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Everything posted by Requia

  1. @TheXRuler Because there's no easy way to get the maneuver nodes right when you're in orbit around a moon instead of the planet, you actually *have* to do the math, the farther off angle your peri is the less efficiency you actually get from this method, and it can very easily go negative (especially compared to the high orbit park, which as I pointed out is only a few hundred dv more). And for minimus while being a week off might be perfectly acceptable, minimus might be weeks plural from being in the right position, so you're gonna have to do the peri drop before the transfer window even comes up then wait. Comparatively if you're in high orbit around kerbin instead of around a moon, you still end up over 3000m/s after dropping peri to 70 (really no reason to cushion this, if it says 70 you won't get drag) at peri, but its dead simple to move the manuever node till your peri is the right angle. The actual cost is that the maneuver node drop is ~400 instead of ~200-
  2. There's one slight error with this analysis, they can lower the price later. It's the long-standing sales model for books and video games, start the price high and grab the people willing to pay it, then drop it later to grab the people who want it cheaper. Or keep it high and put it on sale all the time, which is the new model courtesy of digital stores.
  3. several hundred? Was this just like, 9 mammoth engines and a ludicrous amounts of fuel?
  4. Minimus isn't a great choice for oberth effect burns, the time betweens windows is crazy long. You can be a little off both on the angle and the timing, but Minimus is excessive. You could maybe set it up set it up ahead of time, but it'd be really hard to figure. Delivering the fuel to KSO is only a little more dv needed for the transfer craft (about 350 m/s by my math, though you also need to build a minimus<-->KSO capable tanker). Interestingly most of that loss comes from it being ~200m/s cheaper to drop from minimus to a peri of 70 than KSO to 70. Hmm, the Mun is only 6 days between windows, though a bit harder to plan it up to 3 days off the transfer window is viable, a quick search says Mun return for 276, so that's around ~150m/s less than dropping to 70 at KSO, for a bit more speed at peri, might make up for the harder to plan ejection burn.
  5. The huge tanks are both realistic and look amazing, no complaints there.
  6. Yeah the remote tech comms add a huge power draw, shutting it down let me do the mission (might have problems when it comes time for science lab deliveries, I like to run those on the way ). But if it was a tracking problem it should go down and stay down for half the orbit, instead it seems to be on something like a weekly schedule.
  7. Forum thread search apparently has issues :/ It also seems silly that a 410/610kg system (I assume you need that ablator with DRE, thing barely gets warm in stock) has no chute when the 90kg real world theoretical counterpart does (MOOSE if you wanna look it up) does.
  8. They don't cool directly, but they radiate heat faster than almost all parts (only solar panels and wings match them).
  9. So the parachute on the DERP won't deploy. The chute entry in the stage is replaced with a decoupler icon. I don't have any of the mods suggested for conflict with the last people who reported issues (realchutes, DRE, or tweakable everything), any suggestions for possible candidates to pull out and try again? Though it turns out it's totally landable without the chute burn the rest of the monoprop close to ground, engine explodes but airbag survives. No good for a minimus return though.
  10. Its a high fixed cost/low marginal cost system, if they use it 5 times its expensive, if they use it 39 (number of launches for just the Discovery, let alone all STS systems combined) its cheap. The idea that they'll use it just 5 times is based on the idea that SpaceX will get used instead, but SpaceX's system will have a higher marginal cost (they have to turn a profit, NASA doesn't for its own payloads), so there's no reason to ever pay SpaceX to launch a single NASA payload once the SLS is complete, if they don't return to the old heavy launch schedule once Orion is ready for some reason Falcon is also going to be useless to them. - - - Updated - - - Not to mention, upon review of the Falcon heavy abilities, even the SLS-70 will outperform it, let alone the SLS-130.
  11. Designed a 100 ton payload to LKO reusable launch system and beat my head against trying to build a 100 ton Mun/Minimus delivery system. You'd think that would be easier but the lack of staging is an issue and the number of LV-Ns starts to get into serious partcount issues.
