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Everything posted by iFlyAllTheTime

  1. Right. Thanks for getting back so quickly. I've spent what seems like an eternity in trying to download and get all my mods working properly for 0.24.2 exactly a day before 0.25 came out; do not want to go through the ordeal again, not for 0.25 since it doesn't bring a whole lot to the table. I'll download the version you suggested. Now bear with me here, Going from my current install to the suggested 1.03, anything I should keep in mind? Or is it just a simple matter of deleting the current install from Gamedata and replacing it with 1.03? Also, the contracts for 1.03 show up in the stock Contracts Menu or in a separate GUI? EDIT: I'm an idiot! Your link gives me 1.01. Please replace "1.03" with "1.01" in all my questions above.
  2. I didn't specify the version since I was posting from my iPad and didn't have access to my PC at the time. I just remembered I looking through the list on Curse and downloading for 0.24.2 that I'm running. Anyways, I have Also, here's the log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/76eo1ol5wr9qtqi/Output%20log%20for%20TACLS.log?dl=0
  3. This link includes a pic of the Spacecenter, an output log with an hour and a half gameplay, and one without any gameplay (load up the game, different scenes and quit): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zmoq0odkzffz46w/AAD0Wl4yS4ximOqb3Q-wROTga?dl=0 Something peculiar: I loaded up my sandbox save and I do see the MCE icon. Loaded the career save, still nothing. Had the exact same thing happen when I tried getting TACLS, but gave up on that mod too soon and deleted it. Also, I see a new version up. Would that run on 0.24.2 or is it 0.25 only release?
  4. I can get you the output log when I get back home. For now though, the config file in the MissionControllerEC folder has the following entries: RevertOn = False DebugMenu = False Would that have anything to do with it? Nice video btw! The tease towards Fine Print made me laugh
  5. Hmm, away from my PC for the day, but don't remember seeing any of those buttons For installation, I copied <MissionController EC> into <Gamedata>, ignoring the <RSSBuild> since I don't use real solar system. Something I noticed, the readme file said "Version 1.01.0", but the downloaded zip file says version 1.07 You think, maybe, deleting and reinstalling would make a difference? The contracts and the parts are definitely showing up, just not settings button, the red revert button, and I'm pretty sure I'm not being charged to hire any kerbanauts.
  6. So, I'm pretty sure I installed this correctly, I had one of the parts added by this addon that I had to unlock in the tech-tree. However, I'm not seeing any GUI where I can change settings as stated in the pdf that comes with the download. I know I can change them in the config file but just wanted to check if I messed up somehow and didn't do a proper job of installing. Sorry for relentlessly posting questions.
  7. Please accept my gratitude for coming up with the decoupler fix. I'm curious to know what caused the issue all of a sudden in 0.24.2 in the first place. Never had this before that update. Also, would love to know how you tackled it. Don't need to know the code, a simple explanation in layman terms would suffice.
  8. Oh, so I don't need to worry about the archives getting deleted with active stock and Fine Print contracts?! Sweeeeeeet! I might have to call in sick to work because of this. Just to confirm then, do I need to follow the following instructions from the first post or does that also only apply when updating this mod from previous version? When installing new version I highly suggest you do these steps to reset your contracts. 1. Alt-F12 2. Select Contracts tab. 3. Select Tools. 4. Select Clear Current contracts. 5. This will wipe any old contracts and refresh the whole list.
  9. Awright!!! That's all I needed to know. I just downloaded it but fortunately read the readme file before installing it. I'll have to complete the currently active contracts before installing this one. That might take a while. Thanks.
  10. Thank you for replying. Could you please also reply to the first of the two questions in my post?
  11. This thread got me wondering. Do aero mods FAR and NEAR affect atmos on planets other than Kerbin?
  12. Hmm, weirdest thing. To preserve the folder structure I copied the B9 pack, deleted everything except the Parts folder, then inside the folder deleted everything except the rcs block. Loaded (fortunately) my test sandbox save which had about 8-10 missions in progress. As soon as the save was loaded, all my ships were deleted from the save since none of the parts seemed to exist in the game. To my horror, when I went to the VAB, all the parts in all the tabs were absent except the rcs blocks from B9. (Seems like all those missions in progress have been lost with the persistent file being overwritten. I'm pretty sure there is no way of getting that back, is there?) I confirmed I had the latest MM that came with B9 R5_2_4 download. Created a new sandbox save, same result no other parts present. I've since deleted the B9 folder and confirmed that everything is back to normal. Not to mention, I made a copy of my current career save and placed it somewhere safe. In the middle of typing this post, went back to the readme.txt file that came with it. An excerpt from the same. "Unpack everything to the root folder of the game, overwriting already existing GameData and Ships folders. Source folder contains the source code for the included plugins and is not necessary for the mod to work. Make sure you have KSP 0.24.2 or higher. Do *not*, under any circumstances, extract just `GameData/B9_Aerospace/Parts` folder alone, the mod won't work this way. With a proper installation, you should have multiple new folders in GameData alongside with Squad folder that was there originally. Do not try to move the part folders anywhere or sort them by category subfolders, that will break resource linking in all configs." For now, giving up on the idea to use those rcs thrusters.
  13. The clutter is only part of the reason. I'd rather not add an 88MB addon to the game when I'm not planning to use it to its fullest extent. Although, I might still look into Part Catalog. Thank you. Thank you. That makes sense. I'll report as soon as I get this to work. Thank you.
