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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. "Hicks" are in western NY... you have to go down south to find "rednecks".
  2. I thought when I opened this thread to read it you'd be telling us 'there's a penguin on the telly'.
  3. I have to say, I find most of that a very dismal view, and I disagree with your logic on production (having worked 'on the inside' of numerous major corporations, I've seen otherwise). So far, the 'services based' economics you described have been failing miserably... in a number of nations (keeping it non-political). May I ask you: Do you work for someone, or do you own your own business (and if so, is it production or service based?)? Just curious.
  4. lol ... that was just a bit of a joke. Joking aside however, what about (explosive) rapid expansion? Suggestion was made (OP) that the sub appeared to be of carbon fiber, which, what if it was?... carbon fiber is generally not heat conductive, but does even on the low end possess some such quality. Surely the internal power source and electronics will generate heat, heat that will need to be dissipated. Dropping a 'cool' or even 'cold' sub into a methane sea could provide some interesting catastrophic results - due to rapid expansion. Yes/No?
  5. I have to disagree with some of this. Basic economics tells you that you must produce to keep the economy going ... you cannot all just consume. That means: Industry... and not outsourced industry either. If you have no industry, you produce nothing... there will be no gain, just slow eventual loss. Services and Beyonce' as a part of your GDP are not a substitute for industry, try as you might. Industry is the cornerstone of a successful economic system. And, people ARE interested in reliability and prolonged operation ... one only need to look at the concept of 'planned obsolescence' with the automotive industry to see the truth in that, to see where that went. lol I find the privacy issue interesting. I discuss it with a lot of people I know, from all walks of life. My general impression is that people live with a jaded view, that they're only bothered with such when it affects them personally. Well, I believe that time will come soon, and it will come as a rude awakening.
  6. Seas of ethane, methane and propane ... should be very interesting to see how this is pulled off. Talk about cold! Do they know if there's any manner of oxidizer present? "BOOM!" come to mind?
  7. I know NASA uses special bands for transmissions they don't want public to have access to, data streams and command and control stuff. If you've not found it already, you might find this interesting... http://www.monitoringtimes.com/html/monitoring%20nasa%20and%20space%20communications.pdf This is 5 years old already. I'll suppose there is a *newer* listing, but I'd have to dig further for it... http://www.ntia.doc.gov/files/ntia/Spectrum_Use_Summary_Master-06212010.pdf ...in further checking, this is the 'current' edition. lol And then there's this, even older, but some of it might still apply... http://www.ntia.doc.gov/files/ntia/publications/nasa_strategic_spectrum_plan_nov2007.pdf
  8. Indeed, an IBM subdivision. Would this have anything to do with regard to starting KSP via the KSP.exe or Launcher.exe ?
  9. Not to get into politics, because I know it's quite forbidden here, but I'm compelled to throw this into the ring because it does relate to the discussion... so maybe the moderators will forgo this one considering the relevance and importance? Here in the US, and in conjunction with the UN, new 'global' laws are on the verge of becoming reality where regulation and control of the internet will affect every one of you. Call it a marriage between big business (the providers) and governments (UN regulators). "Net Neutrality" is in danger. How do you all feel about this? Are you ready to be dictated to about what you can and can't do on the web?... about what sites and activities you can visit and perform?... about how much storage you'll be allowed?... about how much time and bandwidth you'll be allotted?... about the kind, type, and quantities of hardware you can own?... and many other aspects, especially monetary - with each and every thing you do becoming taxable.
  10. Since we're posting pictures... here are some real computer geeks, the kind I dealt with daily lol..... A very old argument - "looks don't count, brains do" ... but in the corporate world, appearance is everything..... it can make all the difference in world as far as your getting your foot in the door in the first place, no matter how smart you are (unless you're lucky and someone looks beyond the appearance to the talent).
  11. They could change the aerodynamics in ways other than what I'm asking/wondering about. Guess this one is a wait and see.
  12. I had pretty much the same problem, an LV-N cluster (as pictured in Test #1) blew one of the motors on the way out to Jool. The remaining three left the ship unbalanced during the burn, and I had to shut one of them down (keeping it symmetrical). That's what prompted me to do the tests lol.
  13. For the most part - 'pointy'. An exception would be my Mun/Minmus rover & science complex which sits atop a behemoth lifter. This brings me to a question. I've seen a lot of people post pics of their builds, and the tops of their fuel tanks are left uncovered and blunt-ended. There are parts to adapt down to a smaller size and put a cap/nosecone on top ... but in the current game version I don't see any advantage in doing so aerodynamically. If anything, it just adds mass ... but does make it look 'clean'. Will this change in the upcoming version? Will using pointy nosecones give a drag reduction value?
