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Everything posted by liquidhype

  1. Well for one the CSS engines are pointed roughly 10 degrees off-center, whilst the Buran engines point straight. If you want to avoid "chasing the rabbit", just point the CSSs engines 10 degrees above or below the target vector.
  2. Does the all these parts mods still work in .25? It would be fun to use Dragon01's shuttle to build the space station (when the CSS gets compatible with FAR)
  3. Make sure the red arrows are point outwards, and then individually rotate each nosecone about 10-15 degrees more so that they burn semi-diagonally in towards the ET/shuttle. That should make them separate cleanly. If that doesnt work, you haven't attached the decoplers and/or the boosters correctly. You can try to put a structural girder where the decoupler normally should be, then add a decopupler onto that, and then add the booster.
  4. I find that the boosters separate fine if you decouple them at the 2min 4sec mark (like the real thing). Just make sure the nose cones are pointed in the right direction. I haven't really figured out how the CSS booster decouplers work, so I've been using the stock detatchment manifolds. Seems to do the job. As for the ET, all you need to do is use one little strut to make it not bounce around whilst performing the gravity turn. I am really, and I mean really struggeling to get the shuttle back down from orbit, especially with FAR (both with and without 6.4x RSS). As soon as it hits the thicker part of the atmosphere, it just flips over a** first. I've tried all kinds of different approaches, different re-entry altitudes, different angles, with fuel, without fuel. The thing just flips over. In the VAB and SPH I can see that the center of mass is in front, but very much above the center of lift. Is it supposed to be like that? I'm thinking that is the reason for the shuttle wanting to flip over.
  5. Wow! I'm definately gonna try this out. I've been bitching and whining about wanting a mod like this for over a year now
  6. The shuttle seems to work fine, except for the minor "bugs" people already have reported. I tried it out in 6.4x RSS, and it is nearly impossible to get it through the atmosphere without the whole thing flipping over 180 degrees. I'd imagine it would have the same problem in full RSS? I have not yet yested it in full RSS.
  7. Yes it does in fact fly perfectly fine in FAR. I never use stock, but I did test it in stock aswell just as a comparison. It was easy to configure it to get into space, the hard part was getting it back, seeing as it liked to flip over as soon as it hit the 30k mark. With that said, I would agree with Dragon on his statement about it not being configured for FAR as is, but with some adjustments it is in fact possible to make it fly like a dream.
  8. Would it be possible to make TweakScale rescale parts on all the axis? Length, width, diameter. That would be an amazing feature!
  9. Well the main issue in that particular video is that the center of thrust is not going through the center of mass properly. The reason being that the boosters are just a bit too low compared to the three main engines. If you just raise the boosters a little bit it should fix the problem. I'm using the shuttle in both stock and FAR, and it flies like a dream.
  10. That is awesome to hear Dragon! Absolutely love the CSS. It might benefit from texture reduction though, seeing as the game tends to lag a bit more when using the CSS parts, compared to other parts.
  11. Oh I totally overlooked it! Thanks man, works like a charm
  12. Yea, I am also waiting for this to be updated! REALLY want this plugin
  13. Such a simple but yet good idea! I'll try this one out for sure
  14. Everything is back to normal now! Turning on SM3 shaders was the main issue. Had to turn it on and then restart the game. Thank you guys! Appreciate the help:D
  15. That is quite allright! You are infact correct, it is not Mechjeb, it is actually DRE (v.6.2) that has the weird UI button. I will try turning on the SM3 shaders and turn off fallback shaders, restart and then post an update.
  16. Yes I know it's installed in the correct location, seeing as the mod itself works perfectly fine (so does all the other mods).
  17. Yes I did. I did specify that in my original post. I've tried high graphic settings, low graphic settings, uninstalling, restarting the game with different graphic settings (both with and without mods installed). Im not really sure what to do. The glichyness and buttons disappearing is driving me crazy
  18. No that is not how the space center complex normally looks. The water is way off, the grass has two different textures and the whole area around the space center has glitchy lines all over when I move the camera around. This is how the space center is supposed to look: It's not only the mechjeb UI that has disappeard, DRE and a few others either appear white or distorted.
  19. First of all, make sure that all the mods you are trying to use are up-to-date and that you have downloaded the latest Module Manager (2.5.1). Download the Toolbar (Toolbar 1.7.7), seeing as some of the mods use the toolbar for their UI buttons. When you extract the mods from 7z or Winrar (whichever you are using), make sure you are extracting them into the proper location. My computer -> C: -> Program files (x86) ->Steam -> Steam apps -> common -> Kerbal Space Program -> Game data <--(extract all the mods into here) ...and IS 0.25
  20. So I'm not completely sure what is going on here, but KSP seems to have some weird texture issues. I played the game yesterday and everything was going good. I started the game today, and this is what the space center looks like now: This has never happened to me before, and I have no clue how to fix it. I've tried adjusting the graphics settings, but to no avail. This is a fresh install btw. I uninstalled the game from steam and then re-installed it. I do have most of the 0.25 mods installed, but no mods that adjust the textures or add clouds/city lights like E.V.E, Texture Replacer or BA/AV. These are the mods I am currently using: - 000_toolbar - Animated decouplers - Ambient Light Adjustment - DRE - Editor extensions - KER - FASA launch clamps - FAR - Fineprint - JSI (raster prop) - KAS - Kerbal joint reinforcement - Hyperedit - KM Space shuttle engines - Infernal robotics - MJ2 - Docking alignment indicator - Near future construction, solar & spacecraft - KSP interstellar - Proc parts & fairings - Realchute - Remote tech - SDHI - Simple part organizer - Stage recovery - Kerbal alarm clock - Tweakscale - VNG - Module manager 2.5.1 I'm very stupid when it comes to fixing KSP-related issues, so if anyone can give me some advice on how to deal with this problem, it would be very much appreciated! Thanks guys!
  21. It would be nice if you made the wings one single part so that they became symmetrical. It is quite annoying to have to individually adjust each wing, and then have the same issue when trying to put on landing gear symmetrically. I've allready fixed this issue, but I was more thinking along the lines of making it easier for other people who are downloading this. Awesome job btw!
  22. I just thought of something. I am currently using modulemanager 2.3.5, might that have anything to do with my issue of the parts not showing up?
  23. This looks extremely interesting! I'll give it a try for sure
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