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Everything posted by Sky_walker

  1. There is a plugin that actually adds them to the buildings? The only one I seen is with an option to add reflections in, but that's pretty much all - when you install it you don't actually get any reflections. Oh, I sure hope it'll include proper aerodynamics (including deadly reentry), life support, a stock display of a spacecraft characteristics (such as delta-V and thrust to weight ratio) and a new, proper, balanced tech tree. .
  2. Yea, I did. Had to set everything over again and restart the game to see a change. Otherwise game looks horrible. I had the same problem. Luckily: you can change GUI scaling in a settings. Hehehe, for me it was 11 minutes (nice coincidence)
  3. Your chapter on "differences to the real world" is lacking. Even Wikipedia got more complete description - and that one there still lacks several things. Other than that you completely omit dozens of things in your descriptions. Looks like you were very picky to make KSP look like a truly realistic game.
  4. Irrelevant comparison. AC:BF will outsell KSP 10:1 in the end, and do that without resorting to cutting the price by half.
  5. Turbojet engines are OP too. We should make a competition / survey on which engine is most overpowered in KSP
  6. Just use gimballed engines or vernier thrusters. You know... like a real rockets do?
  7. annikk.exe - that's nothing new. Bouncy kerbals been here at least since 0.23.5 when I joined in. Seeing the amount of bug reports that flood forums - seems like you're not missing much.
  8. Nor the pop stars are. Besides - looking on it in the way you do the whole space tourism is just a bubble that will burst in a year or so - even if everything goes well. Sorry, but that's far from truth. To be fair - since they got rid of HTPB they have made some progress. True, though so far Branson is quite clear on what his goal is and that he's ready to support the project at least till he can take a flight himself. And Virgin Galactic is nowhere near as desperate situation as you try to paint it here. They don't need an infinite funding. That's not a private rocket. Single disaster for them is meaningless considering how long and good track record they have. As we know though - it wasn't a single problem they had, but here we go off topic.
  9. Small, light, long range probes. Can be used for planes or landers too, though, especially for landers, you'll have to spam them. They're engines like any other. Their advantage is in efficiency - disadvantage in energy consumption and low thrust (which means you'll need patience... sometimes a lot... I read some reports where people spent over 4 hours making a single burn).
  10. KSP doesn't have any "laws of physics". But... everyone already know that you can build planes propelled by ion engines. Some people like to have efficient designs, and Ions are currently the most efficient engines in a game.
  11. I don't want old wing parts back. I want current parts to be scaled or new parts, based on current, added for a small spaceplanes. Though actually I don't care all that much. There are many other, higher priority things missing from the game than parts for small spaceplanes.
  12. Yea, they also do look like a wings, not... planks. Understandable. True. For me personally having old wings in isn't important, but I'd enjoy seeing some adjustment to the shape of the wings to allow designing smaller planes. I think some of the problems people have could be migrated by twakeables, though I doubt we'll ever see it knowing how reluctant devs are in adding anything that might even resemble procedural components.
  13. Let's imagine the game where assets are loaded only when needed... oh wait, that's not KSP. Seriously though - I thought that you guys started to work on a proper content loaders? Besides - if you already hit a celling - does it mean we shouldn't expect new parts... like... ever?
  14. Of course it does. Less time spent on videos = more content-rich patches. Or, let me put this blasphemy here, fixes to the existing parts.
  15. I see and I like it! REENTRY HEAT, MAKE IT HAPPEN! Here is where you should post it: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forums/76-Support-%28unmodded-installs%29 Or make a proper bug report in the bug reporting system (wherever it is).
  16. It flickers when you clip the parts. It's not a graphic driver issue. KSP got problems with flickering ever since, no amount of driver updates can fix it. It's either Unity issue or KSP-specific issue. *facepalm* You launch all your spaceplanes off the launch clamps? And I'm the one doing stuff wrong? Seriously?
  17. For what it's worth - I never seen any of these trailers before buying the game. Seems like they don't do a good job making them available to wide public. Besides - even if I'd see that trailer... why the exactly would I buy the game based on trailer that even isn't in a game? The only time I bought game based on trailers was StarCraft 2 - but that game has a storyline build around these cinematics.... KSP on the other hand doesn't have any storyline at all.
  18. By all means it looks like a bug. It could be an intended feature with upgradeable buildings, but we don't have them. My source is maths. You can farm test part contracts till maxing out the tech tree. From mathematical point of view it is possible to max out the tech tree with only sub-orbital flights. No video though cause it takes way too long... though actually now that we have administration building - apparently you can max out the tech tree in a single test part contract (though it'll take few more to have it available - but no trip to any of the moons at any point).
  19. There's a bug that's causing landing pad to be randomly destroyed. Read this topic: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/95811-Heavy-planes-break-the-runway-in-0-25
  20. This can easily be migrated by a proper filtering, sorting and a search functionality. KSP got an interface that's far from being great.
  21. I agree, though I would like to see some tools to make browsing through the parts easier. Like a search function that I've been asking for since joining the forum.
  22. Yea.... I'm shocked anyone actually wants more of these videos instead of.... you know... stuff that you enjoy for more than 30 seconds. How many new parts can be made in a time it takes to make these animation? 3? 5? 10? 20? If it's one or more - it easily outweighs cinematic.
  23. O-Doc - the fact that "old designs" will be broken over patches was bound to happen and will keep on happening till 1.0. If I was informed well - this was known for ages and devs said numerous times that they'll change spaceplane parts at some point leading to the problems with it. If there's anyone to blame - it's you for wasting so much time on something that you knew will be broken sooner or later. As for the rest of your post - 100% agreed. A lot of very good points. IMHO you should post a separate topic with that cause it definitely deserves devs attention (and I have no idea how the heck did it pass through the experimentals without being fixed)
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