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Everything posted by custume

  1. okay so this is the addict´s post I think I need some version of AA or in this case KA. Regards
  2. Never see one but you never know it might exist, in the beginning I made a launcher (like 3 or 4 hours) after I start playing, it can take about 150 to 500+ tons and it have a lot of parts (1500+) and the total mass was 1800 to 2100 tons, like 20 Fps on launch, but works great. You can do one too, my have about 60+ rockets per stage (solid), Max TWR of 32 Here is a copy of it if you like to see it http://www.custume-server.com/up/uploads/MULE.zip It only uses default parts, (no mods needed) That's true, is a texture problem from the parts and not the mod, some parts do not have the texture correct or in the correct size and them the mod will copy that error to. Regards to all
  3. You guys need to read this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/77327-20May-0-23-5-Issues-Fix-Crashes-Decoupler-EVA-Career-Save-Won-t-Start-more/page2 Regards
  4. hi, Here is a Battery Bank I made for me to store Megajouls (resize a Z4 to a larger size) and I use the original model (and the correct location) so you don't really need to send the model mu included in the zip. is half the size of a FL-R1 RCS tank. PART { name = Megajouls-Battery-Bank module = Part author = MEEEEEEEEEE rescaleFactor = 1 PhysicsSignificance = -1 node_stack_bottom = 0,-0.6,0,0,1,0,2 node_stack_top = 0,-0.15,0,0,1,0,2 node_attach = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 CrewCapacity = 0 TechRequired = advRocketry entryCost = 0 cost = 18000 category = Utility subcategory = 0 title = Megajouls-Battery-Bank manufacturer = MEEEEEEEEEE description = Large Battery Bank to store Megajouls. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0,0,0 mass = 0.8 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.1875 minimum_drag = 0.1875 angularDrag = 0.9375 crashTolerance = 17.25 breakingForce = 47.4375 breakingTorque = 47.4375 maxTemp = 1600 fuelCrossFeed = True MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Electrical/batteryBankLarge/model position = 0,-0.375,0 scale = 1,2,1 rotation = 0,0,0 } RESOURCE { name = Megajoules amount = 0 maxAmount = 1000 } } Regards
  5. Hi again, last night I try to look at the position bug but no luck. Looks like Unity likes to set as root parts the side stack points, for example node_stack_bottombatteryBankLarge0 = -3.387531E-08,-5.817735,8.728989E-09,0,1,0,2 node_stack_topbatteryBankLarge6 = -3.387531E-08,5.411562,8.728989E-09,0,1,0,2 node_stack_bottomrtg20 = -1.036258,-1.6062,1.025661,0,1,0,0 node_stack_toprtg23 = -1.036258,1.008213,1.025661,0,1,0,0 node_stack_bottomrtg25 = 1.02566,-1.6062,1.036258,0,1,0,0 node_stack_toprtg28 = 1.025661,1.008213,1.036258,0,1,0,0 node_stack_bottomrtg30 = 1.036257,-1.6062,-1.025661,0,1,0,0 node_stack_toprtg33 = 1.036257,1.008213,-1.025661,0,1,0,0 node_stack_bottomrtg35 = -1.025661,-1.6062,-1.036258,0,1,0,0 node_stack_toprtg38 = -1.025661,1.008213,-1.036258,0,1,0,0 node_attach = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Here I do not have any side stack position but as you can see the mod adds all the stacking points it can find and it adds points that are inside the part but is unity that decides what point will be the root and normally unity tend to favor the side stack points, do not know wy or how, if I really need that point I can simply remove all the side stack points that way unity will chose a top or bottom point. Regards
  6. Hi all, I have a strange error on this version. All works great, side a crash from time to time (to many mods) all is working fast, my problem is on the kerman´s image in capsule (not the IVA), they show up slow and lagging, all the rest is fast and working ok but they are slow, like 80% slower. Best regards to all
  7. No Problem, any time. Here is the parts I have welded so far : http://www.custume-server.com/up/uploads/sdffff.jpg This one is a simple one and again work fine, cant add engines they show up using the side covers, but can stack battery's (lot of them). This part have another problem, if I use a decoupler as a main part after the mod is discarded they will lose all the links, so all parts connections are lost, if I don't use a decoupler and use a fuel tank (for example) them they will be discarded and retain the connections. http://www.custume-server.com/up/uploads/dfsfdsf.jpg http://www.custume-server.com/up/uploads/sdfsaggsd.jpg This one works good, no error and all buttoms work http://www.custume-server.com/up/uploads/sadsad.jpg http://www.custume-server.com/up/uploads/asdawfsda.jpg This one was the most complex one I made, it have almost all I can add in terms of items that will not create a error, the tanks have a small problem due to the number of storage available, if the total number of some starting recourses is 0 it will set up 0 (like depleted fuel) but is a fast fix, RESOURCE { name = Helium-3 amount = 0 maxAmount = 0 To maxAmount = 200 X Number of tanks flowState = True isTweakable = False hideFlow = False flowMode = Both cant use side connections, they get confuse on the Y and Z location ( like in the next image) http://www.custume-server.com/up/uploads/gsgdfsgd.jpg This happens if I try to add anything on the side after weld. If you like I can send you the good ones and the mistake ones for you to see. Best regards EDIT: Im starting to use all the stuff I weld and it looks great, most of my lag come from massive number of parts, most are beams and struts and this mod weld them well, so excellent work. EDIT 2 : Ok I have test almost all the parts configuration and here is the full list : Here is the list of mods im using (nevermind the version they are all up to date) http://www.custume-server.com/up/uploads/modsss.jpg All Complex parts are problematic PODS = they will NOT work, the problem is on the camera function (no photo of kerman´s) the rest will work but the game thinks there are people inside the pods (but there is none). Propulsion = all engines (minus the ones from Interstellar) will work (BUT) they will start on the runway using the covers if you use more that one (and they don't come out), all tanks work great (even the interstellar/kethane mod ones) if you use a decoupler as a primary part them in flight if you use it the welded part lose all the links between the other parts but only if you use a decoupler as 1º part. All Interstellar mod engines will not work (they are part of the complex parts that don't work) Control = control works fine, all buttons will show up and can stack more that one (RCS Ports don't work as expected). Structural = all parts will work fine, decouplers don't work if you use more that one, decouplers have some problems. Aerodynamics = all basic parts will work (BUT) all side connecting points will be in reverse and all welded parts will connect to another part by the middle and not from the edge of the part, no control surfaces will works as expected. Utilities = here nothing works, side the batteries that you can stack a lot of them nothing work due to the complex of the parts, most of them don't work due to the mod not understanding the dll of the other mods, some are from having same effects or image (2 images or 2 function will not work), for example the lights will not work if you use more that one ( all buttons will show up but only one light will work, the rest stays off), docking ports will work if you use only one but the game will think the hole part is a docking port, so it will give problems on auto docking, by hand works ok (manual docking). Science = here forget it science is to complex to work so nothing works, the only thing I did was a 4 way connector using the MKS Mod and only the most basic parts. Nothing more to add, the mod as it is right now have a lot of things that can weld, and most of the problematic parts are not suppose to be welded some are but is about 15% of them. Regards
  8. Hi, im using this mod and I have to say "no" but you can use it to create simple parts. The problem that you have is a bug but you can fix it by editing the config file of the mod ( GameData\UbioWeldingLtd\PluginData\UbioWeldingLtd\config.xml ) and change this "DataBaseAutoReload">1< To "DataBaseAutoReload">0< Them the parts only show after you restart the game but that way will not give any error. I have welded a lot of parts, but only simple one like fuel tanks and soo on Regards
  9. Sabes devias de criar um sub directorio na secçao de portugues para meter lá tutoriais, assim ninguem os perdia e metia-se metos post (sticker) Mas se tiveres outra ideia , força Cumprimentos
  10. Hi all, I think I found a bug, nothing to serious for me but... I have install it on the 23.5(x64) and it works (+ or -), trying to weld complex parts is not possible, it weld but they don't work but that is in the info of the mod. The bug I found is in the tree, if I create a weld (basic parts) it will create fine (no errors) but after I press ok all the items in the tree just vanish, if I reload they come back and the new part is available to research, but if I create a new one it happens again. Best regards, and excellent work PS, I know this is not the best version to debug a mod but hey they are thinking on adding the 64 version so... and im a good on debug things EDIT: did not see any one talk about this version so here is my "report" I have test some parts and here is the list All tank (including the antimatter from the interstellar mod) are working, the kethane ones no. All engines look like they are working ok (only combine 1 tank and a engine). All Beams, struts and structural items are working, docking ports and landing gears not working (that depends on how many is use). TAC life support work but only in the basic parts like pods and kitchens, the extra mods of life support wont work. HeatShield work but separators don't (again depends on the number) All MKS Mods Don't Work, side 2 of them (the connecting tube and cube work) Kethane mods don't work, all refinery's don't work too (has expected) I will add more if I see something.
  11. Sim é verdade , mas não era a ideia explicar como fazer uma nave, mas se saires dentro da janela certa e apontares logo direitinho á lua , deves conseguir aterrar e tudo (pode ser alguns K dentro da lua mas prontos) lol.
