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Everything posted by shdwlrd

  1. I like, but I think it would look cleaner with the Flapjack docked if the Flapjack was recessed flush with the rest of the Excalibur.
  2. Wow... this whole micro transaction/drm/dlc thing is getting out of hand. There are pages of circular arguments. Not only in this thread but also in the actual KSP2 section too. The world isn't black or white, neither is the wording they used for the statements about the aforementioned topics. It's about star theory's intent. If star theory's intent doesn't match their actions, then go ballistic about the topic. The people at star theory are avid fans of KSP. Do you think they want to destroy a game they love? Do you think they want to liquid off the well established; very passionate community they are creating the game for? Huh? This isn't some free to play pc, android, or iPhone game they are making, it's going to be a paid product. There's no reason to have micro transactions in the game. They will get paid once the game starts selling. The only thing you should expect to see in the future is dlc. At that point you can choose to buy it or not. As for the whole DRM thing, the worst thing they can do is force you to launch the game through whatever service you bought it through. But again, why would star theory screw over the modding community by only allowing one instance on a machine or account. They know KSP is all about mods. Why would they muck that up? I know some have their reservations about take two and private division, some are justified, some aren't. So far they have left KSP1 alone. If they continue on the same track, they should do the same for KSP2. But we won't know that until the game is released, so why argue about it now. You can get the pitchforks and torches at that point. No they're not. All propulsion methods will be grounded in current and near future technology and science. No FTL, warp drives, warp gates.
  3. We'll have to wait and see. Star theory hasn't released any recommended or minimum specs yet. It would be good thing if KSP2 was true multicore capable game, but we just don't know at this point.
  4. That's a question that can't be answered with out seeing the min specs for KSP2. The systems people use to run KSP run the gambit from old laptops to modern pro grade workstations. Too much variation in system setups to answer a simple yes or no.
  5. You can do that if you like. I would recommend using a mod like janitors closet or filter extension to hide them.
  6. Its probably star theory is being careful on what get shown at this point. They don't want to show their whole hand just yet, they are going to tease us. They likely want to build as much hype as they can before launch. So far they have shown parts and locations that we should recognize from KSP1; and new parts and locations we should look forward to. I'm sure they have a lot more to show us before the release, but I can guaranty that star theory won't show us everything before the release.
  7. Yes Blender can export FBX, but Unity will import the native blend format.
  8. My only real hope to see in KSP2 is support for multiple monitors. Either it could be modded in or stock. It would be nice to toss the map screen, info, control windows on to a second monitor. That way you can keep your flight screen as clean as possible.
  9. I can see flying saucers in the new KSP. Parts will seem easy to port over, but who knows what changes will have to be made for any code used. Too early to tell at this point anyway.
  10. It would seem like perfect timing... if mods for KSP1 were going to be compatible with KSP2.
  11. KSP2 is slated to release spring 2020 per the pc gamer article. But with unforeseen issues with developing software, it can change. Link for reference, the last paragraph. https://www.pcgamer.com/uk/kerbal-space-program-2-interview/
  12. Begrudgingly created a GitHub account... logged the problem in GitHub.
  13. I'm shocked... this was the last thing I expected to hear today. Considering what the players wanted and the limitations of the current KSP, it was inevitable.
  14. I'm don't have a account for GitHub, so it's either by the open forum or a pm. The best I can do is screen shots of the problem and system info from Windows. If there was a way to turn on logging, I would be more than happy to get logs for you and post them.
  15. Hi, I'm getting some very severe lag when trying to select a mod to update. The program will become unresponsive then recover a few times, then after about 45 sec to a minute the items I clicked will select. I'm using CKAN ver 1.26.4, OS is Win10 Pro.
  16. Nice ship, never had the patience to mess around much with the old B9 HX parts. Try putting a Castillo crate on the outside of the hull and expand it before cheating it into orbit. See if it disappears or reverts back into a crate. Or you can expand the Castillo after you have cheated it into orbit. (You're using Hyperedit, it's not like you have to worry about running out of resources.) See if it sticks around for a while or disappears on you. I've had issues in the past using expanded parts direct from the editor. They like to disappear at some point after launch. I've found that expanding them after launch usually will make permanent. If all that fails, you can write a MM patch that adds all the Castillo Omni modules to one of the HX parts.