  14. Hello Claw, Would the AnchoredDecouplerFix.dll work with 0.24.2 install that I'm running? Thank you. *Please the answer be yes. Setting the decoupler force to 0 for the time being as a work around. I miss the awesome feeling when I watch the boosters being "gracefully" blown away from the main stack*
  15. Hello everyone, I've always wondered this but never bothered to ask/find out. Ever since I saw Scott Manley use the 5 way RCS block on his spaceplane, I've wanted to use it in my builds. However, every time I download the B9 pack, I get turned away from the huge parts list since I don't see myself needing/using them enough to justify clogging up memory on my 32 bit install. The question I'm hoping to get answered is: Would it work if I simply copy the RCS block I want from the Parts folder to my Gamedata folder? It would look something like: [KSP main folder] ===> [Gamedata] ===> [b9_Aerospace] ===> [Parts] ===> then the RCS block folder Sorry if this is in the wrong section. Thank you.
  16. Hello all, I tried to search the thread for this but the search terms end up being too generic to give me results I'm looking for. I'm running KSP 0.24.2 32 bit and have installed Fine Print Here's what I'd like to know: 1. If I install MCE, would it have its own GUI or do the contracts pop up in the KSC mission control building (where stock and Fine Print contracts pop up with Gene Kerman expressing his approval with each click on the available contracts)? 2. I've completed about 40 or so contracts from stock and Fine Print. If I install MCE now, would it mesh well with where I'm in game or do I have to start a new save? I'd appreciate a response.
  17. I'm running ksp 0.24.2 and I downloaded the appropriate version of this add on from curse. When I resumed my sandbox save, I got a settings window for TAC lifesupport, was able to add the icon on the toolbar at the space centre and flight mode and was able to see the build aid in VAB, i.e. seems like I installed it correctly and it is working fine. Then I loaded my career save and although I can see the unlocked parts from tech tech and use the parts in the VAB, I can't see the settings window, nor am i able to add the icon on the toolbar or the build aid in VAB. Anybody else having this issue? I can provide the log file if that helps.
  18. Surely, I can't be the only one who has noticed this but I couldn't find anything regarding this on the forums. I planted a flag at KSC (on top of the VAB) so I could compare the coordinates when I hover my mouse in map view to the MechJeb and KER readouts. The longitude for KSC shows up as E 285° 23' 07'' when I use the mouse in map view. The longitude for KSC show up as -74.6xxxx in KER and W 74° xx' xx'' in MechJeb The longitude for launchpad are -74.5xxxxx in the debug menu accessible by Alt+F12 To me the modded and the debug coordinates make sense. Aren't longitudes numbered 0° to 180° E and 180° W; making 360° of longitude? What's up with the E 285° stuff?
  19. Hello all, I just finished reading the thread on how to post a thread to request support. Before posting the issue in the format prescribed in that post I'd like to know if someone else is having this issue. I'm playing KSP 0.24.2 with all of my 40 mods updated for that version. In my new career save, I have completed about 40 or so contracts. The recent list of contracts I accepted was testing a parachute at a certain altitude and speed and a decoupler on a suborbital trajectory and a certain altitude. For some unknown reason, and after repeated attempts with different craft designs, it seems like the system has stopped recognising me meeting the conditions as set out in the contract to test the part. For instance, I don't see the "green check" beside the altitude and speed parameter for this parachute test. However, in case of the second example, when I put the craft in a suborbital trajectory, it does recognise that part of the contract being met, but I climb and descend through the altitude as prescribed in the contract without getting a confirmation of hitting that goal. Come to think of it, I abandoned my first attempt at 0.24.2 because when I went to rescue a kerbal stuck in orbit, I couldn't board the craft due to his clone mysteriously appearing in the empty pod that I had just boosted up into the orbit. Has anyone come across this issue and if they have is there a solution other than restarting a new career? If you guys want me to provide a list of all the mods and the log output, I can do that. Trying to replicate this in an unmodded install is out of the question because a) I'd have to do all these contracts again and I wouldn't know when the issue would crop up & I've done most things that the stock game offers and do not see myself continuing to play this game without some of my favourite mods.
  20. Ooooh yeeeaaahhh! I got it to work. Edited the cfg, pretty easy actually. Now I'm off to build some spacecrafts!
  21. Uh...lower left? I don't see anything in the lower left of both the images. Also, your poodle looks different than stock. Is that a result of Stock Rebalance?
  22. Hello there, Just so I get this right, you were able to load your old save in the new ksp. Did you by any chance fiddle with the sps engine so it runs on LFO and OX or did you leave it requiring Monoprop? Thank you.
  23. KSP version: 0.24.2 KW rocketry version: 2.6c I was away from KSP for the last 6-8 months and when I got back, I downloaded the then latest version on offer, and spent 4-5 days sifting through all the awesome mods on offer. One of my recent launches I realised that the SPS now uses Monoprop instead of the LFO and OX. I've read about 10-12 pages on the thread with people having issues about the resource utilization and eventual fix in the latest update. Here are a couple of things I'd like to know: 1. Has anybody been successful in editing the cfg file so that it goes back to using LFO and OX, but with the new exhaust effects? 2. Is there an advantage or a disadvantage to this switch to Monoprop use? In other words, does it still provide with the same dV as it did in its old configuration? If the answer to 2 above is "No thrust and/or dV change" then I'll give up on the idea to edit the cfg. Back when it was a "normal" engine it would feature in 8 of the 10 rockets I'd build, so I heavily rely on the performance and efficiency of this engine. I'll be away from my PC for sometime, so can't run these tests myself. I'd appreciate it if someone can reply to this.
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