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Everything posted by shdwlrd

  1. COD: Modern Warfare (Original version);Deus Ex: Human Revolution; The Mass Effect series; Halo series; and many more. Sorry, KSP's music is near the bottom of the list for me.
  2. Looks like satellites moving across the galactic belt on a clear night. Seriously, never realized how much the stars moved around. For gameplay, I don't think the stars need to move. In the game maybe hundreds or couple thousand years will go by in a career. The movement in most cases is relatively small. No real need to model it. But again, star theory may surprise us.
  3. That's a good question. All pods should have some recycling capacity and storage space. That's the thing I liked with USI:LS, it added supplies to the pods. Not enough for an extended mission, but enough for short duration missions or emergencies. What I didn't like was it didn't add a base recycling capacity to the pods.
  4. Yep, so very true. (Especially the limited time factor to play games with a day job and the realities of life.)
  5. But the question is "Under what circumstances are seemingly fictional technologies ok?", not "Should fictional technology be available by Star Theory?" My answer was DLC only. I don't believe star theory should change their vision for KSP2. Nor do I believe the DLC star theory releases should deviate much from their vision for KSP2. So in short, a never vote means that mods (mods are technically DLC) that add sci-fi tech should never be made, period. Neither star theory or a modder should make mods using magic tech. That's my point of view. Also, I do have space engineer. I don't like it.
  6. Really can't believe that people are voting never for sci-fi techs and parts. Mods are DLC too, so you're saying I can't have sci-fi tech in my game because you don't believe in it.
  7. Been there too. Then I found the Scott Manley videos on YouTube. Anyway, when you run out of fuel, or crash good enough for you crew to survive, you can attempt a rescue mission at some point in the future. When you run out of LS, or worse, you forget to turn it on, you may not even be able to rescue your crew. Agreed, it's frustrating to tank a mission because the system isn't working the way it was described. It also annoying that you have to add many extra parts even though the functions would be built into the pods.
  8. We know so little about KSP2 at the moment, you can't say it there won't be galaxies to explore. Odds are there won't be more than few other star systems to explore at launch. But who knows what stat theory or modders will do beyond that.
  9. The base game is supposed to be more thesible technology, even if its future tech. Hand wavium technologies are good for mods or dlc. Some people will hate it, some will love it, but true realism gets boring.
  10. Hopefully it would be better balanced and documented. Life support isn't something to let the player figure out by trial and error.
  11. If star theory codes in the API's for life support, the modders will love it. As for it being apart of the vanilla game, if you can turn it off, fine. If you can't, they better find a way to do the logistics for it that isn't bothersome. In Subnautica, I turned it off after a few hours, it was getting really annoying. I don't mind it so much with Astroneer, it only limits how far you can travel and you actually have time to refill your O2 before you die. (If you make it to a tether line or base in time.) The resources for tethers are usually readily available and your O2 refills quickly. So it's not so much of a burden to deal with.
  12. @mcwaffles2003 you would have roughly about 100 parts less if there were procedural parts for your main craft. (Instead of 7 tanks for each ion cluster, there would be two.) Just out of curiosity, did you get it into orbit in one piece?
  13. I can believe that, it's functional but definitely not pretty. (it looks like they slapped together some UI elements for other space/flight sims) But it does hold clues to what might be in the final UI. As for #'s 13 &14; 13 looks to be either targeting info or comm info, 14 looks to be a on-demand master warning (looks to be fuel in this case)
  14. I don't think it's a sun or planet of any type. As the blue ring moves across the screen before its blocked by the guy's head, you'll see a gray point form. You may have to watch it a few times or slow it down to see it. It's an exhaust plume from a craft. I wonder if this is the last engine that needs to be identified that Nate Simpson mentioned? And they had to intentionally blur out the track mixer he's using.
  15. You don't realize how much of a need there is for larger trusses until you either build a large station or a realistically designed interplanetary ship.
  16. That is definitely a good possibility too. It's been said that star theory isn't going to kerbin much. If they add rivers leading to (or from depending on perspective) areas that look swampy or like river deltas, there are a couple other areas that can fit too.
  17. Since no one really speculated on the actual location for the KSC, I figured I would put my thoughts up.
  18. Same question, which mods? There are over 70 different parts mods that I know of. You'll need to be a bit more specific, or rephrase your question.
  19. Don't forget procedural wings. Too many parts are needed to make large custom wings. Selectable sizes for the similar wing shapes, tiny to large. But really, you can say that for these other part categories, fuel tanks, structural, utility, heat management. (The static radiators anyway.) There comes a point where there is too many Legos in the pile and it gets difficult to sort through them all.
  20. You got your idea across. That always erked about the vanilla scanning system in KSP. One click, you know everything about the planet. I always use scansat to reveal info about the planet orbit by orbit. It's another reason to use satellites and send probes. I hope it would be an option for KSP2. If not, I would hope scansat would be available some point after KSP2 is released.
  21. I can't imagine that it's that straight forward. Outside of the issues they say, I can see many problems due to materials and the physics of the individual components. I keep seeing the hook being unintentionally reeled up like fishing line or being deviated by huge amounts when it catches or collides with something.
  22. Exactly. There are things that the Kerbals can do that can fall under the player control, but then they can be shown constructing and/or adding to the colonies. Show them moving around the KSC in safe areas. (If there is such a thing in KSP.) Similar how they are shown in the SPH/VAB. Show them actually doing something in the different modules for IVA views instead of them sitting there like dolls with random movements. Working on a terminal, talking to a crewmate or on a radio, trying to get some sleep, eating something. The Kerbals have become such an endearing part of the game, but they're not life like. They are like puppets waiting for the puppet master to come a long.
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