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Everything posted by liquidhype

  1. This is not the place to have that discussion. If there ever is a "beta" version available, anyone who wishes to try it out will have the opportunity to do so. Until such time, patience
  2. Thanks for the heads up Chris! Duely noted. I actually got the models (and used them in my own RSS install) from you during one of your streams a while back. Made my KSC so much prettier. Thank you for donating these models to this project
  3. I've never even heard of that thing. Some reference material would be nice. I might just make it
  4. As far as I know, the stock buildings do not rescale, even in RSS (correct me if I'm wrong). If enough people desperately want these statics' size to scale in relation to the of scale of the Kerbol system, I guess I could make that a reality. There are too many people with too many wishes This is still very much a WIP, so our main priority is making the models and placing them where they need to be. Everything else will happen later on.
  5. To be honest, at the rate we are making models, and the amount of people wanting to donate their unused models, I think there will be plenty to choose from for anyone regardless of how they play the game. Triston is busy making the modern day Atlas V family launchpads, he's already got the shuttle landing facility done, and I'm currently working on the Delta IV launch pads and the future SpaceX Dragon V2 landing pad. ChrisPBacon kindly donated his pre-shuttle era launch pads with the KSC and a few other statics and Mike has got the space shuttle pad and tower already in the game. So there will be plenty to chose from. We will probably end up releasing a few different versions, one pre shuttle, one post shuttle, all-in-one, Atlas V pads, Delta IV pads and so on.
  6. That was the plan? Somebody must not have notified me But hey, if people want to do that, go right ahead!
  7. You are very welcome! Hopefully everything works fine, as I've had limited time to test the configs properly
  8. Priority numero uno is to have the stock kerbal space center look as similar to the real KSC as possible. When that is done, we move on to RSS (= There will be launchpads for everyone, regardsless of if you play in stock, 2x, 3.7x, 6.4x, 10x or full RSS.
  9. Update: For those of you who wanted stock configs, stock configs are now available!
  10. Placing all the launchpads, or statics, is very easy with KK. Also, you won't have to be placing anything, me and Tristonwilson12 will be doing all that before the first version of this even gets released. Every static will be in its correct location when you download it
  11. Yes I could message Yogui87, and maybe I'll do that later on For now I'll just add optional configs for my launchers that will balance them for the stock game. They'll all still have their real sizes, but fuel, thrust and ISP will have to be rebalanced. I'll have the stock configs ready by today sometime.
  12. Yea 90% of the reason for me wanting complicated colliders was so that you could add glorious lights all over the place The other 10% was for adding batteries, engines and all those other "useless" things.
  13. Yea in combination with all the amzing work you are doing, and all the new modders coming in lately, this is going to be good
  14. They kind of got lost in the headache that was updating this mod I'll add them back in. Just have to configure the new launchers for stock, which takes some trial and error to find the correct balance. - - - Updated - - - Well the only mod that has all the european launchers is Yogui87s European Historical pack. Problem is, none of Yogui87s Lionhead mods have been updated since 0.25. I'd be happy to maintain them. They are easy enough to update, seeing as most Lionhead mods are parts packs, which only needs minor re-balancing, node flipping and configuring the different engines.
  15. First part in-game. Note, nothing is done to the model what so ever. No textures, no proper configuring. Just testing out the colliders, and they seem to work. Importing the next model into the game now.
  16. ETC is short for Engine Thrust Controller and is basically a plugin that adjusts/controls the thrust limiter of solid rocket boosters as their fuel decreases. It is not a good thing to have the SRBs going at full power whilst the fuel is running out. That will lead to the TWR getting way to high and is not realistic. ETC is extremely useful as times, hence why I am working on configuring my launchers for this mod. Yes Yogui87s mods are wonderful! The ESA pack doesn't currently work with KSP v.1.0.4 as nodes need flipping and engines needs to be re-configured. Hopefully he does update the ESA mod so that people who do not play in RSSRO can enjoy his launchers. My mod is meant for Real Solar System and the launchers are much to powerful for stock KSP. This mod is not meant for every single KSP player, but serves more as a realism pack for the more advanced players. - - - Updated - - - Yes I will eventually make custom configs for stock KSP. My main priority however is making these launchers for RSSRO. But I can surely include stock configs in the next update.
  17. After 2 days of headache after headache, the update is finally live.
  18. If you plan on having parts attach to it only using nodes, I can just slap a box collider on it and call it a day. I was thinking of making it possible to grab, lets say a battery, and slap it on the side if one so desired. Or in your case, "more lights!"
  19. Hello Felbourn, and everyone else! I've been very busy at work the last couple of days, so have not been too active here unfortunately. Just a small update from my side: I've improved the models since last time, geometrically speaking. The rest of the detailing will come from texturing the parts. I am done animating the antenna, it has 3 animations baked into one. The first animation rotates the antenna from a horizontal position parallel to the lander up in a 90 degree vertical position. It then extends its telecopic piston, and finally pivots and pans the antenna by using its hinge on the top. All models are imported into Unity and I am currently working on the colliders for the "c-bed" part, which turns out, is the most difficult one to get done. It needs multiple colliders in order to work how I envisioned it would, meaning I want to configure it in such a way that it is possible to surface attach parts to any flat area. It is not as easy as using a mesh collider or a box collider. Anyway that's all I have to report at this moment. If you (Felbourn), or anyone else wants to test out the models (untextured) as soon as I finish the colliders, I'll post a download link here. I'd love some feedback on the models and animation before I finish the parts, in case there is anything I need to add/remove and so on. And for anyone who still doesn't understand which parts specifically we are working on, everything in this picture except the "tank" is what we are currently adding to the game. The base is divided into two separate pieces, while the antenna is the third. (Picture of the old model)
  20. You need to flip the node_stack_bottom nodes for each of the engines. Go into each of the engines .cfg files and change the AngY to -1.0 Example: node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -7.27403, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
  21. I wanted to release the new launchers yesterday, but I'm having some small issues I need to sort out before I release the update. These issues are slowly making me crazy
  22. I very much appreciate your offer good sir, but I'm not going to make you run around the cape taking reference photos for me ^^ I'm sure google has a few pictures I can use for scale and so on. I must say I really like the look of your shuttle landing facility. I saw it and thought "I need to make something like this!" I was thinking about making different launchpads along the kerbal coastline by the KSC, as well as the lightning rods for the pads, Dragon V2 landing pad and such to add a little "flair" to the kerbal space center.
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