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Everything posted by liquidhype

  1. I'm looking forward to having the Spice Launch System SRBs. I've done some testing without FAR this time, and the shuttle seems to handle quite well. Only tiny amounts of phantom forces. The only issue I've noticed, and I see other people have allready pointed this out, is the insane gliding capabilites. Other than that, it is quite fun to play around with. I'll do some more FAR testing today and see how it handles.
  2. FEEDBACK UPDATE: So I've spent about 3 hours testing the shuttle in FAR, and these are my findings. - TWR too high - Lack of roll and pitch control on ascent (up to 10km, then it has minor control) - Lack of pitch control on descent (CoM too far forward) I find that the CoM is too far forward. I went into the cfg files and moved the CoM back (basically put it on top of CoL) @ 100% LF/OX & mono. What this does is it lets the CoM move forward to where it should be when all tanks are empty of fuel. The way it was before, the CoM was already in front of CoL @ 100% fuel, so when all the fuel was gone, the CoM was so far forward that it basically had no pitch control during re-entry and approach to runway. The picture shows where the CoM and CoL lift are before I edited the cfg files. As you can see, when fuel = 0% the CoM is so far forward that the shuttle is pretty much a lawn dart at that point. http://i.imgur.com/BHLRaSU.png"] It also seems that FAR is not calculating drag properly. After re-entry the vehicle is diving at 40 degrees nose down at close to 300m/s. There is no controlling it at that point and it is not possible to bleed of the speed due to lack of roll, pitch and yaw control. I will have a crack at this issue and post when I find a solution.
  3. Hey Mike, appreciate you doing this. I started refurbishing the CSS a while back to make it flyable in FAR and more stable with RO(back in 0.90), but eventually had to give up due to other commitments. I'll definitely download your fix and put the shuttle through its paces with FAR in 1.0.2 and report back here on how it handles.
  4. Am I the only one that is getting an insane frame drop when tweaking the fairings? Specifically the interstage fairings. The FPS slows to a crawl, and this has never happened before.
  5. We are all having the same issues. They will fix it as soon as they see fit. Patience is key
  6. Nominee: Bob Fitch For: Best Overall KSP Channel & Best Educational Channel Reason: Attention to detail, realism, time and effort put into all videos and great tutorials Best Educational video:
  7. Add a TweakScale module to it's config file MODULE { name = TweakScale type = free } or MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack scaleFactors = 2.5, 3.75, 5.0 scaleNames = 2.5m, 3.75m, 5m }
  8. People, download the Firespitter.dll Landing gear, cargobays, airbreaks, they won't work without it.
  9. Come again? They work perfectly fine in stock. Only a few features won't show up in stock, like the thrust curve to mention one. Also you would need to add a freescale module or adjust the config file to get the proper thrust out of them, if not, they are way OP for stock.
  10. Is this only usable in RO? The booster looks amazing, so would be nice to use it in 6.4x RSS and full RSS aswell.
  11. Looks like Dragon is no longer banned. Though I have not heard if he will be returning to the forum, it's nice to see the ban removed.
  12. Yes I know how to install mods, I was just unsure of what to do with the bat file. Do I run the bat file before starting the game or when the game has loaded?
  13. I don't quite understand the Readme file. I states "Drop the .bat file in KSP and run it to disable the loading of replaced Squard assets" Am I supposed to start the game first, and then drag and drop the .bat file into the game window?
  14. Yes both FAR (v.0.14.6) and CSS (v.6.0.3x) are up to date and my tests were conducted using only the parts within the CSS mod itself + your RO config files. The roll and yaw instability happens at about the 80km mark during ascent. I've tried about 5 different ascent patterns, all resulting in the same instability outcomes. As for re-entry and decent, I've tried a few different solutions: dump all remaining fuel, 30%, 50% and so on and so forth. I've also tried re-entry with different pitch-values, different Pe-altitudes, all resulting in the craft rolling and yawing out of control before completely flipping over. I will try to manually adjust SSME trim and enable roll and get back to you. Your configs looks good, haven't really found anything that seems off.
  15. Well I've tested your RO-fix, and there are still some major aerodynamic issues when using FAR. The shuttle rolls and yaws by itself during ascent, and it flips over right around 70-60km during re-entry and decent. You might want to check your config file, because something is off or misaligned.
  16. Is the thing configured for FAR? I've tested it out and it has some critical aerodynamic issues. It seems to roll somewhat uncontrollably during ascent. Re-entry and decent is pretty much impossible. As soon as the shuttle hits 70-60km it starts rolling all over the place and flips out of control.
  17. Yes I did make a little bobo there! I figured it was not going to be a problem because I specified that it was for use in 0.25. However, it was because of violation of the redestribution rules (for those who were curious) (-:
  18. I put a version of firespitter for 0.25 in my dropbox just now for ya. It should work. Here you go --> Linky (removed)
  19. I'm not really sure if there are any out there. I just edited the mods configis using the specs I find about the rockets (Soyuz FG & Soyuz FG Fregat) on the interwebz. This website it pretty neat for creating your own RO craft -> Spaceflight101
  20. Of course not! It is fantastic news that Dragon01 is still doing his thing with the mod, alot of people have been worried due to the fact that we haven't been updated much recently. So it is nice to hear that things are still in progress.
  21. That is fantastic news! Thanks for keeping us updated BobCat!
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