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Everything posted by ebigunso

  1. I already have KER and it's helping me a lot, but still I have to eyeball the burn position and thus most of the times I can never get the inclination down to 0. The ability to use Hyperedit feels very cheaty so I'd rather give up if I have to go and install that. Anybody know of anything else? Or if there is none I'd like to search for someone who can make it.
  2. well, relative to the equatorial plane, would be it in this case. I want to do this on Minmus so...
  3. So I want to maneuver my craft so that the inclination is close to 0°, but without any craft that I can set target to I can't figure out just where the ascending and descending nodes are. Are there any good mods that makes it visible?
  4. nice to hear this Ion engine BoxSat designs would be a whole lot better looking with this. Also in the meantime I have come up with a substitute idea for the side attachment nodes, to use scaled down quad couplers (using tweakscale) to create a bigger box out of 8 smaller boxes.
  5. I have a suggestion on changing the behavior of this mod slightly. Now when you lose connection while being throttled up, it instantly cuts the engine back to zero. It would be good as a safety mechanic but I think it's better if it kept running without any way to give it a stop command. After all, this is a realism/difficulty mod. I thought about suggesting this when I tried to do a deorbit burn on the last bit of fuel of a spent upper stage (which had a 500km omni antenna), which only had to burn all it's remaining fuel in the direction it was pointing to complete the move, then it just suddenly stopped burning with fuel still left just because it went out of range from the payload (which was relaying the signal). I haven't tested this out using the flight computer, but at least for manual controls this is an issue I think.
  6. yes but stacking more than three makes it look bad
  7. I tried this mod out a little, to find the four available slots inside the box is just too little to accomplish whatever mission I want it to do... So I would be very grateful if there could be more attachment options, or a side attachment node for adding more boxes to the side to allow for bigger satellites/more equipment slots.
  8. Can this mod by any chance, get a surface sample scooping part? I've always wanted that on my probes and this boxy look really resembles actual probes that went out to do just that, like the "Hayabusa" from Japan. So I think this is the appropriate mod to suggest this on. I'm looking forwards to the development of this mod get well soon.
  9. This is pretty important to heavy mod users like me, as the current game still crashes if I don't force OpenGL or D3D11 (which I assume is DX11) even with Active Texture Management. DX11 currently make the game textures glitchy and causes all sorts of problems like black stripes appearing in the Space Center buildings and Launchpad, and rockets turning pink while ascending in the atmosphere. Otherwise in space, the game runs very smooth and without any problems. OpenGL works fine, but it seems a little unoptimized and will make the game laggy on time warp higher than 1000x. So, if DX11 could be supported on the KSP side by default and have the texture glitches fixed, I think it would make the game experience very much more enjoyable. Please leave your thoughts below, and if any of the devs see this, I'd love to hear what you think about this.
  10. Bump. I noticed some textures going wrong in the space center also, while the vessel pink bug is still happening on every launch. Some places on the facilities go black, and when you move the camera it sort of flickers. I've got some screenshots here to show what I see. I will continue to try and figure out what is wrong, but if anyone has suggestions please, please post it here for me. thx. EDIT: It seems the whole problem was with DX11, which I was forcing the game to use, as I was suggested to do that on another thread. I turned back to OpenGL mode and the black texture bug along with the pink vessel bug disappeared. wth.
  11. I have tried downgrading/reinstalling texture replacer, this did not change the situation. Next up would be EVE and BA maybe? Anyone got more suggestions?
  12. hmm, I recently updated texture replacer to the latest so maybe that? idk I'll try downgrading.
  13. followup on this. I managed to reproduce this bug, this time it happened while launching. The rocket looks fine on the ground, though few seconds after launch the whole rocket went pink. Exhaust flames looked fine. The bug seemed to not have an effect on physics like last time, and I did feel the aerodynamic forces. The pinkness returned to normal after I got to the thinner part of the atmosphere (35k up). I reverted a couple times and the bug seemed to occur at the same timing every launch attempt. This time I got screenshots. Also sometimes when things go wrong and explode, the remaining parts return to normal looking rather than being the pink blob.