  17. Did you download kerbin side or any other mod that adds bases into the game? Kerbal konstructs just provides the frame work to add bases.
  18. If I remember right, smokescreen changed the name for the fx module after the patches were written. I don't remember the module name off the top of my head. I know it's mentioned in the smokescreen thread. Other options to get the flame fx working is to install real plume, or change the old smokescreen module to the stock squad module.
  19. Another mod I thought wouldn't see again rescued by LGG. I look forward to using this again. Many thanks.
  20. I'm not saying it can't be done, I'm saying would be difficult to do. Maybe Squad has something in the pipeline to automatically control the props and blades to be released at a future date. We know they won't confirm or deny anything if they do. Maybe Squad expects some very creative use of the KAL1000. I don't know. The only thing like that I can compare it to is the autopilots. MJ2 has been around for years and still has spurts of active development. I don't know how long PA and AA was in development before they were released to the public. But I can guaranty it wasn't a couple weeks from start to finish to have a version that was polished, functional, and seeming bug free. Basically it's a wait and see if Squad will do anything like that. I suspect someone would program something with Kos before we hear anything from Squad. XLjedi already proved that you can use the KAL1000 for basic control of a helicopter blade pitch and motor torque. Who knows what someone will do in a couple weeks. KSP players tend to be very creative with how they use the parts.
  21. Yes, that is very true. And I'm loving every minute of messing around with it. From playing with the stock (Kraken) propeller craft of old, and keeping tabs on the announcement thread for the props and blades I was able to quickly figure out what was going on and how to get them working. (I'm still annoyed that there is no obvious way to tell what the direction of thrust should be between the props and rotors.) I was thinking about players that never made or played with the stock (Kraken) propeller craft or didn't bother reading through the announcement thread for the props and blades. There is no clues in the editor to how to set things up. There's nothing I noticed in the game that says you have to adjust the control authority to adjust the blade pitch. There's no hint you should fly with the aerodynamics overlay on to see when your blades are stalling out. And you can only test your setups in the flight scene. That can lead to a bunch of jumping back and forth to make sure everything is correct because there is nothing to clue you in if your setup is correct or not. That's where my problems lie. XLjedi, thank you for making a video on this, I do plan on watching it later. But it was something Squad should have done. (Is the craft you made on KerbalX? I would love to see how your are doing the counter rotating blades. The ones I've made so far have been lack luster so far.) @Boris-BarborisCreating an automatic control mechanism for the props and blades would be difficult to do without knowing were the stall points for the blades would be. It would need input either from the player or by following the aerodynamic forces. That can be muddied quite a bit depending on the craft you made, or what you are doing at the moment. There were times I was purposefully stalling the blades to slow my craft down with out touching the throttle. How do you teach the program to look for something like that?
  22. After playing around with the shuttle for awhile last weekend, I have to say, nice job balancing it. I was able to bring it back to Kerban in one piece after several failed orbital attempts. (Some on purpose, some not.) Once I was able to get it orbital, orbital maneuvers were executed with minimal fuss, the reentry was easy and the flight to the ground was uneventful. (I still can't hit the KSC, yet alone the runway, but I landed it in one piece.) My only real issues are these. The wings and the nodes need to be stronger. If the boosters don't clear properly after separation and bounce off the wings, either the wings would be knocked off or go kaboom. The included OMS engines either need more thrust or better ISP. Outside of it was taking forever to do orbital insertion and maneuver burns, the burns was using a lot more of my onboard fuel than expected. (Burns was done with 41 tonnes of ore ballast. I play stock system size, and test with the maximum amount of weight I can get to orbit without going crazy with the ET and booster stack.) The only part I would like to see is an external tank mount for the stock tanks sizes. I was using the mount from the Cormorant because it looked better than any stock parts.
  23. @Snark I don't disagree with any points you've said. And I understand that Squad did what they felt was best for the props and blades. I'm just saying throw the player a bone and have a setup that works out of the gate. Even if it works like utter crap. Show the players that it works, and if you tinker with it, you can make them work better. I'm just throwing out possible solutions. I'm just as guilty as everyone else in KSP for trying things before understanding how they should really work. I'm just use to Squad releasing parts that work out of the gate. In this case, there is little guidance to help the player out. That's my major gripe is about the props and blades.
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