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Everything posted by Sky_walker

  1. Yes, I don't enjoy patches that introduce more bugs than fixes nor patches that make science along with funds even more meaninless than they already were, nor patches that add features almost noone ever asked for (aka. destroyable buildings) while there are many much more essential things waiting on that people been asking on a forum for ages. Try to understand how ridiculous this situation is - they spent days on adding a new feature (destroyable buildings - which mean whole new set of models, balancing and (something that partially will benefit future upgradeable buildings) scripts) that's beneficial basically only for people using one, very specific mod, which isn't even in top-10 of most popular KSP mods (the weaponry mod) while at the same time breaks the game for everyone else trying to play the game with it enabled. I don't know about that "last exciting big feature" as I've been here for less than half a year, but other than that: 100% agreed.
  2. That's not how it works. If they make game so easy that players have no chance to see any of the game features that devs worked on simply because they're done with campaign in 5 mintues then it's an obvious f*** up.
  3. Yes, there is no need for a mod to fix the problem (now that's something new for squad!). However it's still hilarious that their "tiny feature" of destroyable buildings makes game borderline unplayable. Upgradeable buildings could be added without destroyable buildings just fine.
  4. Erm... and what about all of the companies from around the world selling that as an award for various competitions? Land Rover? Where have you been in last year or so? Money is a secondary problem. Branson considers it a pet project, so he'll pump his own private cash into it for as long as it's needed to make it fly. True. But every private company has this burden. Imagine that next Falcon flight explodes mid air just like their test flight did not so long ago. Fallout from that would put a strain on a whole private space sector for years to come.
  5. Shouldn't the game work fine right off the bat? What you see here is arguably easier than an "easy" mode should be.
  6. Funny how this "small feature", as devs called it, came out to be a "huge disaster" (pun unintended).
  7. Just switch policy to the one that floods you with money, do one mission and you're done. Money never was a factor in KSP. Ever.
  8. Each recent KSP patch made game easier and easier. I don't know why you're surprised.
  9. Unity 5 is still in development, nothing news. And even if they'd release it - it might take months till they implement it (AFAIK that's how long it took when they were implementing one of the older unity upgrades into KSP). For information like that always look into forum topics of the mods that interest you.
  10. I will play hard mode, but not without saving/loading. KSP is so riddled with random, unexpected bugs that the last thing I want to see is being frustrated by stuff that's known to cause problems for 5+ patches and ever was resolved. Oh, and lack of basic tools, such as stupid delta-v display that people been begging for ages, also needlessly adds to the frustration. This basically got nothing with "skill" or "good design" - it's just a random guesswork at this point in a stock game.
  11. Good patch. Hopefully it'll shut down people saying that KSP cannot have much more parts due to 4GB memory limit. Proper asset loaders very much migrate the problem. Hope we'll see them widely used in the game. Keeping parts logical and in-line with the design wasn't really their strong side in last few patches. Just look at SLS parts and how they couldn't even make black stripes on a texture align correctly. # As for the other part... well... you get what you pay for. Interns are not really the best modellers. Though even that isn't an excuse to ignoring some great hints given on a forum.
  12. Quote from devs or didn't happen. (And I sure hope that you are right, but so far I didn't see any proof of that claim, even though I repeated it myself)
  13. I feel like KSP doesn't have any ambition to challenge player with anything other than 1st orbit, 1st docking and 1st landing. ps. Kraken fights don't count. If you play with no reverts - you play against bugs (aka Krakens), nothing more. ok, bugs and lack of basic tools, such a delta-V display or simulation envoirement that were invented by real scientists to MAKE LIFE EASIER (not more difficult / confusing like devs suggest). What do you mean "defeat"?! There never was one in a first place. You always could max out the tech tree on Kerbin alone, not even visiting the Mun or Minimus.
  14. Quickload is mandatory. This game is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too buggy to play without it. I don't even know why the heck is it an option with all the problems KSP got. But well, so be it - if someone likes to torture himself....
  15. Twitter. Harvester did something to exclude cargo in the cargo bays from aerodynamic drag. [edit:] Red Iron Crown got it. Another twitt he posted: "Hollow part with a door into which you put other parts to release at your disclosure." And then: "Don't expect the module in 0.25 though. The more we dig the more we find regarding aerodynamics. Promising." Miguel will release post with plans for 0.26 after 0.25 release, so we'll know more details when this one arrives. No idea how they plan to resolve it, but AFAIK there will be come changes to the parts configuration from SP+.
  16. Won't "tail-thingies" come in? At least one type of them? But yea - raised one would be nice. Same with asymmetrical nose cones (Ariane 5 EAP-style ). What the heck is that mod doing?! Nose cones painted over in MS Paint? 2000 isp engine? What?!
  17. Every reputable prediction I seen excludes probability of cooling in a long-term perspective.
  18. That's a very much fault of the events in US where what should be scientific debate became nearly purely political debate and a matter of "faith" - discussed in terms of "I believe" or "I don't believe". Consequences of the events there are now putting stress not only on global awareness of the environment, but also on popular trust to the scientists or heck: even value people put in logic and reason as plenty of the misinformation from the US climate change argument radiates to other disciplines all across the globe (sad disadvantage of globalization)
  19. You'd be better off starting a new game. If you want to transfer something specific, like an asteroid on the orbit, then you'd probably be better off manually editing the save game file. But in general - old saves should work. Just beware that game balance might be off.
  20. What the.... o_O I have no idea what happen there, but... Event Horizon didn't have that many people onboard
  21. We could use a few parts... let's see... - Decoupler - Separator - Battery - Remote Guidance Unit - Nose cone - Inline Air Intake - SAS - And obviously some adapters like mk1-2-3 to mk1-2-3 ; Mk1,2,3 to Msize rockets ; Mk3 to Lsize rockets ; Mk3 to XLsize rockets.
  22. Something from the World Space Week 2014: What is Earth's greatest threat? My personal opinion is that in the short to medium term, it is ignorance on the part of humanity. In the longer term, extraterrestrial hazards such as asteroids prevail. ~ Weslie Joe Viddaurri
  23. Link to the description with live stream: http://blogs.esa.int/alexander-gerst/2014/10/07/watch-the-spacewalk-live/
  24. Did devs actually ever had any plans for including spaceplane-shaped decouplers (regardless of "mark") ?
  25. Ballistic/Aerodynamic Shielding - that will be partially implemented in .26 Ray-Cast Drag: - it was already proven that ray-casting doesn't work well in KSP. At least: not in any simple implementation that Unity can handle well in real time. This feature is also necessary for features enabling nosecones to have functionality. - no, it's not. See: FAR Laminar Drag: - no comment Shape-Based Drag: - pretty much must-have at some point in KSP Mach Effects on Absolute Drag: - yes, should be implemented in. Mach Effects on Stability: - yes, should be implemented in. This is the mach effect that scares many players away from mods like FAR.- no, it's not. Aerodynamic failures are. Aerodynamic Failures: - shouldn't be part of a stock game, just like random part failures aren't. Body Lift: - that will be partially implemented in .25 for SP+ parts Re-Entry Heat: - pretty much must-have at some point in KSP ^What he said. Agreed.
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