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Everything posted by shdwlrd

  1. I wasn't implying you weren't planning to. I was just taking into account how life can be.
  2. Not necessarily, all the interviews with Nate Simpson about the new solar systems he's been tight lipped about the details of them. Only acknowledging the things seen in the material star theory has released so far. Odds are procedurally generated solar systems won't be included in stock KSP2, but with the lack of info, we can't say for sure.
  3. When I first read the OP, I dismissed the idea thinking it wouldn't make good game play. But after reading some of the suggestions that were thrown out during the discussion, this mechanic could add some value to the progression/science mode. If the suggestions were added properly.
  4. Nice!!! (Really missing the reactions.)
  5. Check out the posts above yours. They are seemingly dealing with the same issue. If what is described above doesn't help you, you'll need to post your logs so Angel-125 can help you.
  6. It was buried towards the end of this forum. No worries.
  7. I stand corrected. I've never seen Forbidden Planet, and it's been forever since I've watched the classic Lost in Space.
  8. I'm seeing a need for a good number of crewmembers. I hope the number isn't too large. PS. Liking how the IVA is turning out.
  9. Sucks that the reactions aren't working. That's a ton of space, are you using the whole internal area for the bridge?
  10. Saw that a few days ago. Hopefully they don't screw it up like the 2nd one.
  11. it's funny how you don't really get the scale of the craft until you get a kerbal next to it. (or in this case on it.)
  12. Build, launch, fly, crash, revert, refine, repeat until the crash stage is gone, then move on to the next project.
  13. I've been entertaining the thought since you released the Flapjack. Too many nights staring at my collection of ST ships, mentally tearing them apart, and figuring what parts would be Lego enough to add to the game.
  14. Figuring out how to break apart a "Federation" style starship but to keep the parts interchangeable is a really tricky puzzle. It's solvable, but how much variation do you want to allow for kit bashing?
  15. Not a bad idea to do so, but most of the goofiness with the fx was caused be the module names changing for both the stock and smokescreen modules.
  16. Ok, that makes sense then. Since the API docs don't specify what can be used in cfg files and what should be used in dll's.
  17. If you don't care if the crew can see outside, it's just a patch away. I don't remember seeing it, but is there a flag in the .cfg that limits its use to the craft state? Hmm... pristine mode should have no resource requirements, I wonder if Angel-125 missed something in the config for that mode. What parts are you having problems with?
  18. I listen to whatever is shuffling in iTunes.
  19. I'm kind of curious if there will be interstellar relays. Since the largest relay can cover most of the kerbol system, and the assumed distances involved, that's a lot of relay stations to drop to keep comms between the interstellar colonies and Kerbin. For the comms time delay, leave it as is for intrastellar comms, but for interstellar comms, there should be a delay.
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