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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. Really. It's only been all over the news here, Feds running after folks for even just shining their pen lasers upward. Go check the news... it is the case.
  2. A cup of coffee and a double-check to insure I'm wide awake.
  3. Yes, they spawn randomly. Don't know how many there are; That would make an interesting experiment, just letting them keep spawning, tracking them, waiting for more. Could be a good way to drop your frame rate to 0. lol Before my ship even arrived, coming into orbit, while in map mode and zoomed out to a good degree, they started showing up. Just the same as while in map mode you start zooming out from Kerbin and they start appearing - same deal here. If you want to track them you'll have to do so in the Tracking Station, just like you would with asteroids found around Kerbin.
  4. They spawn around 18,000km to 20,000km out. In this image, my ship is at a 100km circular orbit around Dres... In this image, you can see how they're pretty much at 0 inclination...
  5. Here where I live, just pointing a laser skyward, even just at stars, you would end up in trouble. It's been a big issue here lately.
  6. Considering every docking port has a window in it already, why not just use the center of the port as the view?... the camera being (part-less) behind the window. I'd also ask for the reticle to be far thinner, a hair-line... and the data read-out put in one place/corner (for at a glance readability) rather than both sides of the view.
  7. My 'inner narrative' is usually right there in the room with me, telling me "bicho, chamodi kosmosidan da momexmare!".
  8. Like hailprobe? Hailprobe has a long and well defined history and origin. I can't find squat on this one. Did you make this up? Do explain.
  9. Looks like her upper denture is about to fall out. lol
  10. I'll guess that goes along with their running fuel lines externally on their planes.
  11. If we're to lend any credence to winds at KSC being indicated by the direction the flag is luffing, then start position for take-offs on the runway are facing the wrong direction ... you always take off and land into the wind (when possible).
  12. Great shots... thanks for sharing them!
  13. I've downloaded and installed the latest update ... no problems at all, no related NREs in the output_log file either. Both of my Ion ships (yea, built another and sent it to Kerbol) are functioning no problem. I'm thinking the issue I was having was not due to the StockBugFix at all, but rather related to my choice of building materials - the Octagonal Struts I used to build the body with, too weak. I'm thinking the Kraken related stresses from physics being applied coming back to the scene did it. Sorry for the wild goose chase.
  14. Might as well throw in the CDS (Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg / Strasbourg astronomical Data Center). It's the portal to Simbad, VizieR, and Aladin ... serious tools just like the NASA/JPL Horizons site. If you're a Celestia user, you'll find the access to Hipparcos and Tycho catalogs (among others) quite valuable. And along with the NASA/JPL Horizons site, there is the NSSDCA portal (NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive).
  15. Here is the information (it's a Science game): persistent output_log craft Mods in use: Clamp-O-Tron_APAS-1.0 FreeEVA-0.5.2 Hullcam_VDS-0.40 SCANsat-v14.1 StockBugFixModules.v1.0.4b.1 x-science-v4.7 Using v1.0.4a.1 (I think that was the version number)... My first ship, Eeloo-Mapper died suddenly. I had put the game to bed and come back to it the next day. When I entered the scene, the ship just disappeared, invisible - nothing out there in space, nothing in map view either. When I exited out and came back, the ship was gone entirely, not even in the Tracking Station list. I have nothing saved on this, not even an image. I do recall NREs being in the output_log (I was tired, should have saved it). Using v1.0.4b.1... My second ship, Eeloo-Mapper1 died 'mysteriously'. Again, the scenario was coming back into the game, back to the scene. On arrival, I found all the solar panels being flung to the wind, and the vessel was spinning madly (roll). I managed to stop the spin using time warp (odd). I exited the scene and came back, where I then found the ship slowly disintegrating... pieces were falling off and slowly drifting away. I only have images saved of this, posted below. Again, there were NREs in the output_log, but rather than record it, because I suspected that maybe it had something to do with the parts I was using for the mapper (namely the Octagonal Strut for the body), and I decided to see if it would duplicate - hence Eeloo-Mapper2. Eeloo-Mapper1 before Eeloo-Mapper1 after My third ship, Eeloo-Mapper2 was the one I was discussing in this past previous post. This was the test I was doing, to see if the issue duplicated. You've seen the resulting screen - black & empty. The persistent file, output_log and craft file above are from this incident. The image of the ship before all went south is posted below. Eeloo-Mapper2 before I have not downloaded v1.0.4b.2 yet. I have a fourth ship, Eeloo-Mapper3, which is currently out there getting ready for intercept and a burn into a parking orbit. I'll guess I'll have to keep my fingers crossed. I'll note that I changed the transfer ship and Mapper itself from the original builds ... a hope for better results. I'll see how I do with it tonight (after posting this). Later, I'll download and install v1.0.4b.2. Eeloo-Mapper3 before leaving Kerbin SOI Yes, I know, I tend to overbuild... but it gets me where I want to go.
