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Everything posted by Peppie23

  1. Hi Speadge, as Sigma wrote, you can pre select the targets on the launch pad if you go to the map view. On github we've some topics for this "problem" but I'm still not sure what we should do. So if you've some ideas you can post them on github and discuss with others to get a clearer feature for this.
  2. New version is ready to download http://kerbalstuff.com/mod/134/RemoteTech General - KSP 1.0.4 update Bug fixes - Fixed a problem for transmitting science data in combination with ScienceAlert
  3. Look here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83305-1-0-2-RemoteTech-v1-6-6-2015-06-21?p=2013474&viewfull=1#post2013474
  4. Hi xEvilReeperx, here Dennis from RemoteTech. I can reproduce this error to 100%, here is a list what you've to do: http://github.com/RemoteTechnologiesGroup/RemoteTech/issues/439
  5. If you want to transmit science data with a dish antenna you have to setup a "target" where it points to. Right click the antenna and click the button on the right side by "No Target" and select Kerbin or MissionControl.
  6. Hi Phineas Freak, thanks for your report. I've created an issue on github for your post: http://github.com/RemoteTechnologiesGroup/RemoteTech/issues/440 and i already fixed it. You can use the dev.build-390 http://github.com/RemoteTechnologiesGroup/RemoteTech/releases/tag/build-develop-390 thanks
  7. You can. Just copy your current RT_Settings file, change the values you want and start KSP. You don't have to override values with MM. I also use a "own" RTSettings file. I moved this file to: {KSPRoot}/Plugins, to be safe for RemoteTech upgrades via CKAN, try it Edit: RefPost: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83305-1-0-2-RemoteTech-v1-6-5-2015-05-18?p=1931955#post1931955
  8. yep unfortunately :/ i'll look into it at this weekend
  9. Last week i tried to figure out a problem with 'Science Alert' for transmitting data, maybe this is what your are looking for. - - - Updated - - - Hi linuxgurugamer, we already have a similar kind of your suggestion. It would be nice if you can post some of your ideas directly to this topic http://github.com/RemoteTechnologiesGroup/RemoteTech/issues/108
  10. yep unfortunately, see https://github.com/RemoteTechnologiesGroup/RemoteTech/issues/148
  11. New Version is up thx @all for testing. Bug fixes We've fixed an issue while loading a saved maneuver command We've fixed an issue while loading a saved cancel command Queued commands will now sorted correctly The flight computer will no longer goes crazy if a queued BaseEvent throws an exception We've fixed the SoundingRockets config file Satellites/Stations will now properly re-registered as a satellite after unloading (>2.5km distance) General Textures are now converted to DDS (thx @InsanePlumber) We'll no longer throttling back the timewarp if you are on phys.warp We'll no longer fix the "roll" position for maneuver, orbit und surface commands
  12. can you also reproduce this issue without RemoteTech?
  13. RemoteTech also requires the ModuleManager plugin. You can find the ModuleManager.dll on our zip or download it from here and put it in your Gamedata folder
  14. Hiho, someone here to help me testing the upcoming release? # Bug fixes We've fixed an issue while loading a saved maneuver command We've fixed an issue while loading a saved cancel command Queued commands will now sorted correctly The flight computer will no longer goes crazy if a queued BaseEvent throws an exception We've fixed the SoundingRockets config file # General Textures are now converted to DDS (thx @InsanePlumber) We'll no longer throttling back the timewarp if you are on phys.warp We'll no longer fix the "roll" position for maneuvers, orbit und surface attitude commands Please backup your current save before using the "dev-build". If you want to help me out just download the latest dev-build 368 or click here
  15. I can only find: https://github.com/RemoteTechnologiesGroup/RemoteTech/issues/149 this issue is from "7 Aug 2014" But try it and share your results with us
  16. Thanks Gfurst but i can reproduce this issue, and it's not the ControlLock-Mod. Something is different between the InputLockManager from FlightMode and Mapview i'll look into it.
  17. Hi Niels_Battle, how could you get the setallite into orbit? Can you please check if the ModuleManager plugin is also on the GameData folder. You can found the ModuleManager on our Zip or here
  18. No, Squad changed that with v1.0. See http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/OX-4L_1x6_Photovoltaic_PanelsEdit: on the right side by "Retractable"
  19. Hi Gfurst, Dennis from RemoteTech here. Can you please send me your log file (via pm) that i can see what happens. I just tried ControlLock with RT and i got no lag.
  20. I didn't noticed that Squad changed the node for the Stayputnik from "Flight Controls" to "Basic Sience" with ksp 1.0, and i'm not sure to change also the node for the db-10 antenna.
  21. Thats right. Just add the properties you want to override and if you add one Groundstation to your own settings file this will kill the default ksc.
  22. yep ;-) Edit: "of the file" = RemoteTech Settings file
  23. Hi, you don't need to override the values via MM, just make a copy of our generated Settings and change the values you want. We've a build in mechanism to replace the values without MM. Edit: https://github.com/RemoteTechnologiesGroup/RemoteTech/pull/265 - - - Updated - - - It should be compatible
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