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Everything posted by lo-fi

  1. Apologies to everyone that was planning to tune in. Real life has got in the way in rather a major way today, so I'm going to have to postpone provisionally, let's say next Wednesday. Sorry everyone, I was looking forward to doing this!
  2. Bad times ahead :/ I've run into that unity package during my own research - he does seem to know his stuff. The problem here will be that everything will get tied into the stock modules to implement the workarounds in that package. Now, I would either have to implement the same sort of fixes myself (if I'm even able) or just use the stock modules. Which means none of the more advanced KF features any more. Neither way will allow the tracks to survive Thanks for the info, I'll be keeping a close eye.
  3. I can't actually get the ERS wheel to work properly with the latest release. The orientation is all screwed up :/ The other wheel is from Wayland something - it was requested a few pages back. Quite a nice looking wheel. I know think there is a "this way up" on the inverting track. Adding a check seemed a bit redundant, as they work fine if attached to the craft the correct way up, then its flipped over. For a game about rockets, KSP has an interesting way of defining up
  4. Do you mean the RBI inverting tracks? In which case, try putting them the other way up. The tracks have two steering modes: low speed is handled by differential motor action, but this is ineffective at high speed, which is achieved by braking the inside track. Mounting the tracks upside down confuses the orientation routine and leads to what you're describing. Unless you're using something else, in which case it could be a bug. Yeah, thanks for that. I'll look at converting and exporting some models to see how it goes.
  5. Honestly, I think I'd rather set up the texture sharing for the parts. I still can't get DDS textures to look acceptable.
  6. Is it a large texture? Unity defaults to down scaling everything to 1024, so check your exported textures.
  7. Absolutely incorrect. As long as the texture name is correct and the texture is in a format KSP will load, it doesn't care about the extension. Thanks, Riocrokite, they're pretty cool.
  8. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98672-WIN-KSP-to-DDS-texture-converter
  9. Difficult to say! Some experimentation is probably needed, and will be different for every track.
  10. This is sadly a known issue. Bounds detection for the skinned mesh that the tracks use does not work properly in KSP, so it is likely that the fairings are not actually protecting them. Its a complicated issue, and not one I have a fix for as yet. Really, it will need some tweaking from Squad.
  11. I'd look at extra planetary launch pads, it ought to point the way for you.
  12. Please read the bug reporting instructions in the OP. I had no idea you could even do that! Screenshots!
  13. I've not really had any feedback yet, so thank you. I'll have a look at tweaking the settings; I have to do some crazy stuff in-game to make them behave nicely. Good point. It only disables tweakables and action groups for the parts you've set it on and I'll make sure they get forced to group zero, so will be unaffected by any settings changes actioned from other ordinary wheels
  14. These are the wheel configs you're looking for Just slap them somewhere inside GameData and you're good to go. There was a small bug with the small wheels, but I think I fixed that the other day. No overspeed or impact damage is currently modelled with KF, and you'll have no problems with the wheels sounds mod. You'll just need what's in the plugins and sounds directory (IIRC) and can remove all the directories containing parts. Have fun!
  15. Yeah, it's just a few floatcurves, so you can set them to single values or zero and job's done. Wayland wheel is up: https://github.com/KerbalFoundries/WheelConfigs/
  16. Ah, I see. I've been doing some work with Riocrokite on implementing a rough rolling resistance model, which will be in the next incremental release. This means rolling resistance will vary depending on the parts design, size, load and speed. All will behave differently, which I think ought to be a nice differentiator to other mods. If you want to mess about with it now, there is a simple, constant rollingResistance config field you can play with.
  17. They're pretty cool. I'll have a quick look and will add to the configs repo. Not sure what you mean?
  18. I'll look into it. The USI model sounds pretty neat, actually. Changing paths and recompiling won't be that taxing. That's awesome. Thanks for sharing! I need to revisit the trailer hitch again...
  19. IIRC, MAG will only play the first clip in an animation. Which explains what you're finding. What you'll need to do is set up animation components on each of the GO's you want to animate and have their own, single clip as a single element inside that.
  20. You'll need to post your config too, at least, please. KSP does now support multiple animations, but I'm not sure if it does so as clips within a single animation component.
  21. Thought about it, but people are easily confused :/ The rover body I thought about spinning off as it doesn't have a plugin dependency, and there will be a few more to come eventually.
  22. I'm not sure. I did a lot of digging while messing with the hitch joints. KSP is.... Weird in that respect. Will require some research! Certainly seems to be a lot of bitching going on about it on the unity forums...
  23. I would if I could get them to look anything other than hideous as DDS. I have yet to work out if I'm doing something wrong, or people are just happy with textures that look like up sampled jpegs so they can run fifty mods..
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