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Everything posted by liquidhype

  1. Say what now? A bunch of us already have statics placed within RSS using Kerbal Konstructs - - - Updated - - - Nice! It's looking good Kartoffelkuchen!
  2. Fixing the SpaceX mod is easy I'm currently using it in my RSSRO install. There were not alot of fixing to do to be honest. If anyone could get in contact with LazarusLuan and get the rights to open a unofficial thread, I could give you guys the version that works in 1.0.4.
  3. That is what I am trying to get people to understand. They keep downloading the zip file expecting it to work and then post questions here as if your KSC2 is some kind of beta version of this mod. It is not even remotely ready yet. Peoples of the interwebs, please don't mess around with the KSC2 unless you absolutely know what you are doing. I am working on getting it to function properly in 1.0.4, and it will be a part of Tristons mod as soon as we release the first version. Until then, please be patient
  4. Don't be fooled, there is still plenty to be done before anything gets released. We've barely started on the models, and there are going to be alot of them.
  5. Looking at some of these images, you really need to go over the model once done and reduce the poly count by merging Remember we're going to have a bunch of these statics scattered all over the place, so each static should have as low a poly count as possible.
  6. True, but slapping on chute is the easy way to do it It's way more fun to do it the hard way. My motto in KSP is, more realism = more fun (=
  7. Elon Musk said it was because of the chutes' weight. The chutes would need to be massive in order to do a PAL (parachute assisted landing) of the first stage. More mass = more fuel, more fuel = more expensive to launch It was easier and cheaper to use the hypersonic grid fins and the single merlin engine to do a propulsive landing. And if I might add, it looks way more awesome doing the propulsive landing So I would assume that this applies to any launcher trying to recover any of the stages/engines.
  8. I was exaggerating to make a point. The models do appear under ground in stock KSP, how far under I do not know.
  9. Yea, but with the right launch profile you could detatch the engine and tab over to the upper stage and get its Ap high enough that you have enough time to tab back to the engine and fly it back. Thats what I do when I play around with the SpaceX mod anyway.
  10. You need both KK and RSS in order to place the statics and not have them appear giant and 500m underground.
  11. It did cross my mind while I was making Ariane 6, but I didn't get around to it. Maybe later on It would be interesting to have it in the game.
  12. Haha greetings Project Alexandria! Will you come back to us anytime soon?
  13. Chris' statics won't work properly in stock KSP as is, as the statics are much to big. You'd need RSS, and also RVE in order to not have a massive texture clash
  14. You definitely should try it, I'm sure you'd pick up on it rather quickly. Any 3D modelling program is not too hard to learn, whether it be Blender, Maya, 3Ds max or any other. When you get the hang of which tool does what, it becomes quite easy.
  15. Really? I figured he did the modelling himself. Well they're free to use, so why not.
  16. Any launch clamp would just clip through the statics, so there is no need to integrate them.
  17. That could be a separate mod in it by itself. The only other mod that gives us launch clamps is FASA. I'm sure people would love to have even more to choose from.
  18. Doesn't matter. With the imagination KSP players have, I'm sure they'd find a use for any launcher that were to be made, either by me or anyone else.
  19. Well with your latest post here, I won't run out of ideas any time soon!
  20. Great reference material! These fit right in with my mod, as I am mostly making launchers and craft that has not already been made for KSP. I'll need to finish my Delta III and Vulcan rockets first before I move on to anything else. But thank you for all the inspirational images
  21. Oh I see. And those models are not high poly? Seems like most of the NASA 3D models are very high poly and usually causes problems in KSP.
  22. I'm sure Felbourn has seen it, but which mod is this from? Looks very nice indeed
  23. It does what it needs to do. It is just nice to have a bit more "flair" to the stock KSC. And having launchpads, landingpads, runways and all that good stuff scattered all over the place makes for a more versitile space center.
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