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Everything posted by goldenpsp

  1. Possibly, but hey you still managed to find it anyhow
  2. Well then it sounds less like this mod is broken (which it isn't) and an environmental/installation problem. I'm sure you'll figure it out. Good luck.
  3. Ok then your previously reply where you said yes I guess was false or a misunderstanding. I'm not sure from the earlier posts but what versions of mod/KSP are you running. Picture of your gamedata folder?
  4. Ok, Your reply is largely useless. From what you have said, if i understand correctly MKS works by itself. MKS crashes when paired with what mod?
  5. Ok so MKS works. So add one other mod and see if it loads. If that works then remove it and add another (so you only have MKS + one other mod). You can probably ignore doing this with other USI mods as they don't conflict with each other. If it is a mod conflict you will find it. Otherwise I'd bet you are running out of resources with all the mods installed.
  6. Ignore it, you are getting off on a tangent. Does your game load if the only mod you add is MKS?
  7. Correct, but as you mentioned higher up his memory usage is dangerously high. Given that the game is actually crashing it could be something other than any specific mod. If it was a conflict between MKS and another mod the best course of action would be to first verify MKS works on its own, then add one other mod at a time so you can narrow down which 2 it is.
  8. Yea he knows. He mentioned the USI tools update about a page back.
  9. Considering Ground Construction is actually in the Constellation zip I don't see that being an issue anytime soon Speaking of which, since Ground Construction is actually part of the latest constellation release, yet the main GC is not yet updated to 1.3 that I can tell @RoverDude do you know if it works? IE did you by chance recompile the DLL yourself for the one you are bundling in the USI constellation release?
  10. Maybe you should just ask for the thread to be closed, to avoid confusion?
  11. Yes but even that is less of an issue these days as KSP isn't updating versions that often.
  12. I'll take AVC's notice that I can easily click past over the usual Cluster**** that is CKAN.
  13. Actually that isn't entirely accurate. OSE is the mod that came up with MaterialKits and Roverdude adopted them from working together with Obivandamme. So the patch doesn't need to change that as OSE uses materialkits out of the box. Last time I used OSE those limits were implemented.
  14. There is already an OSE config in MKS that adds OSE functionality to MKS parts if OSE is installed. But MKS doesn't hide the OSE parts so they show up as well. They aren't "better" or "worse". As @voicey99 said OSE is restricted to printing things that will fit inside a KIS container, so can only print so large of an item. Also you then would have to be able to pull that item out of KIS storage. So if it is too big/heavy you would run into the same KIS issues with trying to manipulate large parts, like needing multiple kerbals to be able to carry it etc. In short I don't find any of the building mods to be OP. OSE is handy to print something I forgot or broke, but it's always easier to ship a KIS container of spare parts I might want/need. EPL can build completely in situ, but generally it is mass neutral. So I need the same mass of parts as the final build would take, and it can take a lot of time to build. GC I find it is useful in cases where I have something that is oddly shaped. I can launch a DIY kit "box" far easier from kerbin and have it expand out at the destination. But it still takes the same effort to launch that mass to the destination.
  15. Yes offworld is on the roadmap, but in it's current form shipping from Kerbin is the only option. You do get both the OSE printing modules as well as the OSE enabled MKS parts.
  16. 1. Not exactly replaced, just officially supported. That being said unless something major changes on either side, the EPL configs will remain valid for the forseeable future. 2. Yes DIY kits are made in the VAB and shipped. 3. Yes and yes (supported but not bundled). Never tried but in theory if the DIY kit fit into KIS storage you might be able to build it with OSE. 4. Base feature of MKS.
  17. OSE is like a KIS printer. Pretty much if it can fit into a KIS container OSE can make it. I actually find OSE more useful than GC or EPL. Crap I lost my drill, print a new one. Oops I jumped Jeb into a solar panel and broke it, I'll print a new one. Seriiously did I not bring enough KAS pipes? I'll print a few extra.
  18. Go to the github repository and get the one release older than the 1.3 release.
  19. Is there a point to this post? One post from february with not much detail to help troubleshoot, plus no github issue created for it doesn't say much about anything. Otherwise this is a pretty simple mod so the thread doesn't get/need much traffic. The vast majority of USI mod junkies these days download the entire constellation of mods, which includes this one.
  20. Wow really? It demands it? Cause I'm pretty sure my REAL name isn't Golden Kerman (I hope they don't read this and come after me)
  21. With that amount of information? no. Maybe post a screenshot of your gamedata folder. Some other information? what actually happens when loading KSP etc. Put yourself on the other side and ask yourself, what information would I need to answer my own question?
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