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Everything posted by goldenpsp

  1. you put mods into your gamedata. If the zip has a ganedata folder you put the contents of gamedata into your gamedata folder. You don't want nested gamedata folders like gamedata\gamedata
  2. also in general renaming or moving folders is bad. Mamy things in gamedata are hardcoded to the path.
  3. Thanks. Personally never cared. By going directly to the github page I know the repositories will always be there.
  4. Not really. Just bookmark the source and go to the repositories tab https://github.com/BobPalmer
  5. You have to go back to the source. The problem is Majir didn't hold the licenses to the original models. If I understand correctly Taniwha would have to get permission from them. https://github.com/Majiir/Kethane/blob/master/LICENSE.md
  6. Also be careful creating new gamedata folders. the location matters and multiple gamedata folders is bad. Honestly I find it better to just make separate KSP folders for different modded versions. Benefit is they are all playable copies of the game.
  7. True. If you want to test the changes, and use the same as @RoverDude I'd get MS visual studio. 99.9999% sure that's what he uses.
  8. Yea you can't edit the DLL, you have to edit the source so when @RoverDude compiles the next release the changes are there. For just a few changes you can literally just fork the dev branch on github, fix the relevant .cs files and then do your PR. It's not a legal issue. the actual DLL is the compiled code.
  9. Notepad? If you are doing just a couple spelling fixes you could do it all online on github.
  10. I meant your reference to snap off, which isn't anywhere else on the page, but it's all good. You didn't quote the picture that had the reference
  11. I missed that key information in your other post, oh wait...
  12. Well then you may have been better off leaving it to the question rather than adding the somewhat obviously distracting comments about it messing with your inner physicist. When given multiple components to a post people will invariably latch onto the wrong part (including me).
  13. Change @jd284's quote from recycling to "recovery rate" and it still holds true. Bottom line, for gameplay/balance reasons you don't get it all back. It isn't going poof and breaking physics laws. It is just being dealt with in an abstracted way like so many other things in KSP.
  14. Not everything is always recyclable. I think that is the point. Even IRL recycling has its limits.
  15. I put it in line with power couplers that Kerbals "plug in" and other things that happen without us actually seeing it. When you disassemble anything you almost never recover 100% useful material. some of it has to be broken/discarded in the process. It isn't "vanishing" it is simply unusable junk, and why would the kerbals "store" that junk rather than just dispose of it in the background. @jd284 types faster than me.
  16. Yea I was. The answer is also clearly in the release notes on the download page linked in the OP for those who look before asking.
  17. nah, @RoverDude is totally lazy about updating his mods.
  18. I'd have to look at an old copy of MKS to remember the exact bits, but basically the station building parts. the 2 way hub, the rigid tubes and the reducer caps you could put on the ends. edit- found an old picture. The parts that make the cross.
  19. Oh I wasn't knocking your "stick" at all. The biggest thing is for more docking. In past saves my LKO station often would have 3+ ships docked at any given time ready to head out to the next mission. Need all those branches to fit everything.
  20. Thanks, I'll look at those. I still like having some stations that aren't just long sticks.
  21. I'm feeling like a noob, So sorry for the bad question but are all of the OKS hub parts gone? What do people use in their place for space stations in order to get 90 degree attachments?
  22. Now that was cutting it close. I hate it when they get stranded around minmus.
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