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Hary R

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Everything posted by Hary R

  1. You are wrong, time dilatation will not affect their home planet if the bomb travel à99.9%C, time dilatation will only affect the bomb in itself. For the home planet (let's say it is at 4 Light Year from Earth) the bomb will take a little more than 4 years to reach earth but a clock on the bomb will display a date closer to it launch date than those 4 years. (I'm not even a scientist ) Sorry, that's not how it is supposed to work. yeah you appear next to your target for an observer that is at the target (target frame of reference) and you will also appear to leave some time after you arrive for him (if he observe the point where you came from) but for you, no local move indeed but you do "fly" toward your destination from your point of view, it will come closer and closer, well at FTL may be you will not see it. But you don't just appear, that make no sens. .
  2. Well all of this is pretty interesting but the topic stat KSPI warp drive and if I remember correctly (can't play with KSPI right know because of not enough memory), KSPI warp drive is a slower than light one, as such no FTL magic involve. I would like to know if as a STL warp drive the KSPI warp is accurate. (K^2 have already said that id does not take into account space curvature but what else is inacuratre) Let's leave the FTL part out for know ok.
  3. As stated by SQUAD, better aerodynamic is what they will do in the near future, so B9 (with FAR and NEAR) direction is somewhat the same as what KSP is going to be, well you can always say that better aerodynamic is not necessarily FAR or NEAR but that's what we got now. edit, wow nija'd
  4. A little year of playing and still put my parachutes in the same stage as the main engine.
  5. Indeed it work... IF you use that version: [0.25] EVA Follower [v1.03, 05 Nov 2014] It even have more functionality than the original one.
  6. Hey, this look so good. this with your other mod (E.R.S.) can make some very good planetary colony scenery, please make this happen, please release your konquest mod... I Want It... Well I guest I have to be patient
  7. Hary R


    Hey is that a Mk1-2 command pod?
  8. Ferram aerospace research and fine print but as it will be stock soon it doesn't count any more. Appart from that, everything is optional.
  9. Unfortunately, I don't... but i'm sure it was something like going up, gravity turn (yeah I watched scott manly before acquiring the game:P) and pouf, rapid unplaned disassembly. Ah! those time before KJR become stock:D
  10. I've tested it (or at least on ground vehicle) and it still word in 0.25, should work for aerial and space ship too.
  11. I play with it in 0.25 (32bits) and I have not encounter any problem yet.
  12. I try the guard mod with burn together... As expected, as soon as my fellow tank get in rang, it started to shoot at the opposite team tank. It was cool and open many possibilities for KSP movie maker.
  13. This is the perfect addition for BD armory. Absolutely love those huge guns.
  14. I have to say, this mod is great, better the laser system (way more simpler) and a good alternative to ID (thought ID have that damage system). The guard mode and the alternate lunch from the weapon system is just genius. I need to try something, report back later.
  15. Well my 2 cents, I like the idea off boosting things with expert kerbals but not the way Mike (Mu) is presenting it. Science input, well that is normal, a better scientific do better science. Less heat generation, well why not, it never bothered me anyway. Better fuel efficiency...How ??? Better Thrust... How??? Don't make sense... Those are the part I didn't like about this week devnote. How about this, A better pilot will unlock the ability to aim where you land (via a cross on the map for example).... Na that doesn't sound good...
  16. So that is why my plane seem to be so unstable with 0.25, ok testing the new version this evening. On a side note, the hacth seem to have fix itself in 0.25. Now my pilots can get out of the plane. Still don't know what happened with 0.24 but I hope it won't come back.
  17. Now that Bac 9 release his 0.25 compatible, I will see if I still have the hatch problem (.24.2 (x64) vs .25 (x86). Report back later.
  18. Well that's good to know, hope you'll find the source of the problem soon.
  19. Is it just me or is there no way to get the crew out of the cockpit? "crew hatch obstructed":(
  20. Best cockpit for the B9 set. So beautiful and pretty useful with that canopy. Nice work BahamutoD
  21. My favorite plane part are back... Taverus, I don't know what option you will be choosin but broken craft mean i need the old part for a while to save my so beloved old craft. Still, I'm glad B9 is back and the offcial release is around the corner. Been waiting since the release of 0.23
  22. Nothing to do with the project but... the one halo ripped off was the culture orbital (smaller size ringworld) by Iain M. Banks which was I believe based on the ring world from nivel... For your project, try to build a 1km radius ring and we will see.
  23. Well if lift off and achive with a rocket require less delta V with FAR, aerobraking and landing are more difficult, especialy with the aerodinamic structural failure activated. I do pure stock when a new update is released but went for FAR as soon as ferram update it... Well i'm a spaceplane builder mostly so going with FAR is the way for me. I don't like plane to behave... not like in reality.
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