  16. Sent my 3rd Eeloo-Mapper Ion probe out to feed the Kraken. https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/hGZiKX9VpTBD5FwEVtdwLaLAf-j_PeS7XmiuyE5WpdU?feat=directlink Not going to clutter the page with a black screen.
  17. Claw, I downloaded and installed the new BugFix today. When I started up the game and went to my Eeloo Ion ship, everything went kablooie. The ship disappeared and the game essentially went black screen on me. I was able to back out. I do not know for sure if your update was the cause, but I did find the following in my output_log file: PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Utility/GrapplingDevice/part/GrapplingDevice' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ClawKSP.MGNFix.OnDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 UnityEngine.Object:DestroyImmediate(Object, Boolean) UnityEngine.Object:DestroyImmediate(Object) PartLoader:StripComponent(GameObject) PartLoader:CreatePartIcon(GameObject, Single&) PartLoader:ParsePart(UrlConfig, ConfigNode) :MoveNext() (Filename: Line: -1) PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Utility/GrapplingDevice/part/GrapplingDevice' has no database record. Creating. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'GrapplingDevice' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ClawKSP.MGNFix.OnDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 UnityEngine.Object:DestroyImmediate(Object, Boolean) UnityEngine.Object:DestroyImmediate(Object) :MoveNext() (Filename: Line: -1) This is the third time now my Eeloo Ion ship has self-destructed when returning to it (as in: launching, getting way out there, going off to do something else, then coming back to it - kablooie!). I'll hold onto the output_log, persistent, and craft file if you wish to see them. Just let me know. In the mean time, I'm going to try again. Edit: Here's what I mean by 'black screen' ... https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/hGZiKX9VpTBD5FwEVtdwLaLAf-j_PeS7XmiuyE5WpdU?feat=directlink
  18. I just went and read about that mod. Interesting. If you were to gain science from using a Hullcam camera, how would you go about assigning a science value to it? 1 science point per picture? 5? Seems to me a potentially very easy way to gain science if it's much more than that. At least with SCANsat, yes, you get lots of science points for completing scans, but it's no easy task (early on in the game) to get those scanners out there - so science earned is justified IMO.
  19. I'm downloading the update right now, and will check it out shortly. Thanks! Is [x] Science cheating? No, I don't think so. Before I discovered [x] Science, I used to keep track of all bodies/biomes/science gathered in a spreadsheet... which provided me a good at-a-glance view of where I was at, but was a pain in the arse to keep updated. [x] Science does the same thing, for the most part, which makes it easier for me to keep track of such stuff. Difficulty mode? Well I can't speak for everyone. I play a Science game. As far as 'filters', I don't need to see experiments for instruments I don't yet have ... that just makes clutter in the list, so I hide the unresearched stuff. I find the existing word filter sufficient, where, for example, I can easily review my standing on a selected body like - everything having to do with "Mun".
  20. Hold the phone! You've got lounge chairs on the roof of your Astronaut Complex?!?!! I suppose you've got a wet bar poolside as well? Tell those Kerbals of yours to get back to work and quit slacking off!!!
  21. Assuming in 30 years we can, imagine all the bodies fully explored ... we'll run out of names. As it is, were we to name every single crater on the Moon alone, we'd likely use up the entire Webster's dictionary (I'm guessing of course). So at that point, 30 years from now, when you're asked if you want to take a quick ride over to Olympus Mons ... you'll need to reply "Moon? Mars? Ceres? etc? etc? etc?"
  22. I remember Outpost. As a matter of fact, I still have it somewhere in my library. I enjoyed it, but it was buggy, and as a product - unfinished. Sid Meyer's Alpha Centauri was cool too. I still play it, I have a copy of it on an old WinXP laptop.
  23. After approximately a 5 year journey to Eeloo, I parked my Ion ship in orbit to do mapping. I then went to my Jool system mapper, which had just finished mapping Pol, and put it in orbit around Bop and began mapping there. When I went back to my Eeloo mapper, as the scene opened, all of the Gigantor solar panels went to pieces and the ship went into a maddening unstoppable roll. I lost all of the mapped data. There was no reason for why this happened - that I know of. To say I'm a bit ticked-off is understatement. Damnit!
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