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Everything posted by lo-fi

  1. Ahh, drag cubes. I haven't found the will to fight with those yet. Don't think the retract state would make any difference, but if I can define custom drag cubes it'll probably help. Still doesn't stop KSP thinking the parts are bigger than they really are for assembly building sizing. Nope, actually didn't get the reference?? I just thought it was hilarious. And if you google it now, it comes up with all my posts in this forum! Which is kinda cool, and very handy..
  2. Notice the PART { //name, etc } This is important, as it tells KSP that's what in this configuration file is information for a part, rather than an internalspace or prop. This was previously done by having them in those directories respectively. Wrap that around the stuff (remember to use curly brackets) in your config, move it to a folder in GameData and rejoice. EDIT: Ninja'd
  3. Ah, I did wonder why it stopped working. Guess my TS is out of date..
  4. That means maintaining it - which I'll never remember to do. I even forgot to increment the version number from 1.7 in assemblyinfo to 1.8 when I released it.
  5. Not at all, go for it damerell. The version will show in the debug menu, under database > assemblies, 0kev
  6. Yeah, quite a lot of thread to go through - thanks for trying! No impact damage or overspeed implemented yet. As they're not driven with the stock modules, it's not something they automatically inherit, unlike many other mod wheels. I think if I do, it'll be something like increasing the rolling resistance the more damage they take, rather than flat out breaking, sticking in the floor and flipping the whole rover over at the slightest hint of a bump. Or something like that anyway. Landing gear tracks are going to be awesome, electronicfox! I'm thinking about writing a plugin module to allow changing the angle they sit at, a little like Bahamuto's. The rest is all there ready to rock.
  7. Don't worry, Gaalidas, I'll be gentle. Funny you should say that, Tyren...
  8. 1) the local pivot of the named GO it's applied to 2) Z+ 3) it will rotate around the X axis. Put them facing each other, correctly aligned to start with. I've seen people align them to world Z, or something equally bizarre.. youtube runs through it toward the end if you need any further guidance.
  9. You guys crack me up. You're always welcome to plug your work, electronicfox Gaalidas, I'm going to rip the DustFX module apart and rebuild it. We can do even better. I'm going to make it superfabulous (man, that sounds really camp). Anyway, I've separated the plugin into its own GitHub repo - it will make things much easier going forwards. From now on, this is how I will distribute source, so no more SRC folder in the download.
  10. Haha! Oh dear... We've been talking about the little roll cage I posted a screencap of in post 2785, and the dust emission based on CollisionFX by pizzaoverlord, though I don't have a screen grab handy of that I'm afraid
  11. I guess you probably want a different type of rollcage for what you want to do, Madrias? Something that stacks would fit well with the stuff Electronicfox is about to release. That's a pain, Gaalidas. TS has been working fine for me, but I haven't updated in ages.. Best to consider the ERS wheel experimental at best. I'll have a look, and will fix the tread, but it's been behaving in my limited testing after fixing the plugin.
  12. Was actually referring to Tyren sounding like Gaalidas, but you ninja'd that post in ahead of mine Thanks, I'll stick some props in and see how it comes out. Will see what I can do about other parts to attach to it and making some sensible attachment points. Sounds like a lot of work configuring the MFD's, so I'll probably grab some default ones from something else. If I even use them. Maybe it might be better to keep this simple.. I have no idea either, but an educated guess and knowing what mathf.clamp() does, tells me that the code is telling that instance of the emitter to emit a certain amount of particles within limits. Always refer to the Unity docs, they're really good. That's pretty much how I've figured out how to do all the stuff I've coded. Don't worry about the test module! I never do. Just break stuff, and don't commit it if it's really broken. You've always got the last commit to fall back on if you get totally lost. Adding a slider is easy, just copy one the the fields from KFModuleWheel or something. That's what I did from the critter crawler when I was starting out - it's pretty self explanatory how it all works, and all it does is modify a value.
  13. Deformable tyres would be really sweet, but also quite hard to do. Indeed, the mecanum wheels are looking really good!
  14. Yeah, that makes sense. Hadn't even thought about the logo! Woah. I just looked into setting up RPM MFD's. Scary, scary stuff.
  15. You sound frighteningly like Gaalidas. This worries me... - - - Updated - - - Yes, that occurred to me too about the front panel. Didn't see it until I drove IVA. Any hints on props? I guess I should RPM, as I'm using JSI transparent? Nli2work's video tutorials are awesome if it's something you feel like having a bash at? Lights. Yeah, that'd be cool! Good to hear from you, by the way!
  16. Yeah, it ought to be. Nice idea This is all new to us, so a bit of a learning curve. I love the effect, though. Surely this is where you want to be messing about for emission density? kfdustFx.particleEmitter.maxEnergy = speed / (maxDustEnergyDiv * correctionvalue); kfdustFx.particleEmitter.maxEmission = Mathf.Clamp((speed * (maxDustEmissionMult * correctionvalue)), minDustEmission, (maxDustEmission * correctionvalue)); kfdustFx.particleEmitter.Emit();
  17. The particles start off none too dense at low speed, so there ought to be a way to tap into that. I'll have a look in a moment..
  18. I'll double check, but I think we're cool licensing. Once I'd worked out what was going on, I spotted what I could tweak. It wasn't a lot of work. The collision info has a list or array of hits, and Pizza was only using the first entry. We can still streamline it a lot, I think, but it works well in-game as it is. I was thinking, maybe there's a way to sample the colour of what the parts are colliding with by using a camera. That way you could ditch the biome stuff and have it all calculated realtime. Would be very cool, and we can crib some stuff from the reflective windows plugin for clues how to do it. I'm now quite happy with the LookAt, and I've improved the mirror code, so we're good to go with things like the BV and TT (Thunder Tank) tracks. I've decided on a consistent style I want to go with, so I'll complete those models as such. I'll also continue setting up the parts in on folder for texture sharing. It makes a lot of sense doing it that way. Any suggestions for what the collcage needs to complete it?
  19. FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.mainBody.transform.position will give you the centre of the current celestial body. FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.mainBody.transform.position - this.vessel.transform.position; ought to give you a vector pointing straight down. I think. Could be the other way around. Or you could do SomeTransformInYouPart.transform.LookAt(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.mainBody.transform.position); to make an object point down. And by down, I mean the centre of gravity in the current SOI HTH?
  20. I may have left the config option in by mistake... From memory, what it does is find the closest collision on a given part and emit from there. It doesn't actually do anything wheel collider specific, they just count as collisions. What I propose, is to use the list of wheel colliders exposed in KFModuleWheel - or generate another one - and use their groundhit info (as well as slip, speed, ground force etc.) to aggregate an average ground contact point from which to emit the effect. In other words, use wheel collider specific data - not as hard as it sounds. Going to be very cool. I'd *love* a way to make tyre/tread tracks get left on the ground too. EDIT: Crikey, this stuff is interesting. Needs a major overhaul for what I had in mind... EDIT2: Updated to produce the effect from an average position of the contact points. This pleases me. Also, do we have permission from PizzaOverlord to use/bastardise his code like this, and what license was it?
  21. Cheers dude. Had to stop/start the stream to down the quality a little, which is why there are two
  22. OK, no idea how many people were watching, but hope that was interesting/useful! Any questions, please feel free.
  23. Excellent, be great to have you along. I think the oval track I just modified the config for, so yup, it's the same!
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