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    Curious George

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  1. Is there a way to keep Kerbal Engineer (for building) but to remove the flight engineer icon + disable flight engineer?
  2. Is there any way to remove the Interstellar Fuel Switch module when I right click a fuel tank? I don't need to see all of the available modes I can switch to and would prefer to just have the vanilla stats displayed when right clicking a part.
  3. Quick question, Module manager is getting stuck while loading the game. It gets to Module Manager: Final and then completely stops. Sometimes deleting the .cache file seems to make it work, but that doesn't feel like a permanent solution. Not sure what's going on.
  4. Hey just a quick question, Where are the Karborundum fuel tanks located? I can't find them in the fuel tank section which is odd since there area supposed to be 3 tanks if I'm reading correctly. Can Karborundum be stored in regular Karbonite tanks?
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