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Everything posted by ebigunso

  1. So I have these two problems with my 1.0.2 install. Lots of mods so don't make me go through all of them to test one by one... I'm running this version since my modset is not compatible with 1.0.4, so it would be best if I don't have to update my KSP install in order to fix these issues. For the first problem, I've dug through my output_log file and found this entry being spammed. I think it's something related but I couldn't figure out where this .Part.temperature file was supposed to be in. So I'd like to get some advice on what this might be and where I'm supposed to have this file in. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) MissingFieldException: Field '.Part.temperature' not found. at JSI.RasterPropMonitorComputer.UpdateCheck () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at JSI.RasterPropMonitorComputer.OnUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Part.ModulesOnUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Part.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 I also had this spammed too but I don't know what this is causing. Anyone have an idea? (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) MissingFieldException: Field '.CelestialBody.maxAtmosphereAltitude' not found. at JSI.RasterPropMonitorComputer.OnUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Part.ModulesOnUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Part.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 And on to my second problem, I've found this in the output_log file which seemed related to the issue. I've only recently started getting this issue and was fine before so I don't see whats wrong here. If anyone has an idea on what might be causing this, it would be very nice. Only my engine sounds don't play, and all the other sounds play just like normal. So I'm really confused on whats going on. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) Cannot assign AudioClip 'KWRocketry/Soundbank/sound_spsloop' to AudioFX I'll leave my complete modset list below for reference. MODS: Active Texture Management (Agressive) Astronomer's Visual Pack Auto Pruner (pruned KW Tank/Fairing/SRB, Stock Tank/Fairing/Heat Shield, KOSMOS SSPP, RO Global Tank, RS Capsuledyne Tank) --Original Prune list: KOSMOS_SSPP_ebigunso, KW_SRB_ebigunso, RSCapsuledyne_Tank_ebigunso, Stock_Fairings_ebigunso, Stock_HeatShield_ebigunso, Renewed Stock Tanks list/RO Global Tanks list/Stock Wings list(incomplete) B9 Aerospace (Infodrive only/adjusted mass to 0.01) BoxSat Cloud configurations for OPM (EVE) Crowd Sourced Science Connected Living Space (/w TaurusHCV config) Contract Window+ Deadly Reentry Default Throttle Distant Object Enhancement bis Docking Port Alignment Indicator Editor Extensions Engine Ignitor (0.90 patched) Enhanced Navball Environmental Visual Enhancements FASA Launch Towers Ferram Aerospace Resarch Final Frontier Flight Manager for Reuseable Stages Infernal Robotics K2 Command Pod Kerbal Alarm Clock Kerbal Attachment System Kerbal Construction Time Kerbal Engineer Redux Kerbal Inventory System Kerbal Joint Reinforcement kOS KOSMOS SSPP KSP TOT KW Rocketry Near Future Technologies (Propultion, Electirc, Solar) Outer Planets Mod Portrait Stats Precise Node Procedural Fairings Procedural Parts Real Chute Real Fuels (/w Stock alike engine config) Remote Tech SCANsat Ship Manifest Simple Orbit Calculator Stock Bug Fix TAC Fuel Balancer TAC Life Support Taurus HCV Temperature Guage Killer Texture Replacer (/w Rareden's Real 8k Skybox) Toolbar Trajectories Transfer Window Planner Tweak Scale USI Kolonization Systems
  2. It'd be nice if you could specify inclination of the orbit. I'd like to find out the max darkness length of highly eccentric polar orbits (ie. interplanetary comsats).
  3. hmm I've had RF and EI with stockalike engine configs, nothing seemed to be going wrong there. But then again, that was in 1.0.2.
  4. Is it possible to get a Community Tech Tree patch for this mod? Right now in that tree the pod sit inside an obviously inappropriate node.
  5. It does. Also it would be nice if there was an option to wait on the pad longer (maybe until I press a button or something) until I finish setting targets on the RT dishes, for when I test things out on distant planets. EDIT: It does at first when you come out of the VAB, but it doesn't when you hit restart simulation from the KCT button. Don't know whats the difference here but that seems to be how it works.
