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Everything posted by Alshain

  1. Depends on what you are doing. Popup dialog isn't all powerful. As I understand it, there are things you can't do. Ideally in that case I think you would go with AssetBundle but that's another animal entirely.
  2. Is this the Popup Dialog or the GUILayout? So there are two possibilities here. If you just have two items you w If I understand you right, you need both horizontal and vertical. Your overall form is Horizontal (i,e, the two vertical frames are actually horizontal to each other), but each list of stuff is vertical. So if this is GUILayout you would have: GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); //Stuff Goes Here GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); //Stuff goes here too GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); Now I *think* the default nature of a window is vertical. So if you don't specify your initial horizontal, it will make the whole thing vertical. So you have two vertical frames and those two frames are stacked vertically on one another, that is what you are seeing. It's basically this: GUILayout.BeginVertical(); // This is implied and not necessary GUILayout.BeginVertical(); //Stuff Goes Here GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); //Stuff goes here too GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); // This is implied and not necessary Just don't forget that your inner GUILayout must obey the orientation of the higher GUILayout, and if there isn't a higher, it's assumed to be vertical. Now If I didn't understand your image correctly (which I think is supposed to be two lists of things side by side?), then you may just be asking about putting two objects side by side. In that case, you don't need the verticals at all: GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); //Stuff Goes Here //Stuff goes here too GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
  3. Spacedock sometimes has periods of high traffic it can't handle. It usually clears up quickly.
  4. Nope. I'm thinking of the KE-WAITNONOSTOP-01 Kerbal Unreconstitutionator part from Kethane. (I think I said Kethane in my post) https://github.com/Majiir/Kethane/blob/master/Parts/kethane_kerbalBlender/part.cfg
  5. Be careful doing this. Just because the source is available does not mean it is open licensed. A mod that is All Rights Reserved is still protected even if the code is visible. While looking at the code is not necessarily wrong, the act of looking at it often influences your code and if you take pieces from it that can start to be recognized it can get you into a world of trouble. Make sure if you copy code, it has an open license (such as MIT or GPL*), and in fact it might be best just to not even look at code from restrictive licenses. If the source is on GitHub and GitHub has detected a license file, it provides a nice little info box explaining the restrictions at the top in plain english. You can hover over each bullet point for further explanation. https://github.com/Alshain01/KSP-AdvancedTweakablesButton/blob/master/License.txt *GPL has same license restrictions so if you use code from GPL projects, your project must be GPL. Of course this limits how others can use your code too.
  6. It's inconsistent. It jumps all over the place before I can even read it. It also doesn't help me prior to deploying my drill. You don't see it till it's too late.
  7. But, that's why I was asking for the formula... I have a TI-83 sitting right next to me.
  8. Lol, frankly I don't think it should be necessary to have a mod to explain your mod to you.
  9. I don't think that is right. There are a lot more variables than that. They were just talking about [Workshops] making things more efficient. For drills, the percentage resource in the area has to be there somewhere.
  10. Oh! Ok, now that makes sense. I didn't realize machinery couldn't use LL. When you say "Workshop", are you talking about the "[Workshop]" configuration or just the modules? I was wondering what that mode did, as well as some of the other bracketed functions ([Smelter], [Crusher] for example.)
  11. Oh, so it's just a faster way of transfer then? Basically the same as alt-right click? What is the formula for calculating that? I have no idea what 12h of storage is.
  12. I see, well it turns out I forgot cooling for that thing anyway, so I have to send up a supply crate. I'll just pack an extra storage module.
  13. Thanks, I got it running now. I forgot I had not attached the new storage. But regarding LFO, I have plenty of storage for that around within 150m. Shouldn't it be able to use that? For Ore, I have a Karibou with an Ore tank sitting nearby (with a pilot) and the ore drill is 1.7km away.
  14. I've also run into another problem. I built some fertilizer and LFO manufacturing, but Planetary Logistics doesn't seem to be working for me. I've done everything I thought I was supposed to but the refinery say's I'm missing Ore and Gypsum.
  15. I'm seeing a few tweakable options I don't know what they do. One is "Perform Maintenance", which simply throws a message up saying you performed maintenance. The other is "Enable Weight Transfer". I think these are from MKS but I do have a lot of mods. Can anyone elaborate on these?
  16. No I didn't know that, I just cheated it to completion because I did what it asked and should have gotten it.
  17. If you don't need a string replacement you can also use Localizer.GetStringByTag()
  18. For what it's worth. The crane is really awesome (though a bit temperamental)
  19. That's going to be for all mods btw. Sometimes you have the GameData folder, sometimes you don't. It depends on the modder (for example, mine don't). In either case, put the contents of GameData in GameData or the contents of the zip in GameData which ever happens to be there.
  20. That was an example. Take ALL of them out and put them in GameData
  21. Ok, drag GameData from the zip file directly into the KerbalSpaceProgram folder and say yes to any questions of merging or overwriting.
  22. You said you put GameData in the GameData folder so you have KerbalSpaceProgram/GameData/GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries That isn't right, it should be KerbalSpaceProgram/GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries
  23. Put the gamedata folder into your Kerbal Space Program folder (or the contents of Gamedata into your gamedata folder)
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