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Everything posted by lo-fi

  1. That'll be a bug with the retract / deploy. Will be fixed in the upcoming update.
  2. Ah, OK. That does sound like a bug.. So do you mean you've started with the retracted, and they won't deploy? In which case, do they work OK if you launch with them deployed?
  3. Haha! Thanks, I'd overlooked that Yep, I'll go through that. Its very easy - or at least it is in 3d studio. I'd hope there are similar tools in Blender, but it wouldn't be the end of the world if not.
  4. Yeah, though I was using the Unity LookAt method, which gives wonky results in our application working in local space rather than local space. Check out the diffs on KFLookAt, you'll see what I mean. It used to flip stuff over beyond certain rotations. Not any more! KFModuleWheel always keeps a list of colliders. If wheelList isn't declared public, there's no problem doing so. I can show you how to read the hit info - you'll no doubt go nuts with all the slip and force info available No scaling needed - it just works. I'll continue when I get time, but it's not difficult. BV is a reference to the Bofors BV202, on which the tracks are modelled
  5. Ummm. Because CBA Same with CKAN. Seriously, its more stuff for me to mess about with, so it doesn't happen. End of. Might be a no brainer for people who can't be bothered to check for an update once in a while or read an OP, but look at it from the other side. I won't comment on it being mandatory.
  6. I'll cast an eye over it. Battling vector maths at the moment trying to make a working LookAt controller. It's not easy.... I've started moving all the parts into one folder and moving to model nodes too.
  7. Go grab more popcorn, we're on for tomorrow I've chosen a design, and will be making a simple track. Modeling, rigging the skin, setting up in Unity, exporting and configuring. Will probably skip texturing as it's out of scope (apart from track surface to show how the module works).
  8. Keep em coming! Regen braking would be cool, and so simple to do. By the way, if you spot anything that will work well as a wheel or track texture, please post it!
  9. This is the place to start. Notice the big warning about using Unity 4.2.2 PartTools .23 is the latest we've got, but works fine for later KSP versions. Good luck!
  10. Tell me about it. Most inconvenient! Cool, I'm all synced up. You'll have to learn how to use reflection to find other modules without creating a hard dependency... I have no clue where to start. A couple of thoughts on the dust: It looks wicked. Really pleased with it. but I noticed it seems to grab hold of one of the colliders on tracks and repulsors and display the effect from there. I wonder if there's a way to find all the collision points - rather than just the closest one - and average between them. Also, you can access a lot of the variables from KFModuleWheel, and I can make certain other things available. Wheel collider slip springs to mind, as this could be used to add more dust when slipping. Just ideas, but it seems like something worth enhancing. Also, we need some more sounds!! I'm working on little bits (currently the LookAt module) that will enable the more esoteric parts to be sent live. I'm hoping to get at least the BV track finished and ready for release. Riocrokite has reminded me about the inflatable wheels idea too. Now I've got the retract animation stuff going properly, I'd like to have a go at making some too. Exciting times! Until Unity 5 turns everything straight to hell.
  11. I like the inflatable wheels! Swing axles are rather difficult, sadly, as it requires a kinematic rig with joints. I do know quite a lot about them now, so maybe one day I'll feel brave enough to write a module
  12. I guess I tend to lead toward the wide look because it sort of fits with the outlandish Kerbal design ethos - recreating real stuff in-game verbatim has never interested me in the slightest, I must admit. You do know they all support TweakScale and there are quite a few small parts now, though? Agreed on the rover body parts: that is definitely a gap that needs filling. Something I've never really had any inspiration for, though, sadly. I might have to watch a few more Jerry Anderson series! A scaled down, Kerbalised Overlander from Terrahawks might be cool, thinking about it...
  13. Cool, I'll check it out. Bet the stock modules are still pants, though. I'm desperately trying to tie up loose ends, much as it looks like nothing is happening. Won't be long! I messed with so much, I need to check I haven't broken anything in the process. Sort of trying to get a few models done for the next release too. Also, on course for stream this week. I've chosen something to model - let's hope no more relatives kick the bucket beforehand this time :/
  14. Haha! Bring it on I'll demo set like that because they're simple. All the suspension is hidden, so no complex modeling or config - can definitely achieve in a couple of hours.
  15. They shouldn't be too hard I'll do a set of those tracks as part of my modding stream on Wednesday.
  16. I swear your posts are getting longer, Gaalidas! That all sounds fantastic! The problem is with the track surface, being a skinned mesh, so no matter what you do with it, KSP will think it's ten times bigger than it actually it. Very annoying. Did I move the source files? I wondered what happened there. I'll see what I can do to fix that. Also, much change with other modules, and I'm gearing up to do the USI style texture sharing. Keep an eye for commits - you'll no doubt end up pointing out the mess I end up making!
  17. That's awesome. Did talk about something like that with Zodius, but looks like you got it nailed. Very cool! The screw drive came about from someone posting a vid of that ZIL thingy! They're a bit of a cludge tbh, so making the sideways rolling isn't as easy as it might seem, but I'll give it something thought. Do you mean you'd like longer screws? And thanks
  18. I've made enough noob mistakes myself.... By the way, I've just updated the ERS wheel to include the retract mode, as well as fixing the tyre tread. Also started a new thread here to gather some ideas. New potential collaboration with a veteran modder on the horizon... watch this space
  19. Greetings! The KF dev thread gets rather busy, and I'm quite aware that ideas often get lost, so I've created this thread for people to post and discuss ideas for parts. To be clear, this does not mean "can I have a set of tracks for an M48 patton? kthanksbye". But please do post pics of anything you think looks whacky, interesting, inspiring or just plain cool. Made something awesome with existing wheels? Please post some pics/videos. Got an idea? Let's hear it! Don't be shy if you've posted stuff in the KF thread before - do post again here. There's some stuff in the works currently, and we're currently doing a proper config pass on the KF stuff, but you've always got to keep an eye on what to do next, so fire away!
  20. Hmmm. There is a mass property of the wheel colliders, which _does_ affect acceleration. Passing the vessel mass to this would be problematic when dealing with changing fuel loads, docking, lithobraking, etc. I really don't want to be checking the vessel mass every frame! Not an easy problem.
  21. Look at KFWheel. you'll see it finds the isntance of KFModuleWheel in the part and references some variables from there. Testing reveals that there is a major physics bug as far as wheels are concerned. Vehicle mass does not affect acceleration. I have no idea where to start with this one, and it's well beyond my scope to fix, so I'm simply going to quietly ignore it.
  22. The only way you'll find that out is get stuck in and play, or ask the KIS guys very nicely. Most of it looks relatively self explanatory, though I wish more code in general was more heavily commented (mine included).
  23. I've never found that: Heavier rovers accelerate slower, as I recall. Or at least that was always the case with my mining rig... Otherwise, it's a physics bug, but would be quite a fundamental one. The colliders apply a force, the force acts against the mass of the vessel. I'll do a little testing myself. Edit: well that's odd! I may have to go back and check on some older versions, I swear it never used to behave like that. Yes, I can reproduce what you're talking about. That's a pretty major physics bug right there!
  24. A little more research reveals that all the bitching is more or less because people can't configure the new colliders properly. I'll grab unity 5 and play around to get a head start. Rumour is also that they've fixed the broken grip model, which is actually really good news.
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