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Everything posted by Cuky

  1. I usually build the whole station, including docking ports in the VAB. I then check if there is enough space for future docking of crew and resupply vehicles and adjust if I need to. Than I chop it into multiple modules (save them as subassemblies) and than launch them one by one on best suited lifter that I already have in my fleet. After I assemble the station in orbit I usually tend to find something that I have missed, or I just find it lacking some maneuvering space after craft or two are docked there, so I expand it a bit. Then I stop because I start to get really low FPS rates.
  2. After few days off from KSP I have finally unlocked air intakes and jet engines so I went on to build a plane to do survey contracts around Kerbin. I had few contracts which were for under 18k m altitude so I have build a small plane that flies low (and slow). I still use 2 KW Vesta rocket engines for launch as I do not have landing wheels unlocked yet. Landing is done with 4 parachutes. This is first plane that I have succeeded to fly in career mode since I have started playing KSP. Usually my planes flip out of control or break up in the air, but this one was stable and could do nice turns without braking up. Next version will be built when I unlock landing wheels so that I can take of and land at the runway.
  3. My KSP lately runs as it wants...sometimes I can launch it with no problem at all, play for 2-3 hours and than exit the game without any problem. Yet sometimes (like yesterday and today) while loading game crashes and I get "Too many heap sections" message. I know it is related to me running out of memory, but I am not really sure why sometimes it works, and on other occasions it doesn't. I have never used less mods than now in my 5-6 months of KSP experience and after I have added few base mods I like to use I haven't added any new one since I started my career (while removing RealChutes because I had problems with it). I am using RemoteTech, DRE, FAR, KW, NFSolar, K2 pod, Tweakable everything, few module fixes and twealable landning gears.
  4. Today I did my first 2-man mission in 0.90 career with Jeb and Bill spending 3 days in 80x450km orbit gathering some valuable scientific data and testing new craft that will carry my Kerbals in orbital missions around Mun and Minmus. Launcher is still underpowered though and is still in need of development.
  5. I was at Moho but as my probe managed just to crash into it at about 200m/s I count that as only saying "hi" to the planet.
  6. today I have edited my persistent file for the 1st time since I have bought KSP 5-6 months ago to resurrect one of my Kerbals because he wasn't lost due to my piloting or engineering error. Jeb was, as I have said few days ago, stranded in low Kerbin orbit and was waiting for his fellow kerbonauts to develop technology to come and rescue him. While there I decided to use him to milk some EVA report science around Kerbin. So I went to the tracking station, selected his ship and went to fly. When ship loaded it was spinning rapidly and when it stopped it was on escape trajectory out of Kerbin SOI with only 2 parts on his ship (capsule and parachute). So I canceled that mission in tracking station and edited persistent file to bring Jeb back. I have also upgraded administration building and flew another mission to test poodle engine and get some "in space near Kerbin" science.
  7. Nice work. In 0.24 I tried to make one looking almost exactly like yours using Spaceplane+ mod, except for solar panels where I used retractable ones. It was intended for crew and supplies transfer to and from space station, but even though launch and docking were working as intended re-entry and landing were...difficult at best.
  8. Jeb was stranded in orbit, with Bob, Bill and 2 other guys having dinner in Astronaut complex. They tried to tease Jeb few times with selfies of them enjoying nice snacks so he went on EVA and tried to push his Mk1 Pod to lower its periapsis into the atmosphere. He gave nice little spin to the pod, almost wasn't able to return in it and so he decided to wait for the rescue...and there was just about 1000m to bring him on suborbital trajectory
  9. I got Jeb stranded in my 1st orbit of this career when I accidentally staged his craft and now his capsule and parachute are all he has. He is in 76x130km orbit so I will probably be able to EVA and push him down once I upgrade astronaut complex to allow for EVA. I'll leave that for tomorrow and go to sleep as I don't want to have even more Kerbals stranded
  10. Today I spent few hours running all over the place trying to catch and squash a bug which threw my center of mass way off my rocket whether I used all stock parts or parts from mods. I was removing mod after mod after mod until I found one that caused my problems: latest version of Real Chute. I am currently playing without it and hoping for update.
  11. currently working on my first Mun rocket in 0.90. It flies good for first ~5500m but than just between 5500-6000m my center of mass shifts way out of the rocket and I loose control of it after few thousand meters. I first thought that it was caused by K2 capsule mod I downloaded today, but same thing happened with default Mk1 capsule. I think it has something to do with KW parts but I still have to go through the rocket part by part to see which one is causing problems. I'll post pictures of it once design is finalized.
