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Everything posted by liquidhype

  1. The parts you are trying to attach are being symmetrically attached around the parts origin point. If you load up the .mu file into Blender and have a look at the model, you'll see that the origin point (CoM in-game) is at the bottom end of the model. So when you have flipped the model 90 degrees like you have in that image, and try to attach something using symmetry, you'll end up with that as a result. I checked the collider and it checks out. It is a lower-poly copy of the model itself, so there are no issues there. I'd suggest either flipping the model or changing its point of origin using CoM offset in the .cfg file. EDIT: Just to really clarify if it was not obvious, the parts attached are being symmetried around the collider.
  2. Welp, that certainly would explain things. Honest mistake. Good luck with your project!
  3. I imported your fbx into Blender and the tank is definitely 14 meters. Not sure what to tell you. For now just rescale your models by half, and then hopefully someone who uses 3ds Max can help you out on what export settings to use.
  4. If that is the case, then there must be one setting in the exporter which makes the model twice its original size. Out of curiosity, which units of measurement does 3ds max have? Can you select metric or imperial units, or does it just use abstract numbers?. I don't know if that could maybe have any effect on how exported models turn out in max. If you can select metric, then do that and verify that the model is indeed 7 meters wide. If it is, then that would pretty much narrow it down to the exporter being the cause of the issue. I agree with you, knowing that the models exports at 2x its normal size, the simple solution would to just rescale it by half. But now I feel invested and want to know the reason as well
  5. It has to be because of how your 3D modeling software of choice is exporting the models. The reason I say this is because if you modeled your tank to be 7 meters in diameter, exported the model from Unity with a scale of 1,1,1 and set the Scale = and rescaleFactor = to 1 in the .cfg file, then the model should be exactly 7 meters in diameter in the game. I have not used 3ds max, so I don't know the export settings, but I can not think of any other reason as to why your model(s) come out all whacky in size other than it being caused the the 3ds max exporter. EDIT: Btw, did you apply the scale to your model(s) in 3ds max? I have no clue how to do it in 3ds max, but in Blender it is Ctrl+A to apply location and/or rotation and/or scale.
  6. I don't know if there are schematics of the Ariane 6 yet, but feel free to use one of my renders for reference. It's a 4K image, so you should be able to make out the important details. As for dimensions, the core tank, interstage, upper stage and fairing are all 5.4 meters in diameter. Dunno what that is in "kerbal meters". The fairings are 20.019 meters tall, the core tank is 25.942 meters tall, the interstage is 7.797 meters tall and the upper stage tank is 6,248 meters tall (note some of the upper stage sticks out from the bottom of the tank making it approx 7.95 meters). As for the solid rocket motors, they are 3.4 metes wide and 13.018 meters tall from the top of the booster to the bottom of the nozzle. The booster nosecone is 9.268 meters tall. Anyway. here is the image
  7. Yea I'm pretty sure you can't redistribute and Squad assets, and I am positive you can not claim copyright. You could have just as easily have made this mod by simply added the propellant type, the resource and the gimbal module with a ModuleMananger file and released that one file as a mod instead. It would have accomplished exactly the same goal.
  8. Is there a reason why you don't export your models like everyone else? Just drag and drop the .blend file into your Unity project and export the models from there. Or export your models as either .fbx or .dae from Blender and drag those file into Unity and export as .mu files. I have not used the .mu exporter for Blender, but I'm pretty sure you need to run everything through Unity regardless. It's not like you can use the KSP partTools or tweak the KSP shaders in Blender (unless there is some way I'm unaware of).
  9. Well that was quick! Maybe give those propellant tanks a smooth shading and a gray texture. Other than that, gimmi gimmi!
  10. Sweet. No need to go nuts with the textures. Just add a bunch of colors and bake an AO map and call it a day. You can go back a re-do the textures at a later point. It's not like anyone spends a lot of time looking at the textures before they launch, so they are not all that important.
  11. Did you ever get around to adding SLC 17, SLC 4E, SLC 40 and what not? I can't be bothered making them myself, and I saw you posted some images a while back.
  12. All the kids wants to pretend they are modders these days...
  13. The engine is not really textured. It is only a diffuse color map with an AO-map multiplied on top of it and some metallic effects around the nozzle. One could definitely do a lot more with it texture-wise. It looks OK in-game when the emissives kicks in.
  14. It's a Jupiter-241 actually. 2 stages, 4 RS-25s on the first stage and 1 J-2X upper stage engine. I just threw it in for funsies (= But let's not derail the topic, GO NEW GLENN!
