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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. That's why I said I believe they had a right "(to a limited degree)". Spying on the kids at home without any consent isn't permitted; However, while in school, on school grounds, it is. The solution to all this is that when you're given such a laptop, parental agreement is a part of the condition, or that certain functionality of the laptop becomes disabled when out of proximity of the school (no internet access for example). Wait until these kids get out in the business world and perhaps go to work for a major corporation. They think they're being spied on now? LOL!
  2. I remember that incident. If I recall, it started a firestorm of sorts in that other school districts around the nation were discovered doing the same. NYC is the one which comes to my mind. Yes, I've heard. But, I'll stick with using the free version, it does the job adequately. I'm not a fan of beating-out/hacking trial versions ... how would you like it if it was your software people were hacking?... your time and effort down the drain. It's called "stealing". Quit surfing those .... sites. lol To wipe and re-image hard drives lawfully, which schools should do to prevent themselves legal problems, you need licensing which can be costly. I don't remember the outcome of the lawsuits over the spying issues (I'll have to go read that Wiki article), but the school (BOE) owns those laptops even though they were given out to the students ... just as books are given out to the students ... and I'd think they have a right (to a limited degree) of doing what they did. I have a friend whose son was given an iPad by the school (his entire class each got one), which was for homework assignments and research and such; It was discovered none of the kids used them for anything more than games, both in and out of school. My friend took her son's iPad away from him and gave it back to the school, informing them of the situation. Turned out half the moms of the kids in his class (all friends of hers) did the same. This was up in Maine. The computer is a great tool; Unfortunately, like handing an idiot a nail gun, that tool doesn't guarantee good results.
  3. Now that would be an interesting poll, for chocolate milk: Yoohoo, Bosco, Nestle's Quick, or Hershey's Chocolate. Of course those are American brands, I'm not up on the international market for chocolate milk.
  4. No, I was more referring to the number of fly-bys and distance in passing Europa... and of the instruments list (we'll have to see how the budget holds out). I highly doubt they've got the actual flight plan mapped out yet. Also, according to the article, the probe will be solar powered - not nuke powered, so why not smack it into Europa at the end of its mission such as Messenger did with Mercury.
  5. Really sorry to hear this. I've been down the road you're traveling. I'll stress this to you: Never give up hope, ever. Don't know what form of cancer your wife suffers from, but I would steer you to the Penn Med Abramson Cancer Center in Philly (UP). IMO, best place there is on the northeast coast, cutting edge... forget NYC (the horror stories I could tell you). Should you ever end up going to Abramson, please do PM me. Best wishes to you and yours. Ferret
  6. Well you've got my curiosity. Which free virus scanner? And, what virus? IMO, the free scanners are better than the paid-for.
  7. Coffee, absolutely. By itself?... Pepsi. For a mixed drink (Cuba Libre), Coke... with a big wedge of fresh lime of course.
  8. Interesting choice there. lol
  9. Country music requires a sense of humor
  10. I read this just today, the instruments planned for the Europa trip... http://www.universetoday.com/120446/nasa-selects-mission-science-instruments-searching-for-habitability-of-jupiters-ocean-moon-europa/ 45 close fly-bys, the closest of which will be around 16 miles (25km) from the surface. It will not be orbiting Europa, but Jupiter itself, with encounters about every 2-3 weeks. This is all according to the article, however, things could change by the time it actually happens.
  11. Ramps have been built out of construction panels and what-not. You could build track walls out of the same, maybe even banked turns. Sounds like a KSP version of Mario Kart lol.
  12. Pretty much the same here, only it was a few months not just one. And then, when I finally did use it, I ended up totally screwing up a multi-rover Mun mission effort... hours worth of stuff. So much for that. I don't bother with quicksaves anymore.
  13. http://usscouts.org/advance/boyscout/bsoath.asp
  14. LOL! ... this is key! Yes, oysters are easy - raw.
  15. It's attitudes such as that, and thanks to the ACLU, why Scouting has lost all funding/backing by the Fed. The military (servicemen) used to be one of the biggest supporters and pro-Scouts backers. Are you sure you're really a Scout?... or are you just pretending to be? On my honor I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
  16. What if there were no mods? What if KSP was an un-modable game (as, I believe, the vast majority of games out there are)? Would you still play it? I think that's a better question.
  17. Maybe if you sacrifice your first born (or the one that spilled the juice) to the Kraken..... ? I feel your pain. I don't use quicksaves either, and rarely revert - only if it's something catastrophic right there on the launchpad at liftoff.
  18. I turned it completely off after the first launch I did. If I want wobble, I'll do a few shots of Jack and take my glasses off.
  19. Docking cameras. Docking cameras. And, docking cameras. Did I mention docking cameras?
  20. I would disagree with that, but that's the difference in our generations. The study of history, all history, is an awesome thing ... the past defines who and what we are now, and those who do not learn from it are truly doomed to repeat it. Memorial Day is an American national holiday ... I would suggest looking up the history and meaning of what Memorial Day celebrates and stands for. Do not confuse Memorial Day with Veterans Day or VE Day, etc. Each has specific and deep meaning.
  21. Really? Your spoiler is indeed just that, and it tells me you know not what you have been given.
  22. When v1.0.3 comes out, it comes out. I'm patient. I'm still just hoping that Romfarer comes up with an update for v1.0.x for the docking camera... they really should put docking cameras in the stock game.
  23. I used to have fish, 40gal tank, freshwater. I had a number of native northern NJ species in it (sunfish, perch, crappie, and a few other things, complete with indigenous water plants. My cat got most of them. Didn't eat them, just liked to catch them and then drop them on the floor and watch them flop around. Nothing like coming home from work and finding a dried up desiccated fish on the floor. I eventually turned the tank into a terrarium, and kept a 5-lined Skink for a few years before giving him up to a friend of mine.
  24. ...if these clowns ever got a hold of a multiplayer version of KSP?
  25. The beigli sound yummy! I will have to try them. Having many Georgian friends, I've come to like a lot of Georgian foods. Our table is often graced with things like: khachapuri (cheese bread), lobiani (bean-filled bread), cadi (corn bread) with garlic or ginger spinach, and from trips into NYC - fresh lavash. There's an awesome Georgian bakery in Brighton Beach that does lavash in a proper T'one (stone oven), and just walking past the place, the smell alone.......... irresistible. Khinkali (meat dumplings) are also a favorite around here. This is all making me hungry.
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