  12. I was working on my small recon plane for survey contracts. First flight ended...well not so good. I have designed this plane with one central jet engine and two rocket engines on sides for use when intake air is not enough to power the jet. It flies pretty stable in lower parts of the atmosphere (I am suing FAR) but the higher I go more it wants to deviate from prograde (it tends to rise the nose up from prograde). At about 11000-12000m it stalls and than tumbles down until I manage to recover it at about 3000-5000m. After last recovery I managed to climb up to 15000m (had to be above 17300m for contract) and when it stalled again I haven't had enough fuel to recover yet again so I used parachutes to land on the water. I have lost both wings and one nose cone, but everything else survived. Now back to drawing board and try to solve those problems
  13. I voted for "I am not sure" option. Although launching anything into Kerbin orbit gets a bit plane and straight forward thing after some time, there are still challenges of launching things precise enough for rendezvous and docking for example when building stations. Add to that possible inclined orbit if you wish and things become just that bit more complicated. I like it how it is, but I wouldn't have anything against if Squad choose to rise the challenge up a bit
  14. I did 3 flights so far, all with Jeb in command and he is still alive and eager to fly again
  15. I started playing KSP after some time (never really got deep into 0.25) and now it seems that I have to learn all of it again. I have started to use FAR again instead of NEAR and I am having problems with keeping early-career small rockets pointing up. Might be because of mystery goo's on top though... anyways, seems interesting so far to try and build my rockets with part/mass limits forced on me by tier one space center.
  16. I was using FAR for first month or two with the game, but than I switched to NEAR. It is much better than default, but is still easier and more fun to fool around with than FAR.
  17. On the top of the screen where your altimeter is you have 3 icons on its right edge. From top to the bottom they are: lights, landing gear, parking brake. Just click on that orange parking brake icon and you are set
  18. I have finally started my career on 0.25. I have started on moderate difficulty as this is my first time dealing with funds and reputation in KSP and I didn't want it to be too hard for a first time. I use DRE, TAC, Remote Tech, NEAR and Fine Print mods just to name a few.
  19. I have tried first suborbital reentry test of my small spaceplane crew transporter. It went down like a ball of snow down the hill...back to drawing board. I have undocked and deorbited older service module from my station and have also docked science module to it.
  20. I am about 2-3 as I am still learning how to optimize more complex machinery to get to other planets outside of Kerbin's system. I try to build my probes/satelites/landers as compact as possible without clipping the parts but I don't always succeed in that plan. Even if I manage to build something compact it ends up being pretty heavy and I need large boosters to get it into the space. That being said, I rarely have a complete failure of a mission. Usually when I start series of missions with same basic design of cargo (be it probe or lander or satelite) I tend to have large amount of fuel left unused in both lower and upper stages of my rocket, but with every mission I try to use less and less fuel to start with as I am getting more and more efficient in launching that design. So halfway through a program I might even change a lifter rocket with one that has smaller boosters (liquid or solid) or even build completely new rocket that is smaller, ligher and uses less fuel.
  21. That is Pack-Rat Rover' date=' part of USI Exploration Pack mod [url']http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86695-0-25-USI-Exploration-Pack-Small-parts-big-adventure!-v-0-2-2-2014-10-07
  22. while I am waiting for few mods to be sorted up for 0.25 so that I can start proper career on it I am continuing with my science career on 0.24. I am still refining my small rocket-launched space plane that will be used for transportation of crew of 6 and limited supplies to the space station. It flies pretty good in atmosphere (NEAR) and is responsive and stable but I am still having problems with landings. Up until now there were 9 unmanned launches of which 3 finished by ditching in the ocean, 2 crashing on the hill at the island airfield, 3 crashing into the runway at KSC and one tumbling across the runway at KSC. When I sort out landings I will than proceed to suborbital tests intended to test re-entry performances (I am also using DRE) and after that I will try to bring it up to the station to see how it performs rendezvous and docking maneuvers. In parallel, I am also continuing with building of my station. Today I have successfully launched Service Module2 and docked it to the side opposite of SM1 (tug is still attached on it). Later I will undock and deorbit SM1 which will be replaced by design similar to SM2 (few less parts) and than will send one-man mission to clean up unneeded stuff (RCS thrusters, small solar panels etc.). Than I will launch SM1b which will be docked to the same place where SM1 is now. After that I will need to bring up Science Module, Cargo Bay and one extra docking module which will than complete the station.
  23. Thanks for quick fix. I am going to download and test it now
  24. It is kinda off-topic but to answer your question: I separate my modded KSP install that I play from Steam's folder so that when new update comes I can resume with my old save on older version. I am still going to play in my Science save in 24.2 until those mods that I use mostly are updated to work with 25.0. Than I will download them and start a proper Career in 25.0
  25. I am getting a message that NEAR is not compatible with 0.25.0 when game starts loading.
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