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    Galactic Neighbor
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  1. Hopefully you haven't posted your last post, but either way thank you so much for all your contributions to kerbal kind. I've learned a lot about modding and messing with the game from you that has really added a lot of fun and depth to my experience of KSP and how software works in general. It would be a shame to lose your wisdom, but if its time to go, best of luck to you.

    1. Sigma88


      don't worry, I'm not stopping with the development of my mods

      I just decided to not update the threads for my mods any longer because it has become a chore that brings very little pros and it isn't worth the free-time investment

      you can keep following my mods on github / discord and I am still interested in comments from people using my mods so feel free to comment as much as you want :D

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