  15. New Glenn looks like a beast. I got so inspired by the video that I just had to make a couple of renders of it. Size compared to other rockets Size compared to a 5'8 human
  16. @stratochief66 @Mad Rocket Scientist I've got that Nerva engine modeled and have had it lying around for a while. If one of you wants the model, I'd be happy to donate it. It's not like I'm ever going to use it anyway. The model is not UV-unwrapped and textured, but this engine is quick to unwrap and does not require much detail in terms of texturing. Let me know if you want it, and I'll hand over the .blend file. Nerva Engine:
  17. Definitely forgot the give the part a collider. Just add a 12-sided cylinder in Blender, parent it to the part and export. In Unity you have to select the collider, remove the "mesh renderer", go to Add Component, Physics, Mesh Collider and set the collider as Convex. Now export the model again and you will be able to grab on to the part in the game and move it around.
  18. It is stock. I tested this a while back using the .cfg file the "kickback" solid rocket booster. The only difference was adding multiple PREFAB_PARTICLE for the smokepoints to correspond with how the hierarchy for my model was set up.
  19. You can have multiple smokepoint on one model when using PREFAB_PARTICLE. You just need to give the smokepoints different names and reference them individually in the .cfg file. PREFAB_PARTICLE { name = smoketrail1 prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_medium transformName = fxTransform1 // <-----------smokepoint number 1 emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.0 emission = 0.075 0.25 emission = 1.0 1.25 speed = 0.0 0.25 speed = 1.0 1.0 localOffset = 0, 0, 0 } PREFAB_PARTICLE { name = smoketrail2 prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_medium transformName = fxTransform2 // <-----------smokepoint number 2 emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.0 emission = 0.075 0.25 emission = 1.0 1.25 speed = 0.0 0.25 speed = 1.0 1.0 localOffset = 0, 0, 0 } PREFAB_PARTICLE { name = smoketrail3 prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_medium transformName = fxTransform3 // <-----------smokepoint number 3 emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.0 emission = 0.075 0.25 emission = 1.0 1.25 speed = 0.0 0.25 speed = 1.0 1.0 localOffset = 0, 0, 0 }
  20. Instead of giving the individual engines explanative titles, just give them their proper names (RD-0110 or RL-10A-4-1). It makes more sence to put the additional information such as "Soyuz-STK-A second stage engine" in the description rather than in the title. Makes life a lot easier for everyone using the parts.
  21. You add a tag and call it "Icon_Hidden", then you can select the engine shroud meshes and set them to "Icon_Hidden".
  22. Congrats on release! The engines are lookin' really good. Maybe edit the title to let people know which version of KSP it is compatible with and the version of the mod. Like this kind of thing --> [1.2.2] Real Engines Pack (REP) v.1.0.0
  23. Nice to see someone focusing exclusively on realistic looking engines instead of those cartoony tankbutt stockalike engines.
  24. As Skalu pointed out, you have not assigned a texture for your shader. It's set to KSP/Specular, but you need to either select the texture or drag and drop it into the shader. If that doesn't help, make sure you named your .mu file "model", since you are calling on the model by "mesh = model.mu". Thats all I can think of off the top of my head. Your .cfg file looks good.
  25. In terms of setting up the gimbal (and the engine in general), you could not have chosen a more complex engine to be your first engine for KSP. At least if you are aiming for a realistic looking gimbal. Each combustion chamber and nozzle needs to have a 45 degree freedom of rotaton offset from each other. You do this by making each nozzle/combustion chamber the child of a Gimbal Transform in Unity. Then you need to rig the gimbal units and gimbal acutators by using aimConstraints in order for them to function properly. Lastly you need use a skinned mesh renderer on each individual hot gas duct (the lines coming out of the turbine above the LOX and fuel pumps). If you don't use a skinned mesh renderer, the engine will look weird as the top of the combustion chambers will dislocate from the hot gas ducts. You'll need to give each nozzle a thrustTransform in order for the nozzles to have flames and smoke coming out of them when the engine is running. The hierachy for an RD-170 engine in Unity should look something like this: GameObject Thrust Structure/Engine Gimbal1 Nozzle1 thrustTransform Gimbal2 Nozzle2 thrustTransform Gimbal3 Nozzle3 thrustTransform Gimbal4 Nozzle4 thrusTransform This hierarchy is just the engine without the acutator setup and skinned mesh renderer. If you want functioning gimbal units and acutators, you'll need to make all 4 gimbal units the children of the Thrust Structure/Engine and each set of 2 acutators the children of each nozzle. Then you need to use aimConstraints to have the acutators lookAt their respective gimbal units and vice versa. Or if you are lazy and don't care if it doesn't look realistic, you can just have the nozzles NOT gimbal and instead use the thrustTransforms to gimbal and have the nozzles be static. This doesn't nearly look as cool, but it works. As I said, you chose a rather complex engine to be your first
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