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Everything posted by Sky_walker

  1. O_O They type it in the hex editor, pixel by pixel, or what?!
  2. Game balance needs to be addressed, and from what it seems - it will be addressed once all pieces are in place (otherwise they'd have to make a huge balance overhaul after pretty much every patch that adds any large, game-impacting feature). That was true ages ago. Now campaign is pretty much the core of a gameplay. Tutorials are a separate thing. Devs said that Sandbox mode was completed few patches ago. What they build since then is a core of the game: campagin - it'll probably take few more patches, but once it's done game will be pretty much scope-complete. Right now you can consider Sandbox to be a tutorial for Campaign. It's simpler, it's got everything available right off the bat, it doesn't have any limitations on funds or science, got some of the buildings disabled, basically: the best point to learn the game in before doing serious stuff. Question is - do they even want to build a story? From what I've seen so far - Devs are hardly interested in Kerbin system itself. I'm glad to see that they finally add biomes in 0.26 but I doubt there will be anything beyond that in terms of interplanetary travel. Obviously new biomes mean random contracts popping up in them, but (and I very much hope to be wrong here) I don't think they'll ever include a chain of missions for interplanetary travel and exploration similar to the one that exists already for landing on the moon.
  3. I recommend you once grab Geiger counter and have a walk around the town. Or if you're heating your house with coal - try to measure a pile of it.
  4. Then you did rather poor job following it. Guy's legit. Got plenty of contacts in the industry. Here is his website: http://www.thelurioreport.com/
  5. Remind me when last time we had people complaining that there are no destroyable buildings in a game? Oh, wait, never, otherwise there would be a mod for that already.
  6. My biggest fail was the first mission to Duna. Reload after reload after reload. Game constantly bugged for me. My rocket either entered constant acceleration or it got "stuck" in place relative to the sun, and Duna just flew away. Oh, and my favorite: spontaneous deassembly when entering Duna SoI. Made a beautiful cloud of derbies... good 5 times over until I actually managed to get past the magical forcefield without loosing parts. Then there were few other bugs like spacecraft flying through Ike, graphics bugging out on atmospheric breaking, graphics bugging out on crossing the SoI, and various problems with loading/saving, then rover bugging out in dozens of weird ways (like getting stuck in it's lander platform just to be ejected on sub-orbital trajectory moment later) Until that point I thought that KSP is a well coded, relatively bug-free game, but that one trip wiped out any good impressions I had. Since then I actually started noticing bugs, and.... oh my god....
  7. I wouldn't call it a "best guess" - more like: a "guess", period. People making an images showing black (yes, a solid black color) are closer to truth than what this image is showing. ----------------------------------------------------------- Looks like American conspiracy theorists just discovered European Space Agency! Seems like the latest PR offensive from ESA really did a great job raising public awareness about it's existance. Well done ESA, well done. Anyway, here's what US UFO freaks came up with: [Removed by the Moderation Team]
  8. O_O stock? my semi-modded version loads under a minute easily, and I'm using modded HD skybox, etc. which sagnificantly increases load time. Oh, and I got regular HDD, not an SSD drive. well, ok then - for you it'd be hours
  9. there is no pre-loaded part in KSP that takes more than mere miliseconds to load. If what you suggest would be truth - initial loading of the game would take minutes.
  10. last time I checked ppl specifically said that they don't want FAR when talking about improved aerodynamics. KSP doesn't have tools required to build proper planes, so it's mostly guesswork. but if you want to know something interesting - I never build succesful airplane in stock forcefields-based aerodynamic model, while I did "guess it" in FAR. It's simply more intuitive. And that's where I'll end it. I refuse turning this topic into yet another discoussion about realism. All of these arguments were alredy presented, many of them debunked numerous times, there's more than enough material on the forum to read about it. Let's keep the discoussion on topic. Which means: NOT ABOUT AERODYNAMICS.
  11. We had two 30+ pages topics spent on that and we don't need another. No, improved areodynamics don't increase difficulty - current broken aerodynamics do. For longer explenation refer to the latest topic about the Realism. Good point. i knew the guy who made a game called Starshatter. He made everything - from the game engine itself, through sound, physics, models down to the missions. Yea, he had ppl to help him, but none the less - guy did outstanding amount of work all by himself. so... Sure, it does happen, but that's a minority and my generic rule is that you never should assume people working in one discipline can automatically work on another one in the same project.
  12. Modellers cannot work on aerodynamics model simply because they are modellers, not programmers with a deep knowledge of physics. People are not interchangable. Not in this way.
  13. Yep. But seeing in what direction this game drifts: explosions, devs building flat rockets, people arguing that incorrect Isp calculation is actually a feature - somehow I'm not surprised.
  14. Flash news! No fixes to the aerodynamic until version 1.0 Ps. Looks like I nailed it with my post:
  15. Perhaps. But so are all the other major feaures in latest patch. My guess is that Devs will call it a day when they're happy with campagin and simply swap version number to 1.0. it might be sooner than people expect.
  16. Towns need destructable buildings? this feature is in any way liked to the towns? what? this makes exactly zero sense.
  17. You and your details. I guess they told it so that people would keep on speculating and comming up with ideas. So they did, and some of these ideas were really good. and, yea: quote would be nice
  18. Propably upgradeable/unlockable buildings. It makes sense considering current direction in development (focus on adding new features related to the economy in campagin)
  19. Noone is overreacting. It's not like anyone asked devs to remove the feature. Let's not turn it into the flame war, shall we?
  20. So trivial that it takes numerous patches to get new 3D models for parts that were long due for them? You are missing the point. I understand that functionality might lead to some interesting future features, but... game is missing so many core updates that it's difficult to count them all. Thankfully we will get something in 0.25 (long live Porkjet and whoever came up with the idea of integrating SP+) but still - that "small feature" looks an awful lot like "days if not weeks of work" considering how long it took devs to implement other models till now. Same here - I understand guy just fine, and I'm not too good with weird accents (Mexican accent is something you rarely if ever hear in Europe)
  21. With this comment we can close the topic. *bows*
  22. Somehow I'm not convinced that 3D models of destroyed buildings, all of them, got anything to deal with 0.26. It smeless more like something made specifically for this one patch.
  23. Read through some speculation on what that secret feature might be. Some ideas were trulry excellent.
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