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Everything posted by GoSlash27

  1. Fair enough. But my offer still stands. If you kick me a copy of the .craft file, I'll take a look at it and see if I can help you sort it out. Best, -Slashy
  2. It just occurred to me: KSP is basically a game-ified throwback to an obscure 1970s TV show: Salvage One! Check out the trailer and judge for yourself! I remember being enthralled by this show when I was a kid and thinking "I wanna do that some day". Perhaps that's why I find KSP so addictive? -Slashy
  3. Nothing comes to mind that marks my vehicles as uniquely "mine" other than what my engineering style imposes upon them. They're never bigger or more expensive than they need to be to get the job done and I make no allowances for aesthetics... so I guess that's my hallmark: Small, cheap, and crude. *edit* If my ships had a theme, it would look like this: Best, -Slashy
  4. From my experience thus far, the problem stems from 1) gear not being placed perfectly in the VAB due to a discrepancy in the programming, 2) Unity 5's wheel collider sucking out loud and 3) less- than- ideal settings in the stock .cfg files (blame me for that part)... The yaw moment attendant with multiple engines isn't a major factor in the problem, though it may aggravate it. The fix so far is to 1) try the .cfg rebalance I posted upstream (only for the entry level gear at the moment) 2) be sure to snap your gear to global zero instead of local, and 3) Design your aircraft to take off and land at lower speeds. If you do all 3, you shouldn't have any problems with the landing gear in 1.1.2. And if you do, *please* let me know so I can try to chase down a better fix! Best, -Slashy
  5. Erroll, I hold "space" while placing the gear. There's probably a dedicated key for this, but I don't recall. Best, -Slashy mcirish, Good suggestion. Done! -Slashy
  6. Kram45, Yeah, that's one of the major bugs since 1.1 and the switch to Unity 5. Try this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/138567-112-basic-landing-gear-fixer/ If that doesn't do it for you, kick me a copy of your .craft and I'll take a look at it. Best, -Slashy
  7. Bedwyr, What I do is design my aircraft so that they take off and land at much lower speeds. I dial in some static incidence and trim with tailplane (or canard) pitch. I keep the mains close to the CoG longitudinally to ease rotation in pitch. I haven't played with flaps yet in early career, since action groups aren't available, but I can make some pretty good rough field science planes with the early gear. By the time they get to a speed where they'd want to veer, they're already flying. So while a single engine would probably be easier to handle, my twin designs have been fine. Best, -Slashy
  8. Yeah, you're not imagining that. Unfortunately, this is the best I can do with what's available. It was either this or the crazy wallowing that was happening before. Best, -Slashy
  9. Bedwyr, From what I've been reading, the root cause of the funky steering behavior is that the parts aren't perfectly aligned in the VAB. Snapping them to global coordinates instead of local seems to help. What was formerly causing uncontrolled roll oscillations now causes a (fairly) gentle yaw. Initially to the left in your case. The Juno has been the first engine available since KSP .9 or thereabouts, so it's not a recent change. Best, -Slashy I'm extra- dumb when it comes to CKAN. Not only can I not figure out how to do that, I can't even figure out how to figure out how. If one of you folks can assist me, I'll be more than happy to. Best, -Slashy
  10. njmksr, I'm still puzzling it out as I go. name = ModuleWheelBase radius = n.n The collision mesh wheel's radius in m center = x,y,z Where the force of the wheel is applied in relation to the wheel itself. mass = n.n The amount of sprung mass used in the suspension. units unknown. groundHeightOffset = n.n Presumably in meters, but I have had no luck playing with this value. frictionSharpness = n.n I dunno. name = ModuleWheelSuspension suspensionDistance = n.n The amount of travel from fully extended to fully compressed in meters. suspensionOffset = n.n Not exactly sure, but it's in meters and affects where the wheel "lives" in relation to the surface. Negative values raise the wheel. targetPosition = n.n Where the wheel, as drawn, resides in it's travel. 0 is fully extended, 1 is fully compressed. springRatio = n.n The tightness of the spring, units unknown. It affects how rapidly the wheel moves in response to shocks. Too low causes sluggish behavior and banging into the suspension stops. Too high causes phantom forces, skittering, and terrain collisions. damperRatio = The drag created by movement. 0 is completely undamped, while 1 is critically damped. Exceeding 1 causes oscillations. boostRatio = I have no idea. The simulation figures out how much mass is resting on the suspension, then adjusts the spring tension so that it will rest where we want it to. Then it turns up the damper based on the spring value. The values in the damage module seem to work backwards from how I expected. The higher the number, the lower the threshold for damage. HTHs, -Slashy
