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Posts posted by Noobton

  1. 43 minutes ago, bewing said:

    Autostruts are off by default. If you aren't seeing them in your context menus for all your parts, then you can go into the main Settings menu, or the Pause/Settings menu, and turn on "Advanced Tweakables". That will allow you turn turn on autostruts for each of your parts. Probably don't want to do more than 5 autostruts, or they can do more harm than good.

    And unless you are having a little fun with your relay sat -- you only need one small battery and one solar panel for it. Relay sats don't use any power as they perform their function. You just put them in orbit and forget them.



    I'll check this, I need the batteries for a contract that requires 5K EC

  2. 4 minutes ago, Urses said:

    Yes they are.

    You have some Options to find them. Some central colonisation hoobs like Logistik have this Option "Search for ressource Lodes", mostly the hoobs with the KerbNet Acess, or the big Ressource Scanner get a use after the orbital Ressource Scan (he must go in lower orbit for it and you get the Info how deep after try to scan). And here Starts the fun. Like in the prophet and mountain Story. Your Sifters (Look wiki and the Part Data at VAB/SPH) are able to absorb the mass. Your chalenge is to decide. Bring i the Lode in the base or i send a spezialised Vehikel and prozess the stone at place.

    sounds like fun, thanks!

  3. I'm trying to find information on resource lodes (what are they and how to use them), but the only thing I was able to find on the wiki is " Resource Lodes (coming in the next update) are the exception, in that they represent almost pure deposits (i.e. you are actively seeking and retrieving these vastly superior chunks vs. passively pulling stuff out of rocks) ".

    Are they implemented already? what am I supposed to do with them ? 

    Thank you.

  4. 4 hours ago, sandroxil said:


    ¿Sabes si con los mods de USI se pueden fabricar y lanzar naves desde la colonia? ¿O hace falta instalar Extraplanetary Launchpads?

    Es que creo haber leído en algún sitio que hay piezas para lanzarlas en el Kolonization

    Dice que el ground construction reemplazó el EL, pero no lo he usado la verdad

  5. Sí una de las cosas que me gustan del USI es que los kerbals no se mueren, entonces he tenido que hacer un par de operaciones de rescate que incluyen realizar un encuentro con orbitas más bien extrañas, soldar un docking port (con KAS/KIS) y hacer el traslado despue de hacer el docking, porque los turistas tampoco hacen EVAs jajaja, me parece más interesante que simplemente dejar que se mueran.

    Lo que necesitas son módulos que tengan "habitation" que te den kerbal months o hab-multiplier, por ejemplo el hitchhiker te da 25 meses y una cuppola te da 1.65 de multiplier, esos son los dos módulos con los que inicio como minimo toda estación, de alli en adelante... moarr modules, aqui están todos los móulos que te incrementan el hab:


  6. Ahi ya vas más avanzado de lo que voy yo, mi estación en minmus nunca fue autosuficiente tampoco, pero yo comencé por la exploración de minerales, la usaba para abastecer los tanques de gasolina de la estación de Kerbin, entonces empecé por allí.

    El módulo médico creo que es nuevo, o nunca lo usé pero lo que entiendo es que te debería poder curar los Kerbals que se te volvieron turistas.

  7. 15 minutes ago, Arrowstar said:

    Okay, I've moved the download links for the KSPTOT packages (Windows and the outdated OSX) to Google Drive and made them accessible to the public for viewing and download.  The first post in this thread has been updated with the new links in the appropriate part of the instructions.  Please let me know if it works or not.  Thanks!

    I got it, thanks!

  8. Yo he llegado a montar bases en minmus con los USI, pero nunca llegue a lograr que fueran autosostenibles.

    A cada rato intento montar hojas de excel manuales para calcular el consumo pero nunca he podido darle a los números exactos, por lo que al final siempre opto por la opción kerbal: moaaar recyclers!

    Ahora estoy reiniciando una carrera en 1.2.2 y he estado leyendo los cambios también, no sé que duda en particular tienes, si de pronto ya me ha pasado te podría ayudar.

  9. Any chance we can get a model similar to Paradox's where if you want to skip a mod you can still get bug fixes and some improvements?

    They are a mean lean DLC making machine, but I still love their model, and it will help keep the modding community somewhat united.

  10. I just gave this one a go and is amazing, my minireview with spoilers ahead

    The floating minigravity experience was very interesting and it felt authentic, the whole recreation of the ISS and the videos makes it very immersive, and floating through the ISS while going from handle bar to handle bar felt just like what I expected from watching movies.

    The missions are fun, the small capsule docking minigame was very interesting and the controls were great. The EVA experience even shows you how the helmet blocks your periferal vision, the scenery was awe inspiring, I even got lost and it was a little terrifying to feel what poor little Jeb and Val must feel when you leave them floating away from the Station.  

    I think every KSP fan will really enjoy this experience, if there's interest I could upload a short unedited video, but VR videos are not very good at transmitting the feelings or the sense of scale.


  11. Bienvenido, lo que he aprendido con este juego es increíble. Lástima que la comunidad de habla hispana es más bien reducida por acá, de pronto con el parche de localización que tienen planeado mejoran las cosas.

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