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Everything posted by ebigunso

  1. I was looking for a workaround involving fiddling with the game files to fix the bug entirely, not just quick save and load every time. So, no it wasn't answered. Though it probably is not the sort of stuff to be discussed here so I'll move on to the stock bug fix thread. Thanks anyways!
  2. I'd like to see how much time it takes for the rocket to roll out before I actually press the roll out button, so I can calculate more calmly on when I start rolling out. Probably an ET popup when I hover over the roll out button would be good.
  3. This worked for me. Try looking to see if your ModuleRCSFX is up to date. - - - Updated - - - I have an idea for fixing the current OPness of baloon and balooncryo tanks. What if you restrict it's selection by tech research? Surely the technology was not there in the 50s and 60s was it?
  4. It'd be nice if the "launch clamps following you to space" bug could be fixed by this mod. Is that doable to any extent?
  5. It'd be nice if flight computer modes were automatically set to off when engage SAS command is received. It's getting tedious to always press X before engaging SAS. KillROT doesn't really do a good job with saving RCS fuel.
  6. is there any workarounds for fixing the clamp following to space bug? or should I say this in the stock bug fixes thread?
  7. no, I don't have testflight installed. I removed Engine Ignitor from the game and the issue seized to reproduce so I'm fairly certain the issue is with Engine Ignitor. And yes, I do have the Denny's patch applied.
  8. I suddenly started getting this issue lately. I had previous launches with the same mod setup without issues so I'm wondering what is wrong. My first stage engine just shuts off for no apparent reason, just after SRB burnout. They burn normally until that point, but suddenly shuts down with an indication of Very Unstable fuel flow in the engine states. I looked in the output_log file and found this line. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) FuelFlowPotential = 0.00 Failed: True I saw my fuel flow of the engine suddenly drop from Very Stable to Very Unstable when it shutoff, so I think this is the line in question. Although I will post the full output_log file for reference. Engine ignitor is old and was patched to work in 1.0 so there might be a problem there, but I'm not certain. output_log: https://kie.nu/2BMM If anyone can take a look at the log and figure out what is wrong, I'd be very grateful. EDIT: I've tried removing Engine Ignitor from the game and the rocket flew nominally. The problem seems to be with Engine Ignitor. The full list of mods I have will be listed below. Mods: Active Texture Management (Basic) Astronomer's Visual Pack Auto Pruner (pruned KW Tank/Fairing, Stock Tank) BoxSat Cloud configurations for OPM (EVE) Crowd Sourced Science Contract Window+ Deadly Reentry Default Throttle Distant Object Enhancement bis Docking Port Alignment Indicator Editor Extensions Engine Ignitor (community patched) Enhanced Navball Environmental Visual Enhancements FASA Launch Towers Ferram Aerospace Resarch Flight Manager for Reuseable Stages Infernal Robotics K2 Command Pod Kerbal Alarm Clock Kerbal Attachment System Kerbal Construction Time Kerbal Engineer Redux Kerbal Inventory System Kerbal Joint Reinforcement KOSMOS SSPP KW Rocketry Near Future Technologies (Propultion, Electirc, Solar) Outer Planets Mod Portrait Stats Precise Node Procedural Fairings Procedural Parts Real Chute Real Fuels (/w Stock alike engine config) Remote Tech Stock Bug Fix TAC Fuel Balancer TAC Life Support Taurus HCV Texture Replacer (/w Rareden's Real 8k Skybox) Toolbar Tweak Scale
  9. I really hope there's an update soon enough, I'm having weird issues with engines suddenly becoming very unstable fuel flow while on accent. The first stage engines just shut off for no apparent reason after boosters burn out...
  10. That fixed it Thanks. I checked and it was v3.4, idk where that snuck in from :S
  11. I don't see what is wrong with my setup but my RCS is not working. I have the tank and thrusters configured for Hydrazine and have put the thrusters right on top of the tank. Crossfeed enabled. Here is a screenshot of the craft. RT connection is online so that's not the issue here. I have inputs applied as you can see in the bottom left, but no thrust is coming off the RCS thrusters. Would be great if someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong...
  12. Maybe in the RealFuels UI, put a pop up tool tip to show when hovered over each resource name, there you can write it's density and it's properties (cryogenic/mildly cryogenic/storeable). Another idea would be to do that same pop up tool tip on the auto-add-for-engine-fuel-config button, writing there it's density, cryogenic properties, and if it's hypergolic or not and whatever else you see the need to write there. I'm really sleepy now so maybe not the best ideas. I'll think about it again after I wake up.
  13. I'd really like to see an option to roll back what is already on the pad and ready to launch. Currently when you revert the launch and want to fix issues, you have to recover the craft from the pad which adds a lot more time in building a new one.
  14. It would be great if fuel density for each resource was written somewhere in the UI or the right click menu of tanks. ppl like me get confused over which resource is more dense (ie. AZ50 vs Kerosene).
  15. anybody got a prune list for KW and stock SRBs? I'm looking to get rid of those to use the procedural SRB.
  16. you can always play the older version
  17. Congrats! Now I'm doing pretty much the same contract myself. I was really surprised to see a pod so far up in orbit, as all those prior to 1.0 was very low kerbin orbit. Noticed it after I accepted, and now I have to do it XD So much Dv needed to just get there... - - - Updated - - - Advances one ORBIT, not a day. Avoiding confusion there. Using this 0m/s maneuver node technique allows you to set up a maneuver that encounters the target few orbits later, since the maneuver node placed on the future orbit will show you close encounters in future orbits. This allows you to save great amounts of Dv in many cases.
  18. hmm interesting. So that means I must use a bigger heat shield with more ablator? I'd also like to know which capsule was historically built for lunar return capabilities.
  19. So, I had this installed with FAR, and had my Mk.1 pod do a Muner free return flyby. On return, had the pod blow all of it's 100 ablative shielding even before it got below 2000km/s... is something wrong or I'm doing it wrong? Jeb didn't die for some reason though, the pod miraculously survived a full reentry without the ablative shielding, which is odd.
  20. so I've been waiting for this new thread to be linked in the OP, seems its not happening for quite some time now. Can anyone give me a rough estimate of when development will be passed on and started again?
  21. is it possible to make the Petal Adapter Tweakscale compatible? I'd really love to use it in one of my bigger designs. Thanks
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