  6. I heard there was engine heating issues with the current version, is that not an issue anymore?
  7. waiting on this mod to update for my transition to 1.0.4... hope it comes soon enough.
  8. Start in orbit function of KCT simulation breaks antennas that are set to start deployed, if they are the kind that snaps under high dynamic pressure. I want to test out probes with RT, and this is forcing me to add non snapping antenna for testing which has a significant impact on mass when the probe is very small. I hope it gets fixed.
  9. Is there any chance Procedural SRBs could get adjustable thrust curves? I'd like to have that in order to maintain a smooth gravity turn, not shooting up too high or having to go too shallow and burn up.
  10. I think you can use kOS's lock steering to heading function to replace that.
  11. As you see in the list of procedures I gave, I'm trying to aim my craft at heading (90,70) at that part. So by the procedures of before, craft orientation should be slowly pointing down towards the east from the initial upward position, so I'm trying to stop it's turn once it reaches that heading. I'm all new to programming and kOS so I know it's all wrong, and I've been testing it in KSP today but it's giving me errors beyond my imagination :S I'm really confused here. If I'm not clear enough, when I pitch over 5 degrees initially, the surface prograde vector will follow the vehicle's pointing direction so it will eventually go down towards heading (90,70) if I keep my heading 5 degrees to the east of my surface prograde vector. To put it simply, I'm initiating a gravity turn. This thing has fins to stabilize so it keeps it's course. http://youtu.be/GmquusdH-xw Here is a video showing a manual launch following the above given procedures. This is what I want to achieve with kOS. TWR can be seen to the right of the navball, and apoapsis height to the left of the altitude indicator. Also here is a slightly more refined and extended version of the code I gave before. It'd be great if some advice could be given to make this work properly. set gear to off. set throttle to max. lock heading to up. clearscreen. stage. wait 3. //seconds stage. wait until verticalspeed = 40. until heading (90,70){ lock heading to srfprograde + (0,5). wait 0.1. //seconds } print "Starting pitch over..." if heading = (90,70) and velocity < 1000 { lock heading to (90,70). } when srfprograde = (90,70) then { unlock heading. print "Pitch over complete." print "Waiting for next procedure..." } wait until maxthrustat(0)/mass = 2.70 then { print "Standing by for partial thrust mode activation..." } wait until maxthrustat(0)/mass = 2.90 then { set AG1 to on. print "Partial thrust mode activated." } until altitude > 50000 { if engine:fuelflow = stage:LqdOxygen then { set heading to srfprograde. print "Staging..." if engine:ignition = false then { stage. wait 0.5. //seconds stage. print "Second stage ignition complete." } } } when altitude > 40000 and apoapsis > 60000 { set heading to prograde. } when apoapsis > 75200 { set throttle to 0. } wait until altitude > 60000 then { set AG2 to on. set AG3 to on. } Also I have one problem while using kOS right now, the list engines command shows that the craft has no engines aboard while in reality it does. I use the latest kOS in KSP ver1.0.2. Does anyone have an idea what is going on here?