  11. All, I have posted a MM patch for the basic landing gear here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/138567-112-basic-landing-gear-fixer/ It should eliminate most of the problems. Best, -Slashy
  12. All, I have posted a MM patch for the 1.1.2 basic landing gear. Check it out here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/138567-112-basic-landing-gear-fixer/ Best, -Slashy
  13. This patch is for use with ModuleManager 2.6.24, available here: https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/113/artifact/ModuleManager.2.6.24.dll Patch file here: http://wikisend.com/download/269118/112GearFixer.cfg ModuleManager dll goes into the KSP/GameData folder. My config patch will work anywhere within KSP or it's sub- folders. What it does: LY-01 Fixed gear * Dramatically reduces sloppiness by increasing spring tension and damper. * Maintains the ability to construct science carts without jittering * Reduces tendency to overload and explode during spawning and landing. * (Nearly) eliminates tendency to wallow during takeoff * Increases brake strength * Increased durability for rough field takeoffs and landings LY-05 Steerable gear * Adds braking ability (default on) so they can be used as main gear * Increases spring tension, travel, offset, and damper * Eliminates clipping, reducing tendency to initiate oscillations, skitter, and explode on spawning/ landing * Increased durability for rough field takeoffs and landings This adjustment should make the entry level landing gear useful again. Feel free to post any questions, comments below! -Slashy
  14. Yeah, the strakes were the ultimate lift/drag component back then, but that is no longer the case. Aero now treats all wings as equal from a lift/drag standpoint. You would now be looking for the best area/mass. I haven't played with ion gliders since then, and all the data we generated is now moot. Best, -Slashy
  15. Arsonide, Yeah, I explained all this to him. He didn't listen then, either. regex, You have the 1.1 .cfg files for these parts. It's a very simple matter to revert to those suspension settings. -Slashy
  16. Well then "good luck with that". Seems you have nothing to complain about
  17. regex, I still have a copy of the original .cfg settings. If you're *very* nice to me, I might give them to you. Whether or not they actually *work* is your problem -Slashy
  18. regex, The early gear suspensions weren't softened up for noob players, they were softened up to kill the terrain collision kraken that plagued 1.1.0. Tight springs and dampers were causing phantom oscillations that would cause the gear to do all sorts of goofy stuff. Now that the root cause has been eliminated (or rather *if*), we should be able to tighten the gear back up again. Best, -Slashy
  19. Bedwyr, I don't think it was "heavy" by game standards, but it was probably a bit too much for the bugged 1.1 gear to cope with. It should be fine now. Best, -Slashy
  20. Bedwyr, The good news is the 1.1.1 patch is out now. If you start over and ignore this crutch, you should be fine now. The gear are much better behaved. And FWIW, you'd have to go far out of your way to be "doing it wrong". Me personally, I use the entry- level gear for my science cart to hoover up science around KSC and don't bother building planes until I'm ready to build spaceplanes. For more difficult career settings, I may build a light science plane to range out a bit, but it doesn't go further than the Desert biome, so it doesn't require much fuel mass. If I ever need to hit tundra and badlands, I either build a bigger plane with better gear or just lob a science package out to it ICBM style. Best, -Slashy
  21. Bedwyr, I've been playing with your craft and my settings, and I just can't seem to make it behave. I suspect it's just too much plane for these gear. I was able to soften the roll oscillation at speed, but wasn't able to fully eliminate it. I'll keep messing with it. Just wanted you to know that I haven't forgotten you. Best, -Slashy
  22. Anarkhon, Unfortunately, my fix doesn't seem to do much for the lateral instability problem. It helps a little for some, and does absolutely nothing for others. It seems to have more to do with lateral grip and flimsy attachment points than suspension and clipping. Best, -Slashy
  23. All, I have a fix for this available. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/138299-11-stock-landing-gear-bug-fixer/ Best, -Slashy
  24. All, I have a fix for this problem here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/138299-11-stock-landing-gear-bug-fixer/ Best, -Slashy
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