  12. Ok I got it working now, the problem was on the rig, fuel cannot flow thru rover mod, in the middle was that part between the tank and the drill, and some struts and beams, now is direct and works fine, don't even need the fuel lines. THz for the idea RoverDude and pointing me in the right direction, the debug function of the kethane helps on adding or removing recourses, again thz. Well regards to all
  13. Ola a todos, quero deixar aqui um mini tut sobre como entender de um modo simples o que querem dizer com o delta V e TWR. Tradução thrust-to-weight ratio (TWR) = Rácio entre a potencia e o peso. Tradução Change in velocity (Delta-V) = força total para alterar velocidade, mais á frente eu explico melhor. Atmo = dentro da atmosfera / Vac = em Vacum (no espaço) O TWR é basicamente a força contraria que aquele estagio ou nave consegue produzir contra a gravidade de um objecto, neste caso vou mostrar Kerbin mas o mesmo se aplica a qualquer objecto no espaço seja ele planeta, lua ou asteroide/nave, o TWR também dá para ver qual a força que será exercida na nave (G´s), por exemplo um TWR de 4.00 vai provocar 3 G´s de força contraria (devido ao planeta produzir 1G cancela ou tira 1.00 ao TWR (no caso de kerbin outras luas ou planetas podem exercer mais ou menos força). Quanto mais TWR melhor para sair da gravidade de um planeta/lua, mas como disse muito TWR e vão criar muitos G´s e a nave parte-se toda a meio caminho, pouco TWR e a nave não levanta do chão porque não tem força contraria suficiente para vencer a gravidade. Delta V é basicamente a quantidade de tempo/velocidade que podem tirar daquele estagio ou nave em termos de potencia, por exemplo um Delta V de 2000 vai dar á nave 2000 Metros por segundo ou X minutos/segundos de força. Para chegar por exemplo a Mun precisam de vencer a gravidade de kerbin (TWR) durante X tempo (Delta V) para conseguir sair de kerbin, depois para chegar a Mun precisam de mais X de Delta V para aterrar pois no espaço a gravidade dos objectos é mínima só o Delta V é que importa e depois á que vencer a gravidade da Mun, embora seja pouca (TWR deve ser alto) á que ter Delta V suficiente (tempo de queima) para aterrar sem fazer um buraco no chão. 1º Imagem: Como podem ver na imagem eu estou a usar o mod MJ para vos mostrar o TWR e o Delta V. Aqui está algo simples que podem fazer logo ao principio da campanha. No quadro acima está os números de cada estagio de lançamento, o numero 4 não existe (é só para propósitos de lançamento). Como podem ver tenho 3 rockets sólidos e um liquido, algo básico que chega a Minmus (e deve conseguir aterrar mas não volta). Cada 1 destes rockets sólidos dão força suficiente para conseguirem levantar, o numero 3 tem 1.82 de TWR e um Delta V de 1632 (ATM), quer dizer que vai ter + 0.82 de força contra a gravidade e vai produzir 1632 Mps, isto pode não parecer muito mas é o suficiente para chegar + ou - a meio da subida, pois é necessário cerca de 2600 a 3000 (mais coisa menos coisa) para sair de Kerbin e estar em orbita, podem ver os números certos em mapas que estão no fórum sobre distancias dos vários planetas. Vendo as contas de TWR e Delta V esta nave deve ligar o motor liquido já a em orbita da Mun (ou quase) não tenho aqui os números certos mas deve ser quase isso, mas para a explicação não interessa. Deixo aqui uma explicação simples de como funciona uma das coisas principais de saber, para não deixar Kerman´s perdidos no espaço ou residentes em alguma lua. Podem deixar sugestões ou extras, também algum erro que possa ter. Cumprimentos a todos Custume
  14. according to kethane scan im on top of the water and of the substrate so there is no problem on the location. For the water problem I think the problem was the tanks, but still do not know how to proceed on the substrate department. I got the tank , I got the recourses so what's missing This one is my main Rig: (this one works great) did not try to mine water or substrate but it mines ketahne and minerals real nice (ore probably to). This is the problematic rig : Is suppose to have store space for the substrate and it is on top of the resource but there is no flow, it have fuel line all hover the place but the tanks don't get fill. Any ideas, do I need a refinery like in the rig 1 ?? Regards to all EDIT: is there a way (like editing the kethane list) of adding a spot next to the runway for testing the rigs before I send them ??
  15. hi all, I have a problem on this mod using the kethane drill, it works fine on kethane and it can mine minerals but do not mine water or substrate, do I have to connect the drill to the water tanks or it flows like kethane ?? Regards to all EDIT: For the water I think the problem is the storage tanks, im using the interstellar water tanks to store it but water is not the same resource as liquid water, Right ?!?!?! so I think the water problem have to be that, but the substrate im using the white storage cylinder that can take substrate, do I need a refinery or some fuel lines ???