  14. hi, I've got some strange issues with vessels going pink, I posted here cuz I remembered somebody reporting about radiators going pink. I launched a test vehicle on a sub orbital trajectory, it was all fine until the vessel hit the atmosphere again, then after a few seconds the whole vessel went pink (pink blob in the shape of the craft, didn't look like individual parts going pink) and things went very weird. I had parachutes on it so I activated that, it didn't graphically show and immediately I heard it explode. The vessel didn't seem to slow down by the atmosphere, and it then smashed into the ground at vertical speeds of above 1000. I checked inside the output log file, and the only stuff I found was this. It didn't lead to anything (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Active Vessel is in atmosphere. Cannot save. (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Vessel Testing crashed through terrain on Kerbin (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) [00:05:59]: Testing crashed into Kerbin. Any help? I also posted this in the modded help forums, sorry if it was not related to interstellar.
  15. hi, I've got some strange issues with vessels going pink. I launched a test vehicle on a sub orbital trajectory, it was all fine until the vessel hit the atmosphere again, then after a few seconds the whole vessel went pink (pink blob in the shape of the craft, didn't look like individual parts going pink) and things went very weird. I had parachutes on it so I activated that, it didn't graphically show and immediately I heard it explode. The vessel didn't seem to slow down by the atmosphere, and it then smashed into the ground at vertical speeds of above 1000. I checked inside the output log file, and the only stuff I found was this. It didn't lead to anything (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Active Vessel is in atmosphere. Cannot save. (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) Vessel Testing crashed through terrain on Kerbin (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) [00:05:59]: Testing crashed into Kerbin. I posted this in the Interstellar mod thread too, as I remembered somebody reporting about radiators going pink in there. I don't know if it's the same issue or not. I will provide the whole list of mods I have below: Active Texture Management B9 Aerospace Better Atmospheres Crowd-sourced Science Logs Custom Asteroids Deadly Reentry Default Throttle Distant Object Enhancement bis Docking Port Alignment Indicator Editor Extentions Enhanced Navball Environmental Visual Enhancements Ferram Aerospace Research Fine Print Infernal Robotics Kerbal Alarm Clock Kerbal Attachment System Kerbal Engineer Redux KittopiaTech Ingame Terraforming Tools KW Rocketry Precise Node Real Roster Remote Tech2 TAC Fuel Balancer TAC Life Support Taurus HCV Texture Replacer Toolbar Transfer Window Planner Tweak Scale Any help?
  16. hi, I've got some weird cloud duplication issues and are reporting it now. I run the 7-4 version of EVE also with Better Atmospheres V5 in KSP 0.25 forced D3D11 mode. Also with a lot more mods. You should notice the white clouds, and a slightly more blue duplicate of it underneath. It looks really weird and I'd like it fixed if possible. I will provide log files and such if necessary. Say if you need it.
  17. So as in the title, when I Alt-Tab out of the game which was running on full screen, it never lets me go back to fullscreen. What happens is, I Alt-Tab out and instead of the client completely minimizing, it goes into a windowed mode of the same resolution as when it was running fullscreen, then it never allows me to go back unless I go back to the main menu and toggle the fullscreen option from the graphics settings. When I did not force OpenGL it was all fine, with the client minimizing as it should and returning to fullscreen afterwards. Anybody got the same issue? or any way to fix this? Just a note: I can't run the game without forcing OpenGL now with so many mods, that it crashes the game on the second vehicle loading in the session if not. With ATM installed.
  18. this is a known issue, it's due to the costs set in the cfg which is intended to be the cost of an "empty" tank, while the game recognizes it as the cost of a "full" tank and gives a refund for the amount of resource it is taking away from the tank. A fix would be to correct the cost of the tanks to be the price of a "full" tank rather than an empty one. Prices for a unit of each resource can be found in WarpPlugin\Resources\ResourcesNuclear
  19. I have a HUGE lot of mods on KSP, I can load the game fine but while playing, at vehicle loading the game seems to run out of memory even with ATM. What now? is my only hope left with 64bit KSP?
  20. Thank you! the new version works wonders Now I can go on and play KSP again! You are awesome XD
  21. Here is the entire save folder I was running. http://www./download/qd4wy6a9ddcfo9l/ebigunso_carrier.zip I had a lot of mods on this save, but that shouldn't be the issue here as a totally mod-free sandbox save experienced this too. I will provide the full list of mods I had if necessary. true it's a gamble, but it mostly tends to work out if you are patient enough to wait for all mods to update, and are able to fix some minor issues by yourself. The ability to finagle with the save file and parts file is pretty much mandatory but if you can clear that I believe it's a good bet to assume migrating is possible.
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