  12. I'm just starting with using kOS, and I'm aiming to automate my launches with it. I'm right now trying to launch using the following procedures, but don't know how to tell kOS so it can do it properly. Any help is appreciated. 1. Lock steering to UP until 40m/s surface velocity, then toggle stage (activate first stage engine), wait 3 seconds then toggle stage again (release launch clamps) 2. Then turn due east 5 degrees off surface prograde until 70 degrees due east 3. Lock heading 70 degrees due east until surface prograde matches the heading 4. Release steering and wait until ship vacuum TWR = 2.90 5. Toggle AG1 (This shuts down part of the multiple engines on the stage) then wait until stage remaining duration < 1 second 6. Set heading to keep surface prograde 7. When stage remaining duration = 0 second, toggle stage, wait 0.5 second then toggle stage again (ignite second stage) 6. Wait until Apoapsis = 60000m then set heading to keep orbital prograde 8. Wait until Apoapsis = 75000m then set throttle to 0 9. Wait until ship altitude > 60000m then toggle AG2 (deploy solar panels and antenna) 10. Set up maneuver for circularization at 75000m orbit (<= no idea how) 11. Toggle AG3 (Locks engine gimbal for second stage engine to reduce wobble) 12. Wait until maneuver burn time (can this be pulled from KER?) 13. Execute burn 14. Toggle SAS on and end. If anyone can give me advice on how to do all this, and also give me some links to read on what is being done on the code you give (like variable meanings and what uses they have) that would be great. Also I'd like to know if kOS can handle RealFuels resources the same way as LiquidFuel is handled in the kOS official tutorial page. Thanks in advance set gear to off. set throttle to max. lock heading to up. clearscreen. stage. wait 3 seconds. stage. wait until verticalspeed = 40 then until (90,70){ lock heading to srfprograde + (0,5). wait 0.1. } if (90,70) and velocity < 1000 { lock heading to (90,70). } when srfprograde = (90,70) then { unlock heading. } wait until maxthrust/mass = 2.90 then { set AG1 to on. } until altitude > 50000 { if stage:?? then { set heading to srfprograde. if stage:?? then { stage. wait 0.5 second. stage. } } } This is what I have come up with so far. I'm sure it's all wrong so plz tell me what to fix. Also I didn't know how to specify stage remaining duration so I left that part with ??.
  13. Those adjust the parameters for the whole entire game, and as I like the way it looks for other situations it's not doing what I want here. Some additional configs would be needed for the purpose.
  14. Probes, maybe. I'm trying to leave the stuff operational as a short range comms relay for later missions to possibly get support from, and as it seems RT doesn't recognize active antennas for debris, I don't want to do that. Still some sorting would be nice for when I have dozens of missions and lots of stations online at the same time.
  15. I feel the planet flares are too bright when you have very bright objects in your field of view (ie. Mun surface), so would be nice if the flares were automatically dimmed further depending on how bright the whatever thing you have in your view is. This looks too obvious and unrealistic. I have even adjusted the flare size down a little, but that didn't help with it standing out too much. full res: http://www./view/q45d51q9o93cvrg/KSP_flare.png
  16. It'd be great if the life support monitor window could get some love, with removal of ships/landers with 0 crew and sorting by type/name/crew number. The window gets really cluttered after a bunch of missions that leave pieces of equipment behind.
  17. Today, when I was flying my space ship to the Mun, I had this particular situation where Kerbin blocked the sunlight. Although my solar panels were not getting power anymore, lighting effects on the ship and the Mun's surface seemed to still be getting sunlight. KSP doesn't really handle the "sun barely hidden" state really well it seems. Anyways, seeing this I thought "hey why not planetary surfaces have shadows casted on them in an eclipse". I think this would be a really nice addition to the graphical side of the game and would certainly make the game even more awesome What do you guys think?
  18. 1.0.4 o.O you must live in the future! XD Jokes aside, I'll be trying this mod out today. I hope the latest version works in my 1.0.2 build too. P.S. I just noticed squad actually did release 1.0.4 as a hotfix update... didn't think version numbers would go up so fast
  19. This mod doesn't seem to recognize specifications made for a single file (up to the file extension), and only folders now. Specifying **something**.cfg makes the program recognize it as 0 entities to prune. I'm trying to create a new, and fix the existing prune lists to be up to date with the 1.0 folder structures but this is preventing me from specifying certain things located in the same folder with other things I don't want to prune.
  20. Further testing has revealed that it was possibly not any bug at all, just a fuel flow problem occurring due to sudden drops in acceleration. Although that seems odd since fuel still should be pushed downwards by the main engine's acceleration, maybe it still is a bug in that area. If anybody has got the same problem, please help in gathering more data on what is going on here.
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