  16. looks nice but I had some mix results, I had to change the distance to 1k for the ships to load at 2.5 and I got more lag after using this mod. But I try to use the x64 version and now its great, is faster, using all cores and works better on ati cards, had some problems on the crossfire (some artifacts on the scenery) but now looks better, using the mod to keep distances to a minimal and its working good. See test (using Dx9) 1500 parts (+ or -) 20 to 28 Fps
  17. hmm that looks nice. Are you sure about the 2.5K or that is the textures ?? For me the textures is not the problem, my GPU´s hardly work and the lag starts at 10K so or is a mod doing the lag or the physic's load at 10K and that is my problem, I need to have a lot of parts (base at minmus) and they can be far ( like 5K or 6k) but I don't need for the game to load that (is to far to even see). Going to check that mod out maybe will help, thz Regards to all EDIT: Hmm looks good, later on I will try it but looks great, the game start (according to the mod) at 22.000 K loading distance, I have change it to default (2.5) and later I will try if the lag is gone. The problem will still be there but if it works I can manage the process load on the cpu using the mod THz for the help Tortoise
  18. Hi again to all, So side the part welding mod there is no way to change or relieve some lag from part count, I use that mod in the old version (22 or 23 I think) and if I only weld some parts (like structural connections and/or all the stuff that do not need to move and that reduce a lot of lag. What im saying (asking) is a way (or by hand, mod or by the developers ) to set the loading distances of objects to 3 or 4 Kilometers and not 10, or a option to define that. I know for a physics point of view is nice to load at 10K but what I will do at 10K, I don't even see the dam ship only at 4 to 3 K I start to see the ship(a small thing in space) so there´s no point (from a user point of view) to load the ship that far away. I have never read the saves looking for that and yes I have edited some files/configs and created some to help me on the game (like a trash burner for the TAC Life support to burn excess trash) but I did not see (or try to see) that part in the save file or needed, I do not need to change the ship in fight so there is no need to read the save file but is a great idea. I will upload the config file to my server and add a link and not the hole text. Best regards to all and thank you all for the answers EDIT: to really, really relieve the lag is to add to the game a similar option that weld parts, I will try to explain but English is not my 1º language. For example "almost all structural parts have to be 1 single part for the physic's process" like if you add 2 steel beans or more they became 1 part, or all the struts and segments the same (if they are together they have to be 1 part) from the physics point of view it makes sense if they are together them they have to turn, twist or roll in the same direction so they are (+ or -) a single part. Im not saying to do that to all the parts (not even half) but all the parts that will (if together) work on the basics of a single part, that way the process power needed is not so great, from the point of view of the code is not that big deal to change that but the problem will be how some parts react to that config, well to process something in terms of speed, direction and so on that can get messy but I think is the only way to get this game fast to run on (normal machines). The other thing that will help is to add the multicore function, that way the game will use all the available cores to process the physics, my machine is not bad ( it have almost 4 years) but is still very strong but a (normal machine) will be slower that mine so any thing to help speed up the game is excellent, I know there is the 64 version but is not working so good.
  19. Hi all again, Strike 2, not there yet but I just need 10 to 15.0Mps to land Regards
  20. True but that way is not a air plane, well I have to say maybe on duna but on Kerbin the wings will break way (lol) But im not giving up and im not trying to enter the challenge just trying to land a plane there, it cant be that hard. Im sending 2 new (brave) souls to duna on a new version, now it have some small rockets to the center that will give the necessary lift (I think) and some more RCS ports and now the dam thing will land horizontal. thz for the tips, Best regards
  21. well Almost got it, I use this : And im uploading the video to YouTube so you can see the disaster happening (lol) of my last attempt. As I see (I) need about approach speed of 420Mps (meters) at a altitude of 10.000 Meters (+ or - 5.000 feet) them at 3.000 Meters I need to be at 200Mps for a touchdown speed of 30Mps, but is hard, is very hard to land a plane (as) a plane in duna, at the time I get the 40-45Mps transferring from a position going up to one ready to land is harder. Regards to all EDIT: Going to change a couple of things, like add more RC under the wings to provide the lift I need to compensate the lack of air
  22. Hi all I have a machine (airplane) that can goo to duna and back , but ... landing is a problem (big one) I have try it lots of times and almost got it but cant get the speed less that 145Mps, the best I did was 1500 meter 157Mps, less it will stall. And there is another problem (no landing spot) all hills and holes. Regards to all
  23. Here is my config: http://www.custume-server.com/up/uploads/settings.zip Edit reason : to big
  24. Hi again, THz for the answers, looks like I have no way of getting the game faster on huge ships but its ok, all the tweaks I made to the game now looks ok i got 32Fps (+ or - ) and that's not bad for the massive number of parts also im getting some decent Fps from the big big ships (like 1500 or more). Sergeant, thz for the idea but my problem is not pphysics, I don't fear the kraken my problem is speed (lag), there was a mod that solves my problem but is not ready for version 23.5, is the joining mod (or something like that) that weld parts together that way the part count stay low, I have to wait for it . Regards to all
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