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Everything posted by FleshJeb

  1. You folks know what to do (If I still played KSP, I'd be working on it now):
  2. Same. It's on my list if I ever start playing again. Although I've tested quite a few aircraft there. Let's just say Karbonite is a VERY fun mod.
  3. Man, I'm still not over Aristophanes and you bring us this?!? Also, is that Tekto I spy? My favorite planet.
  4. It's absolutely beautiful. Although I'm surprised you're not overheating nose on the ascent. Is that the Mk1 Pod behind The Avionics Hub?
  5. It'll probably only take you 4 hours to build it again, and now you have good motivation to make backups of your craft files. As far as life lessons go, that's a cheap one. FYI, your craft files are stored in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\saves\<savename>\Ships\(SPH or VAB)
  6. Ever wanted to use a cosmic string as a planet-blender? Invent intelligent biological nanomachines that multiply in such quantities that they can alter the universe by observing it? Or just have mysterious planet-sized space clouds that travel through the galaxy in waves and annihilate anything that looks like a civilization?
  7. When 6000 hours you reach, feel this way, you may not.
  8. Looks like a waste of RAM and processor cycles to me. Make the physics engine bulletproof and it could be wireframe for all I care. (Still holding out for Borderlands-style cel-shading though.)
  9. Nope. That's another problem. Control surfaces will flop direction depending on whether the axis of the surface is pointing ahead or behind the COM of the craft. I think I saw in your other post that you were using the angled elevons--That might be the problem. Try different ones.
  10. The fuel cells will automatically turn off when your batteries hit 95%, so it's better to bring too much than too little. Power consumption is complex because it depends on the ore concentration, and what level of engineer you have on-board, if any. Here's a thorough guide. I believe they cut the drill elec consumption in half since this, but that's easy enough to check and plug in to the equations:
  11. Look at the difference in max torques. I believe they're identical, except for the shaft diameter. Of course this might make your prop radius smaller, and the S has less volume, so it will be less buoyant. There's an issue with deploying control surfaces, where if you edit your craft at all, the deployment can invert when you load the craft to the flight scene. It's weird and it sucks. The solution is to just hit the "invert deploy" button on the relevant surfaces in the flight scene. I hope this is what you're running into, anyway.
  12. I agree with @18Wattwith a couple of additions: I find anything less than 4 blades can be a bit jerky. I don't know if that's the physics engine or what. It's somewhat reflective of real life. The goal is to maintain maximum RPM possible because that results in a blade angle that's more perpendicular to the direction of the craft. The steeper the blade, the more thrust they waste pushing sideways, and the less they push backwards. Of course, you'll need a minimum amount of thrust to break the water "stickiness", so that may require more blades. General submarine advice: A submarine is just an airplane in a medium that's 1000 times denser.
  13. They’re both pilots, but Val has mods and a much higher G tolerance. Also, she respawns after 2 hours.
  14. @Isidro22 That's a very workable solution. For testing, I'd put torque, RPM, and AoA on 3 separate KALs and control them with the onscreen sliders, so that I can see the interrelationships. Or you can use the throttle and the RCS keys to control the KAL positions. Once you've got some data points you like, you can put all three on the same KAL and control that with the throttle. There are a lot of good ways of doing it, so pick whatever scheme works for you. Remember also that you can reverse the rotors independently with action groups, as well as toggle the deployment or reverse the deployment of the props. Good for rapid stops and tight turning. I would definitely ballast it more (good pun). Of note, water impacts don't get calculated until the attachment point of the part passes between air and water. For control surfaces, I think that's the midpoint of the fat edge of the part, so if you've got the topmost one just over half submerged, you won't have to worry about it any more.
  15. Do you happen to know how this works with the cargo bay, etc parts? I know we should occupy the internal nodes, and I always assumed that one should use the next size down. What about heatshields? They have three nodes, so which do you have to occupy? (I actually never use heatshields and just pull heat out of normal parts heat with high-heat transfer parts.)
  16. The aero parts function with the same parameters in water as they do in air. Max lift at 25 degrees AoA, max lift-to-drag at 5-7 for supersonic, 3 degrees for subsonic. It sounds like your props are sticking partially out of the water to start, and then getting destroyed on impact? KSP has some funny stuff going on with water impact. For a perfect zero-AoA entry they should be able to take 3x their impact rating (15m/s for control surfaces?). I believe this impact resistance gets reduced with the sin of the angle. (I could be wrong, so folks can correct me.) What I would do is build it with the surfaces flat to the disk, and have them set on deploy at 0 degrees. Start with a fairly low RPM, and slowly increase the deploy angle and RPM until you're moving. (What's the "unstick" speed of KSP water? 0.4m/s?) If you didn't know, optimal deploy angle depends on the speed the craft is moving. The prop blades are drawing a corkscrew through the air/water, and that corkscrew gets stretched out the faster the craft goes. You want the blades to have an AoA relative to that corkscrew (say 3deg). Generally speaking, aim for the maximum RPM at all times, and adjust your deploy angle to preserve that. I haven't done an electric sub yet (I just know entirely too much about KSP physics), so I'd love to see the eventual results.
  17. Some of the information on this is a bit out of date, but this should help you calibrate your instincts: The gist of it is that for most vacuum worlds and LFO engines, an initial local TWR of 2-3 is most efficient. Places with higher dV requirements favor the higher ISP engines and lower TWRs.
  18. Off-topic: I like to joke about KSP still being in Beta, but I may have to revise that to Alpha. To play effectively, one has to maintain a robust knowledge of the outstanding bugs and their workarounds, if any.
  19. https://pacificcoastairmuseum.org/ Pima looks amazing--Certainly much nicer than PCAM. I've chatted (online) with one of the volunteers at Pima--Former F-15 pilot and a fun dude. http://pwoodford.net/blog/?p=25353 --- @kerbiloid Go look at western Nebraska and Kansas, northern Texas, eastern Colorado, and the flatter parts of Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. Thousands of circles.
  20. Interesting thoughts. Robert Forward's plan was 20 years of pushing to 0.2c, then coasting for 20 years, then braking by detaching the outer ring of the sail. Short version: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocheworld#Forward's_light_sail_propulsion_system More detailed explanation: https://www.centauri-dreams.org/2013/08/20/key-issues-for-interstellar-sails/ First page of the actual paper: https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/10.2514/3.8632 Looks like @MatterBeam also covered it at some point:
  21. Had some time to myself on Sunday, so I parked outside the fence of an air museum. See if you can name the aircraft. I always forget how absolutely huge these things are in person. Teaser pic, the rest spoilered below: EDIT: High res here: https://imgur.com/a/12kS0m5
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