. I'd just like to not have to fight it, which is why I was looking at stability derivatives, and that brings us back to the original problem of meaningless numbers.
  22. That's because KSP doesn't implement "real" spaceflight. It's only semi-realistic, but made simpler so people can actually play it as a game. That's what I meant by my desire for a "gamers" aerodynamic package. Well first off, I'm not talking about planes that don't fly (I mentioned that earlier). I'm talking about planes that don't fly well. I don't have any issues with the wings ripping off, I just get up to altitude and need to level off and increase speed before losing intake air and during that process I lose control. I have been able to get into orbit, but just barely and with so much fuel, there isn't enough left to de-orbit. In that case I didn't lose control, I just couldn't pull up quickly enough to take advantage of the speed I built. But that was just one case, most of the time the thing wobbles out of control and won't fly straight or I can't pull up at all beyond a certain elevation. At the very least I have to get to 150km and have enough fuel to rendezvous.
  23. I don't believe Squad will make it that difficult. If they plan on having you recover parts like that then they will find a way to get them onto the ground without flip-flopping between craft and stages, or they just won't do it at all. I'm not saying it's impossible to do, just that I don't think they will force that kind of mechanic. It's more likely they will just implement a version of NeverUnload in stock.
  24. Only if the fix the problem of despawning parts as they go low. You can't recover stages that aren't there. Well it's going to be a case by case basis. If your launching 5 tonnes in the air, you have to decide... SSTO or Rocket, which is more cost effective. I see that as part of the game, there will not be a 1 size fits all. I think that's going to add much more to the game for modders. It gives you 2 things: 1. A reason to mine resources such as Kethane ON Kerbin. 2. A reason to have atmospheric vehicles (Firespitter, et al.).
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