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Everything posted by bdito

  1. They don't fit. They only have Mk2 and Mk3 cargo bays right now and they don't jive with cylindrical parts. Well the mk3 does but that's only for 3.75m rockets. There's nothing compatible with the 1.25, 2.5 or 5 meter parts without using the mk3 cargo bay and having the fuselage bulbous or skinny at the cargo section.
  2. Until we see what the actual stock aero will be like everything is speculation. I just hope that their changes allow FAR and NEAR to remain as a living mods (which HarvesteR said they plan to do).
  3. With the coming aerodynamic overhaul we would obviously need fairings similar to KW Rocketry, but we would also use cylindrical cargo bays in 1.25, 2.5, 3.75 and 5 meter sizes. Currently they're only available for planes. It's a great way to cover parts to reduce/remove their drag instead of attaching them to the outside of the fuselage.
  4. It doesn't change the realism at all. It's just more difficult by reducing the amount of starting cash you get and the amount cash and science you get from missions and experiments.
  5. So I'm a cheater because I like to play the game the way I like to instead of how you like to? Uh, ok. It's a sandbox game, there's no such thing as cheating. Everyone is entitled to play however they see fit.
  6. I was landing on eve, quicksaved while my parachutes were open about 400m up, landed nicely and thought all was well and then I decided to quickload to get more science while still in the air. That's when the parachute bug hit me and my craft crashed and burned. Every quickload was the same...no chutes, crash and burn. The entire mission was a write-off even after I already landed. Ughhh.
  7. Hi Jack, Welcome to the forum. Nothing quite that immersive has been planned. They're overhauling the games aerodynamics and have said they may add another tier to the buidlings as well as possibly adding deep space refueling at some point. Although the latter 2 might not happen at all. We'll see. You can check out the Daily Kerbal and the Articles the developers release to stay on top of things. Daily Kerbal: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forums/70-The-Daily-Kerbal Articles: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/content/
  8. You have to fix your staging first. Otherwise the deltaV calcualtion won't calculate properly. The 7678 number is how much deltaV you have if you were in the atmosphere the entire time and the 9000 is how much you'd have if you were in a vacuum the entire time. Eve is almost always a one-way trip. To return you need something like 12,000 deltaV just to get from Eve's surface into orbit. If you're doing a one-way trip that ship is overkill.
  9. We don't know what they're doing with the barn at this point. They haven't clarified anything beyond this:
  10. As far as rockets are concerned, I find FAR isn't as difficult as people believe it is. Just make it aerodynamic (ie, put on fairings or nosecones) and keep your TWR and angle of attack reasonable. That's it.
  11. Try reinstalling the Firespitter plugin from the newest version of B9.
  12. So you want only the information readouts but none of the auto-piloting? If so you could install Kerbal Engineer Redux instead.
  13. I voted Yes, along with the majority. I'm just for improving the accuracy of the results, that is all. Why would they necessarily be the same everywhere? Would an electoral poll only look at a single state and assume it's a proxy for the entire nation? A more broad poll could definitely move the numbers more towards the Yes side and that's perfectly fine.
  14. It could confirm the poll and ensure it's more accurate given a larger data set. My idea of Squad polling users wouldn't just be for a single question like this. They could have a survey with multiple questions covering multiple topics. You could get 4,000 replies instead of 400. More info is never a bad thing.
  15. This poll obviously won't include the entire KSP community as some are on reddit and some don't use any forums whatsoever. This got me thinking. Much like mods checking for updates when the game starts, could Squad prompt users to a link that would direct them to a survey asking similar questions? That way everyone would be prompted for their feedback instead of just the ones that happen to notice a poll here or there.
  16. Who cares about backwards compatibility. I'd rather see it done right than a compromise.
  17. I'll put in my 2 cents. I don't want to see a negative repping system. Just go to bodybuilding.com/misc to see how it works. They have that feature and it gets abused all the time. It creates 2 types of people, greens and reds. People judge each other and their posts based on their rep count instead of merit. Reds have anything they say discounted immediately or someone says "You're just a red so STFU". This forum is one of the great communities out there and nobody wants to see the bb.com miscer mentality here. - - - Updated - - - No, I don't think people are generally like that here but there will always be a small number of people that are.
  18. It covers Duna at all times. Duna's orbital apoapsis is ~22 Gm and Kerbin's is 13.6 Gm so if they were at exact opposite sides of the Sun the max distance would be ~35.6 Gm. I don't know if you've seen the parts guide but it lists the 88-88 as covering Duna at all times. It's pretty handy when you want to see which sat can reach which planet. It sounds like you know all of this but it's a handy reference. http://remotetechnologiesgroup.github.io/RemoteTech/guide/parts/
  19. You're correct. Most of it is simply adding additional options for the same thing. I'd recommend the DTS-M1 for transmitting to the mun and minimus because it's cheaper, lighter and more compact than the KR-7. The added range of the KR-7 is essentially useless as minimus is always within the DTS-M1's range and you get the bonus of the extra cone angle with the DTS. Also, if you use FAR, the DTS is far more aerodynamic and doesn't require you to use a fairing if you don't want to. I also use the 88-88 for anything to Duna, Eve and Moho for the same reasons. Cheaper, lighter, more compact, greater cone, aerodynamics. The CommTech-1 and GX-128 definitely seem like they have excessive range. The furthest Kerbin gets from Eeloo is 127 Gm while the ranges are 350 Gm and 400 Gm respectively. Maybe it's for people using RSS? IDK.
  20. You should use a single Communitron 32 omni antenna on each sat to connect them together and to the KSC. Dishes should only be used to point at vessels and other planets/moons.
  21. 1) they overheat because they're too hot. It usually happens when they're clustered very close to each other. 2) definitely. They blow up when they get to 100% overheated. 3) turn them down a touch. You can run them at about 95% and they'll stabilize at a lower overheat level. EDIT: I see you have mechjeb. Go to the utilities and check the prevent overheat option. Then it'll adjust your throttle down a tick for you.
  22. I assume they're all connected to the KSC right? Otherwise you wouldn't be able to control them. So I'm assuming they all have communitron 32's because they're the only omni's with the range to connect to each other and the KSC at geostationary orbit. Therefore the problem must be how you're pointing the dishes. The dishes on your sats have to point to the vessel that you want to get the science from. You can usually set them to point to the active vessel for this purpose. The vessel obtaining the science will also have to have its dish pointing to your geostationary satellite. So the data would go from the vessels dish to the satellite's dish, then from the satellite's omni to the KSC. There are a couple of other factors that might come in to play like the vessel having a line of sight to the satellite it's pointing to. When it's on the wrong side of the mun it won't connect for example. Also it has to have enough power. When your geostationary sats are in Kerbin's shadow they can lose a connection if they run out of juice.
  23. How far out are they? Do they also have Omni antennas? If they're pointing at the KSC they won't be able to connect to it when it's on the other side of the planet. Basically you should have sats orbiting Kerbin with a few antennas each. They should have omni's that connect to each other and the KSC (you can't direct them, they'll connect to multiple other omni's and do it automatically if they're within range. I'd suggest the Communitron 32 because it's range is the largest onmi antenna), and long-range antenna's which point outward planets or vessels.
  24. How are you connecting them? ARe you pointing them at a planet, specific satellites or the active vessel? The cone on those are quite tiny so pointing them at planets can be troublesome. I only use them when going beyond Duna.
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