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Everything posted by sDaZe

  1. Hey, @blackrack I remember a little while ago you showed some pictures of yellowing on the horizon or something... I forget :3 Any news on how that is coming and if it still is? It made kerbin look really good!
  2. If you download the linux version of RVE and use his Mars scatterer it should have what you're looking for.
  3. Go into the settings.cfg and add this line of code. @Kopernicus:BEFORE[SigDim2]:NEEDS[SigDim] { @Body:HAS[#name[Earth]] { @PlanetDimensions[5] = 1 } } See if that works.
  4. I dont like that at all. Unrealistic and way too bright.
  5. You used to not even be able to land on them, after many tries changing it to 1 surprisingly helped. ontop of mnt Olympus Ima fix this soon
  6. Glad you like them! Mars doesnt really have a blue outline irl its more of a blueish haze.. Then again if you land on our mars it has the same sunset as the one irl, nice and blue!
  7. Yeah I recommend it. There should be no change from the ones that come with the original textures.
  8. Just overwrite the textures you want. So lets say you want Earth, just drag the Optinal earth texture over the existing one in the rss textures folder. Thats a problem with eve, cant fix it Sorry man
  9. @OhioBob Could this be something to do with atmosphere values?
  10. Yeah it could be a issue with Kopernicus. I havent seen anything about the issue persoanlly, maybe its just the planet packs like extrasolar? No one else has reported the issue
  11. Its included in the download. SSRSS/Optional RSS Textures and whatever res you want
  12. Look like what? I dont see anything different
  13. im not sure. It should, lemme know if it does!
  14. DANG I FORGOT TO POST EARTH PORN WITH THE UPDATE.. Whoops New aroura and shadows anyone? It suddenly struck me that, that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small. - Neil Armstong Okay ill stop.. Jk 2 more
  15. The update coming today will have a new city texture! May or may not be my city :33 I swear, there must be 30 airports by the vab.. :3
  16. Did some more work on the Earth texture, check it out! Also heres some nice pics
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