  12. Oxygen-hydrogen mass ratio is not 8:1. Excess hydrogen is used because H2 is substantially faster than H2O at the same temperature (both the mass of the molecule and the number of atoms alter the speed at a given temp, H2 beats everything we actually have the option of putting in a rocket) I believe the exact mix is variable, but for the shuttle it was ~6:1, though for a Jool scoop rocket I'd suggest a pure mix and inject the helium instead of filtering it out, (Helium is beats H2 as exhaust but isn't normally anything approaching realistic, either you need a massive tank or a multi gigawatt cooling system). Secondly, its a jet, not a rocket. it can afford to move a huge amount of air at inefficient speeds to produce thrust because the air isn't ever going to run out. Earth/Kerbin based ones push 80% nitrogen out the back remember, its that more than the lack of oxidizer that gives jets a huge ISP. The real trick to making a jet work at all at that kinda speed.
  13. I have to recommend it simply because of how much I learned about orbital mechanics solving the challenges it presents, it's also neat that flying probes is different than manned missions.
  14. MKS has a small inflatable habitat. Though I'm not sure if it can be packed in with KIS/KAS.
  15. Also, i like the old models in your sig better. It doesn't make a lot of sense to cluster these things instead of build a bigger one because of how reactors scale (for actual thermal rocket designs, 80cm reactor core=1GWt, 120cm reactor core=5GWt).
  16. I gotta say pretty bad, not because of how people view them or anything, just that I get an 'emergency bailout vibe' from the interim between the shuttle and the SLS, as well as how hard it was to get the funds for a shuttle replacement at all (which is why its taking so long really, they didn't start nearly as soon as they needed to).
  17. Sorry if my second post wasn't clear, the solar panels are getting a day/night cycle even though I'm in solar orbit. It can't be your mod causing that bug, I'm just only noticing it because of life support+remote tech combined.
  18. Are there any known conflicts with other mods for this? CKAN is telling me its not installable but won't tell me why. Not sure if its safe to manually install it with everything else I have.
  19. You can do an orange tank to LKO for ~25k after recovery if you can hit KSP on reentry. The mammoth engine is really really good and doesn't even need boosters.
  20. I'm not getting these numbers from the mk3 standard and long, (the mk3short is bad though). It's 87.50% for the mk3 and mk3 long vs 87.52% for the mk2 long. It comes to an extra .01 tons for an entire mk3 long, you'll win on needing fewer struts (assuming you need that much fuel, and it doesn't add too many fuel lines)
  21. The LH2 tanks are both unrealistically bad and unable to compete with the stock LV-N (assuming you have a lot of them) The Saturn C-5N specification has a wet/dry ratio of 5:1[1], including the engine. This suggests the 87% fuel standard set by stock 3.75m liquidfuel tanks is much more realistic for nuclear thermal fuel mass, and leaves the LV-N (in sufficient numbers) far better despite your engines better TWR and isp (for comparison, USI H2 tanks range from 47% to 60% fuel by mass). [1] http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/satrnc5n.htm
  22. This is a problem, this keeps happening to me no matter how much I save scum. Leaving kerbin SOI with nonorange kerbals is impossible unless you built anti save scumming into the event. - - - Updated - - - I am losing power which is what's triggering it, but there's no reason for me to lose it, solar panels just stop working during warp despite sunlight will have to figure out which mod that is.
  23. After reinstalling all my mods (moving to CKAN) all of the FTT stuff moved to different nodes. The current config seems much easier. one of the SETI-CTT people says nothing changed on their end. Anything change on yours, or did I hit a bug?
  24. After moving everything over to ckan (which included an update to this) USI Freight transportation technologies are all showing up in the very first nuclear node, instead of filling up the down the road stuff. Not sure if its a bug with the version or if its an issue on my end.
  25. The range a 3 sat network misses is pretty small, there should be significant overlap. if you have 3 in polar and three in equatorial.
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