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Everything posted by shdwlrd

  1. Mind you, I play exclusively in sandbox. It was either a KSP update breaking a mod, or a mod update causing the game to delete many of my active crafts or making fundamental changes on how the parts worked. Which forced a redesign or replacement of the crafts I was using. Since most of my active crafts were surface bases, you can imagine how much that can suck having to rebuild them after every update.
  2. Not the Rask/Rusk discussion again... the binary planets have been discussed in most threads that involve physics or planets for KSP2. In my opinion it's a dead issue until star theory releases more info on how they solved it. (If they actually solve it.)
  3. Either one would be welcomed
  4. I've never liked that kind of sandbox mechanic, I don't want to mess around with the progressive system just to mess around with new parts of the game. If you want to lock in my starting point, fine. If you want me to discover the position of something, fine. Just don't limit my ability to do/use something because I haven't "unlocked it."
  5. I don't play career or science mode. (Both modes are worthless in my opinion.) The same thing can happen when you have grand plans in sandbox. Getting your funds, reputation, and science points back is just a matter of editing your save file. Getting your comm sats back into place is easy. Just use hyper edit or the set orbit cheat. You may have to math out the positions though if you put them up one by one.
  6. Been there many times. It's the primary reason I usually don't leave Kerbin's SOI anymore. It's the nature of the beast when the game is continuously being updated.
  7. I'll probably buy it a week or two after release. That way I can see what I'm getting into when I do start playing.
  8. Different countries, different laws. Here in the US, non-transferable licenses is a thing. (Except when state or local laws override it.) More profit.
  9. I've never seen that part of the process for IVAs. I knew that there was negative space, but never have seen it without the masks in place.
  10. I understand that the command bridge is WIP. But this is really bothering me. With the IVA cutaway view, the whole negative space under the forward deck; it doesn't look right.
  11. I can see an Easter egg system added that is the Sol system.
  12. Only star theory knows what types of scatter there will be, and who knows when/if they are going to reveal that to us.
  13. There was a mod that did that, but the development has stopped awhile ago. I doubt it will be revived for KSP2.
  14. From what I understand, all the rocks that are casting shadows have colliders. So there is more than enough scatter with colliders to be a hazard to land or drive around.
  15. How small do the rocks have to be to have colliders? Gravel? Fit in your hand? Flag stones or land scaping stones? That's what I consider small.
  16. From what has been said, all scatter but the smallest rocks and bushes will have colliders.
  17. Speed limits? KSP has speed limits. In atmosphere, the speed limit is as fast as you can without exploding you craft. In space the speed limit is your patience or if the kraken visits you. (I've seen a good percentage of c after a kraken visit.)
  18. This idea I can see being in the game along side of any Easter eggs. The rest doesn't fit with KSP game style.
  19. That's a good way to look at the difference between KSP 1 and 2.
  20. nothing like a little bass funk to set a racing mood.
  21. This statement is what I was referring too. These thoughts of interplanetary wars just causes me to shake my head. (I'm not saying it's wrong in any way, shape, or form. It's your KSP and you can do what you want. I just have a dislike for willful destruction in KSP outside of cleaning up debris and old crafts. Ok, a demolition derby could be fun.)
  22. It's kind of funny that the first thing people start discussing with multiplayer is blowing each other up.
  23. It gets boring after a couple thousand launches of play. So yes to a stock autopilot.
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