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Everything posted by Alshain

  1. No, it's purely a matter of code behavior in AGM. I just need to know to track it down. If it's the root part, AGM executes a different code path than if it isn't because the root part has the enable button.
  2. @Rodger I think this one should be harmless but I can't seem to reproduce it. If you can provide some additional information I might be able to track it down. Is the command pod the root part of the vessel? Does this NRE occur when clicking other parts with actions? Did you enable the tweakable UI (through the AGM : Enable button on the root part) or was it disabled at the time? At the time the error occurred had you done any other event triggering actions recently since the last visit to the space center? This is such as docking, undocking, or otherwise modifying the vessel (including damage from collisions). I do see you are getting a lot of my debug logs. That's not good, that means I forgot to disable the debug flag before releasing. It's harmless to you, but that may have broken localization.
  3. Sorry I didn't get back to you. Those are from the B9 pack (that's a really old plane built for KSP 0.25, it wouldn't fly in KSP today) and the outer tubes are fuel tanks, they piece together along the hull (also from B9).
  4. I liked what I read about the manufacturing process in MKS. EPL is much more simplistic on it's own. I don't care so much if it's EPL or GC, I've never used GC though and I don't see anything about orbit construction in it's thread.
  5. But no more construction at space stations? That was the main reason I wanted to learn this mod in the first place. If that's gone, then I'm done here.
  6. If anyone is interested. First phase complete! Fully assembled insitu (the docking port was scavenged just to complete a contract). Thanks again to everyone for your help.
  7. Ok, so I just gave this a try and they are the same cost regardless of profession.
  8. I see, well in that case I'll probably grab at least a Farmer then since Bill is the only Scientist I have at the moment.
  9. Well, my base has arrive. Now I just need to get some Kerbals up there and start building it. So regarding that, is there any advantage to the "new" classes over the old. I noticed in the table on the Wiki but is there a reason to use a Farmer instead of a Scientist?
  10. So I did a little test run on the runway, @RoverDude I noticed that the ground tether function releases whenever KIS adds something to the base. I don't know if that can be fixed or not, but it would be nice. In the meantime, I was able to stabilize it by attaching a minitruss to prop it up and keep it from rolling all the way over when I attached the habitats, so it's not the end of the world. EDIT: nevermind, found your github page and added it as an issue there.
  11. @DStaal FYI, it was pretty much exactly what I thought it would be. I don't think ScanSat does the ridiculous "it might be there but it might not be" stuff that the stock system does. Fine by me, I always though that was dumb. (don't ask why there is an atmospheric sensor on this rover, I honestly don't know why) So, the next thing I probably need is water if I want to turn that substrate and Gypsum into LS, correct? I'm going to have to get that elsewhere.
  12. I can do that. Updated the original post with a new download. Nope, you don't need AGM. Just copy the contents of the zip anywhere in your gamedata folder (it's not specific) and install Module Manager if you don't already have it. However, without AGM you won't be able to add this to existing drills, only new ones.
  13. Why does this rover not want to go south? It does just fine in any direction, but south. Is this the same reason the stock landing gear haven't worked right since 1.0? Even the rovers won't stay straight.
  14. @siimav Yeah, that's what DStaal said a few posts back, but that file is going to be useful. Thanks!
  15. Oh, I found it. That is neat. Of course it probably wouldn't be that bad lifting it the real way with the forklift rover and only using KIS to attach it once you get close.
  16. That's a really good idea. I'm not sure that it does that right now, but might be something to suggest on their thread. Lifting on Minmus should be a lot easier than lifting on Kerbin. I wasn't trying to say you didn't know what you were talking about. I hope you didn't read that in that way. Landing on Minmus is easier, you are right there. I'm just skilled enough to do it on the Mun and that's where I want to build. I don't need to worry about that sort of thing myself. For a real beginner, Minmus would be a better location for all the reasons you mentioned.
  17. Yeah, but building with KIS is fun! I was aware of the logistics function, but not the DIY thing. I'll look at it, but I like KIS a lot (if I haven't made that obviously apparent already lol)
  18. I haven't tried Tundra yet, but KIS has a "team lift" function. The more Kerbals you have in close proximity, the more tonnage you can lift (1 ton per Kerbal specifically). So it's really just the same as building small stuff, only with more Kerbals. The Tundra 2.5m colonization module is 4tons, so 4 Kerbals can lift it into place and bolt it on with an engineer. The only difference is a Tundra would have to be shipped on it's own, where as most of the Ranger parts fit in a KIS container (because they are inflatable). In the end it simply makes surface construction tolerable. As to the landing, that isn't a concern for me, I've been playing this game a very long time now.
  19. @voicey99 It's not my first base, it's my first MKS base. I'm building with KIS, so gravity is only a factor in landing really. (If it weren't for KIS/KAS, I would never build surface bases, not ever. I don't enjoy fighting with docking ports on the surface)
  20. That's my next step. I'm building a rover with a scanner to send up there.
  21. What do you mean "checked the whole planet". I have it scanned (most of it anyway), I'm just browsing over the Scansat maps. I haven't been everywhere on the planet. I do have relays already in place (using RT) so that really isn't a huge concern, but a nice view is always... nice. Yes, I'm realizing it is incredibly complex, but I am determined to figure it out. Mistakes will be made. For right now I think I have a spot that is nice and flat (with a slight slope), has a view of Kerbin, and likely has some resources, though I need to send a surface scanner. Only downside is that it is a bit off the equator, not a terrible situation, but does add a little more effort. My initial "method of attack" for this is full KIS construction with ranger parts. Just a basic LS setup. Everything except the mini truss will be delivered in a KIS ILC-18k.
  22. Well, I think I just found a really good midlands spot west of the Northwest crater. It has all of the above except Minerals and only small concentrations of Metallic Ore, which are nearby. I'm going to send a probe there to check it out. Should also have a nice view of Kerbin, which never hurts. @notthebobo I probably will eventually but this is my first surface base, I'm just looking for a good place to start to get an understanding of how it all works.
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