  14. If I'm testing a new rocket, I prefer a dawn/daylight launch ... easier to see if I've messed up the staging etc. Otherwise, a proven vehicle, I'll launch whenever or what best suits the game plan for my destination.
  15. Interesting. Google Translate lists a "Georgian - CYRILLIC TYPEWRITTER"... which is where/why I say that. Georgian is a root language all of its own. A number of Georgians I know (friends), are of the belief that Georgian (ancient Georgian) was the common language spoken by all peoples before the time of Babel. I don't believe there is any documented proof of that - yet. Interesting concept/prospect however.
  16. What about during engine burn?... not that it would help the OP any, being a burn would mess his orbit.
  17. Yes, that ^ I found the SCANsat mod fun and challenging!
  18. I can't xmit either, no license. That QSO was my dad's... it's still on hold if I want it, thanks to all his ARRL friends. Maybe one of these days I'll study up and take the test. I still have all the equipment (ICOM & Yaesu), 2-meter packet and mobile/hand-helds too. If you really get serious about it, check out the ARES group - very good people.
  19. Not illegal. NOAA and the ISS (NASA) have publicly posted the frequencies used. This information is also available from some of the other hams out there through ARRL. Looks like you've a bit of noise / data drop-outs there. The NOAA site provides these same images, although they are a bit cleaner. QSO? WA2MHA here... but now Silent Key.
  20. I wouldn't go that far. It is silly though... but that's what this section of the forums is for, right? Now, how about we get into Georgian? That's Cyrillic. Even harder trying to make the sounds... my mouth just refuses to cooperate! ugh! lol
  21. I've had a number of problems (failures) in the past using clusters of Rapiers with rocket fuel (LiquidFuel plus Oxidizer) or LV-N Atomic Rocket Motors on the TVR-400L Stack Quad-Adapter ... the motors overheat and explode. I'd found very little on the forums as far as solutions to this problem, aside from the mention of trying Thrust Limiting or adding EAS-4 Strut Connectors; The main point made was the need to dissapate heat. So, I did a few tests. All tests involved 100% throttle static burns, with screenshots taken after overheating stabilized and remained constant. Below are my (unscientific) results..... Test #1: LV-N cluster on a TVR-400L (left inset) vs LV-N cluster attached to FL-T100 Fuel Tanks attached to a TVR-400L (right inset) Overheating reduced about 60%; use of four (4) FL-T100's adds 2.25 tons to mass and 0.8 drag. Test #2: RAPIER cluster on a TVR-400L (left inset) vs RAPIER cluster attached to FL-T100 Fuel Tanks attached to a TV-400L (right inset) Overheating reduced about 5%; use of four (4) FL-T100's adds 2.25 tons to mass and 0.8 drag. Test #3: RAPIER cluster on a TVR-400L with one (1) Cubic Octagonal Strut attached to each engine (left inset) Overheating reduced about 40%; use of four (4) Cubic Octagonal Struts adds 0.004 tons to mass and 0.8 drag. Test #4: RAPIER cluster on a TVR-400L with two (2) Cubic Octagonal Struts attached to each engine (left inset) Overheating reduced 100% (no overheating); use of eight (8) Cubic Octagonal Struts adds 0.008 tons to mass and 1.6 drag. Test #5: RAPIER cluster on a TVR-400L with one (1) Small Hardpoint attached to each engine (left inset) Overheating reduced about 40%; use of four (4) Small Hardpoints adds 0.08 tons to mass and 0.8 drag. Test #6: RAPIER cluster on a TVR-400L with one (1) EAS-4 Strut Connector attached to each engine and connecting to the engine on its right (left inset) Overheating reduced about 40%; use of four (4) EAS-4's adds 0.2 tons to mass and 0.08 drag. Test #7: RAPIER cluster on a TVR-400L with two (2) EAS-4 Strut Connectors attached to each engine and connecting to the engine on its right (left inset) Overheating reduced 100% (no overheating); use of eight (8) EAS-4's adds 0.4 tons to mass and 0.16 drag. Of course, out in space drag will not be an issue. Based on that, my build preference will follow the path of Test #4. Feel free to comment of course.
  22. How did you construct the satellite? If it didn't have a 'brain' onboard, it would have been marked by the game as debris. Build it with a Stayputnik or OKTO, and make sure you've got batteries and solar panels.
  23. I try to deorbit debris, keep it clean as possible. I lost a space station early in the game (v0.23.5) from debris. :/
  24. An interesting read: http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/lunar/apollo13.pdf
  25. That's not 'missing letters'. You're confusing "case" with letters in the "alphabet".
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