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Everything posted by Alshain

  1. I'm having an issue with the docking ring storage container. The issue is in combination with Docking Port Alignment Indicator so I'm not sure which is at fault here, but the other add-on works fine with other docking ports so I'm starting here. The problem is that when targeting one of these docking ports, the Alignment Indicator seems to think the port's rotation is wrong. In this image you can see the indicator shows the port is vertical from all 3 of the docking ports, this is indicated by the orange circle which SHOULD appear centered if the controlled docking port is aiming in the appropriate direction. It however is centered when it clearly isn't (note: I'm controlling the tug from the standard port on the bottom, not the jr on the top) Similarly, the Docking Port in Spaceplane Plus does the exact same thing, but only if I'm targeting it. It works fine if I'm controlling from it. Any ideas?
  2. Well, I was building a station and I had planned to send it up with a drone and send crew up after I got the life support systems in place... but you know how the Kerbals are, they jump in the cockpit when your not looking, so I sent the Sparrow to keep them alive.
  3. Google search of KAX found this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76668-0-23-5-Kerbal-Aircraft-Expansion-%28KAX%29-v2-2-1-Now-With-100-More-Helicopters I assume that's what he meant.
  4. Realistically, there is no reason to fill up any of the science experiments. The rate of diminishing returns is so high, the first one is all you need (for recovery anyway). I've found attempting to be a "completionist" ends up being very frustrating and there is well more than enough science in the system to exhaust the tech tree 3 times over with just stock parts. Instead of repeating the same mission over and over again, try something new!
  5. There can never be a free play week on steam because unlike other games, this game does not use Steam's DRM. Once purchased you can copy the game and Steam doesn't even have to be running. So, if you were to offer a Free Play Weekend like other steam games do, you would actually be giving it away for free permanently. EDIT: Beat me to it In it's current unfinished form it's worth 4 times that.
  6. Lol, I know you said "Almost" but after reading this for some reason I immediately started to wonder how much fuel a 2HOT Thermometer could hold.
  7. Been using the Ferram Aerospace Mod for just a little bit recently. I have successfully put planes into orbit and landed them on the runway using FAR. Despite this I feel it should never ever become stock. The truth is, it just adds tedium to the process that is going to anger a lot of people. I enjoy building the planes, but trying to make sure the wings are withing a millimeter of the perfect to get some obscure derivatives of which I don't understand because I'm not really an aeronautics engineer to turn green is just annoyingly frustrating. It can't possibly be that difficult and still be called a "game". I'm sure some people can figure it out, but I want to launch space crafts, not spend all my limited playing time in the SPH. So in short, FAR is good for some people but if Squad were to require it, KSP would be destroyed. I'm not saying the stock model can't be improved, but it can't be FAR either.
  8. Ah, well that makes sense but in that case I would suggest to Squad a modification of the tweakables to have a max combined resources providing the same effect. So if you take all the oxidizer out it would increase the amount of Fuel you could put in it. But I do understand what your saying.
  9. It was a work in progress, but I will look at KAX I was wanting some more gear options anyway. The main issue was the tail falling, I would have resolved the other issues over time. As for building everything onto the fuselage, the problem that occurs with that (on any system, including B9) is that with FAR you frequently need to tweak wing position to get it just right. This would be more than just annoying if you have move every section of a large wing. If it came to that, I'd delete this (or at least the wings, I like the fuselage a lot) and use procedural wings, despite that I prefer the modular, because I don't think I can handle that kind of headache. I don't think I was closed to criticism by any means but the immediate response to my concern/bug report was "well everybody else can do it so it's your problem", which is not criticism, its completely unhelpful. For now I'm just going to keep using the B9 wings, but I see a lot of potential in this one so I'm hoping for improvements.
  10. Kerbal Alarm Clock Kerbal Engineer (with all command pods tweak) Docking Alignment Indicator Hands down, no difficulties, these are the most useful mods for this game IMO.
  11. Look I'm just reporting what I believe to be a bug or problem. Take it or leave it, I was trying to help the author... which I note that none of you are.
  12. Umm, no. I don't have to strut B9 wings together, that looks terrible and probably screws up the aerodynamics.
  13. Well, I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. The wings will not attach to the fuselage except by one pivot point, which makes them very unstable because the tail end fall into the ground and the plane breaks apart at the slightest increase in pitch. B9 definitely doesn't have this issue so there has to be something wrong with this packages config.
  14. They should go ahead and add oxidizer to all fuel parts or remove redundant ones as well. With tweakables you can get rid of the oxidizer in a tank so having parts for both purposes is clutter.
  15. I was playing with this addon last night and I have to say the parts are absolutely beautiful. The only problem I had was the modular wings seem really flimsy and hard to attach to one another when compared to another system like the B9 pack. May have been just something I was doing wrong, but I built a really nice craft using the B9 wings with this fuselage system. EDIT: P.S. I especially like the inline docking port.
  16. Ok, I owe you guys an apology. I decided to restore it and give it one more go... the wheels weren't straight. I moved them just a slight tiny little bit and managed to get it up and away. But it is weird that the same plane worked fine in the stock aero package. I wouldn't think wheels on the ground would change with FAR.
  17. Except recovery of a vessel that landed on the moon is worth science!
  18. Use the claw to grab it and drag it back home. It works on more than just asteroids. BTW those fuel tanks should have gotten you back from the Mun. Tips for that include : 1. Don't over thrust. It doesn't take much to get from the surface to orbit, you only need ~8km to be safe. I think the max elevation is 7200 something. 2. If your orbiting the Mun equatorial in the same direction the Mun orbits Kerbin (i.e. you took off at a 90 degree incline from pretty much anywhere but the polar regions), wait till your craft is directly between the Mun and kerbin and burn prograde, this will take your perigee perfectly into Kerbin's atmosphere with a very short burn. If your orbiting the opposite direction, start with your craft on the far side and it will do the same.
  19. Nope. I thought that's what he was doing at first.
  20. I think it could be scaleable. There was a discussion of difficulty levels in another thread, it would be simple to think of Easy = What we have no, no costs, science only. Normal = Science and Cost to research. Hard = every ship costs money, recovery nets money.
  21. From what I've seen the developers of this game don't share upcoming information quite as much as some other indie games. They do mention some of the upcoming features on the Devnotes threads but they leave the details for you to be surprised. That's not necessarily a bad thing. However, there is a screenshot of the new building and Space Center scene UI here. (technically not a new building, just it will be usable)
  22. Either that or Michael Landon, who flew on 4 different STS missions. But it's spelled with an "O"
  23. They are straight as I can get them. I have done the B9 patches. I even tried replicating and couldn't get it off the ground. Sorry, I wanted a challenge, not to beat my head against a brick wall. I deleted it.
  24. Well, I'm still having issue with getting my planes to go down the runway straight. I don't understand it really. Is there anything I can change that will keep it from pulling to one side? In the rare case I manage keep it from crashing in the grass long enough to get in the air, it works fine... taking off from the grass. But since the stupid runway is on a hill that rarely occurs. Right now I do have 1 solution, delete this mod.
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