lol ... I'll admit I do text, but I don't use Facebook (dumped it) nor Spotify nor etc. No Thank You. I'll stick with email and Skype. I'm a very 'social' creature - it's called getting off your arse and getting out of the house and living life. A long, long time ago, inside of an IBM headquarters & development shop, hung a sign which read: "Manual Is Better" I meet young people nearly every day who can't manage the simplest of tasks; Spelling, punctuation, (proper pronunciations), basic math, calculating the tip for a bill, writing a check or reconciling a ledger of their own finances*, the list goes on ... but they do know how to push a button or swipe their phone/screen and take selfies. It's the same crew that think they should be paid an executive's salary for flipping burgers. * Yes, I know checks are outdated, everyone uses plastic. But not everyone using that plastic is conscious of their spending (fiscally responsible) and think that in-indebtedness is an ok way to live life. /rant off Back on topic. Our money utilizes a metric / base-10 system. Does that count for anything? Yea, Metric is ok.