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Everything posted by Alshain

  1. @voicey99 Offsite construction is a far off goal, once I have learned how MKS works. Right now, I am using LS (I'm not a fan of LS, but for now I am using it) so I need to maintain that. It does have dirt everywhere, just in enormous concentration in the crater (32% vs 17% outside the crater) @DStaal There is water outside the crater but not in the same place as the Ore/Substrate area. I am planning on sending a probe up to 'scout' for suitable building locations (I actually already have 3 from Strategia quests sitting up there will at least half their fuel left, so I'll probably repurpose them). Right now I'm just trying to get an idea of where to look
  2. I'm trying to learn MKS mostly for off-world construction, and for the time being using USI-LS (because all the beginner guides center around life support). My question is what resource should I be concentrating on when choosing a site? I saw a listing of items on the Wiki (which I have now lost completely). The site I am looking at is in the East Crater just south of the arch. It appears to have a concentration Gypsum, Minerals, and Dirt. It's lacking Ore, though there are areas surrounding it outside the crater. Metallic Ore is a bit further for good concentrations, though there is a lower amount nearby. There is no substrate, again there is a good concentration just outside the crater. Which of these is likely to be most desirable right under the base? Would I be better choosing the location inside the crater (Gypsum, Minerals, Dirt) or outside the crater (Substrate, Ore, lower ammounts of Metallic Ore and Gypsum). Also, is there anything else I need to look for? If it helps I can provide Scansat screenshots of the area.
  3. @canisin I think ModuleJettison is for removing resources from containers, such as Fuel or Ore. I'm not sure why it would be on a heat shield, I don't think you can jettison ablator. EDIT: Nope, that's ModuleFuelJettison. I'm not really sure what ModuleJettison does. Also, database is updated to this point.
  4. Ok, so I could not fix the existing action. But I was able to make a dirty little patch to replicate it. It's a temporary workaround until Squad can fix it. As per forum rules. License is MIT, no external dependencies were used internally but it does require Module Manager, and here is the source code: namespace ToggleDrill { class ModuleActionableAnimationGroup : ModuleAnimationGroup { [KSPAction("Toggle Drill (Modded)")] public void toggle(KSPActionParam param) { if (isDeployed) RetractModule(); else DeployModule(); } [KSPAction("Retract Drill (Modded)")] public void retract(KSPActionParam param) { if (isDeployed) RetractModule(); } [KSPAction("Deploy Drill (Modded)")] public void deploy(KSPActionParam param) { if (!isDeployed) DeployModule(); } } } I gave it a unique action name so you could distinguish it in AGM, as I said it's a dirty little workaround. Download
  5. Yep, it also happens a lot when things are not well protected. Method A is using Variable B to do something, Method C comes along an changes Variable B which breaks Method A. It's why object oriented programming is so popular. It gives you the power to isolate things your class depends on and prevent them from being tampered with. I'm not saying that is what happened here, I can't see KSP's code any more than anyone else, but it can be a common problem. I'm looking to see if I can fix it with a modded patch or not.
  6. Ok, I see. That is odd though, it must still exist in the game for AGM to see it. That almost makes me wonder if they disabled it intentionally because they knew it was broken.
  7. Ok, so my flub asside, @duchenpaul I'm looking at your first issue and I do see the option to start, stop, and toggle on both drill in stock KSP. Can you clarify what you are looking for there?
  8. Unfortunately this is a different issue. AGM (and as far as I know, AGX) merely enable you to move existing actions in the action groups. I think he is saying the actions aren't there anymore. If that is the case, it would be a stock bug. A lot of parts need actions added to various functions (Squad really needs to show that some love) but to have an existing one suddenly gone, that's gotta be a bug. (I am unsure if this is true, I haven't spent a lot of time playing with them) That said, a mod could re-add it back. I had a mod add a toggle to the Fuel Cells once, but the function was made stock so I abandoned it. EDIT: Oops, I didn't see the whole post. There were two requests there. Nevermind me you are right.
  9. That was not true in the case of the STS. It's unique design allowed it to create a hole in the ionized gas. The antennas were placed in various location on the top of the orbiter, away from the ionization, and then the signal was sent up to a satellite and back down to mission control.
  10. Gotcha, thanks for the help to both of you.
  11. No, I didn't know it needed to be. What is the purpose of that? Why would you ever want it off?
  12. Can someone please explain why 230 = 20? I'm not understanding this mod at all, I thought I understood it but then this.
  13. I did that already, but I was hoping something more fully developed to that end was out there.
  14. I don't know what you mean by that reference. Basically I'm looking for alternatives to the Mk1 Crew Cabin that fit better as station parts (in appearance).
  15. Which is what I'm looking for. 1.25m station parts.
  16. Stock habitation. It must hold crew.
  17. If you are depending on something to be installed (like another mod) which created the value, then @ might be beneficial.
  18. @ replaces the value, but will error out if it does not exists. % creates or replaces the value.
  19. Ok, so the Stockalike Station Parts were not what I expected. They are beautiful, but just decorative and I need habitation parts. I'm still looking for a mod that adds good alternatives to habitation. They have to have crew capacity. I'd like to build smaller 1.25m stations as well so preferably would have that as an option.
  20. That's unfortunate. I'm still looking for 1.25m station parts then.
  21. The 1.25m parts. I thought this added parts for building smaller stations as well as bigger ones. The part names call them "crew tubes", obviously they don't support crew.
  22. I'm finding myself a bit confused by these parts. I thought they were alternatives to the Hitchhiker, but they don't have any crew capacity. Are they just supposed to be decorative like the structural fuselage?
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