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Posts posted by LordCorwin

  1. Well, today I tried to do a sort of Elon Musk challenge... put 100 Kerbals in LEO orbit with a rocket similar to his proposal.

    So I built the Elon-1. Here you have some pics.









    It's being hard to keep track of all the Kerbals close to the ship. Moreover the game has crashed several times in the process.

    Now I will see how many of them I can recover in the same ship

  2. 36 minutes ago, Snark said:

    Yup, and that's my point:  sure would be nice to know why you get 'em all the time, and I don't.  If we had a better handle on why the crashiness seems to be limited to specific users, it might help Squad in avoiding releasing builds with those issues.

    As a developer, the worst kind of bugs to try to track down are the "well, it works fine for me" ones.  :wink:


  3. 8 hours ago, Snark said:

    I hear a lot about these editor crashes, but I've never had a single one myself, ever. And yet some folks seem to be plagued with them, and get them all the time.

    Clearly there must be some factor that affects the crash likelihood on a per-player basis.... would love to have an idea what that might be.

    I got 10 crashes in the last 48 hours (4 of them just in 30 minutes today), all of them in the VAB.

    I have to keep saving each time I select or move a part.

    And just 2 mods installed (Kerbal Alarm Clock, Kerbal Engineering Redux).

  4. Yesterday I planted a flag on Pol... and today was not there!

    Checking better the landscape, I see that my flag is going down the slope

    Careful how you plant flags!  :lol:

    4 hours ago, hellblazer said:

    After a month of testing everything out I have decided to start my International Space Station build. Using RSS and RO tanks/engines I will attempt to recreate it as close as possible. Inclination is at 51 degrees and currently will be built at 400km. Here is the launches of Zarya and Unity.


    Your video looks terrific! Parts that I've never seen, a planet that looks quite realistic... What mods are you using? I only have one installed.

  5. 13 hours ago, Cunjo Carl said:

    I think you hit the nail on the head there. Once you have a good launch window calculator, going interplanetary is great, and I'm glad you enjoyed it, too! The yearlong barriers for me were trying to eyeball launch windows, and struggling with interplanetary inclinations, which Minmus really doesn't prepare you for. Much more fun to launch bases at the mun! So OP's 2 and 5 for me.

    And KSP totally makes you anxious, right? It's like dark souls for aerospace.

    The first time I went to the moon I was nervous. The first time a reached Dune with a manned mission I was really anxious. But it was really great to have all the astronauts safe back at Kerbin  :-)

    This was a looong time ago, may be a couple of years.

  6. Well I've landed manned missions everywhere appart from Eve. And I've always came back from all of them. Honestly I wouldn't understand why stop exploring at Minmus when there are so many celestial bodies out there :-)

    Of course going interplanetary is hard, but once you have a good calculator, it's as simple as going to Minmus. And yes, the first time I was anxious.

  7. Hello,

    Recently I took a class A asteroid contract that I'm unable to complete and I don't know why.

    Title: Bring a newly discovered Class A asteroid into an orbit around Kerbin.
    a) Have a newly discovered Class A asteroid in tow
    b) Put your vessel in orbit of Kerbin
    c) Maintain stability for 10 seconds.

    And this is what I did:
    1) From the tracking station I looked for a Class A asteroid.
    2) I tracked it with the "Track object" button. I saw that in 200 days it would pass close to Kerbin. Periapsis about 11000 km, inclination about 150º
    3) I launched a probe. Through a series of maneuvers I adjusted orbit a velocity to pass close to the asteroid in it's periapsis at the same time.
    4) I missed by 600km, I went to a series of maneuvers to rendezvous with it.
    5) I achieved docking with the asteroid, then I ignited my engine to close the orbit.

    But nothing happened. None of the objectives accomplished, even the 10 seconds stability.

    Does anyone know if I missed anything?

    Lord Corwin.

    [COLOR=silver][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

    Eerrmmm... seems that closing the program and opening again did the trick to solve it :confused:
  8. May be you're looking something like the JPL CSPICE library, although it is a huge library made with real kernels.

    Also, I think there is the function RK78, Runge Kutta Aproximation of 7'th & 8th order, in C & Fortran. I know that many orbit problems were based on it, although I had problems to use it apropiately. After the first step it always gave me 0 values.

    I know that it works with first order differential eqs, and that the orbit problem is a second order diff eq, but the idea is to split it in two one-order diff eqs (of 3 coordinates each one).

    Hope this helps.

  9. After all this time playing I find myself embarrassed doing this question.

    Sometimes I cannot place a maneuver node in my blue-orbit trajectory. As far as I recall I've found 2 cases.

    1) In some closed trajectories.

    2) In some non-closed trajectories

    In case 1) it is enough to quick-reload the game or just go to the Kerbin Space Center and come back to he ship. I've also found that in case 1) you cannot pin point the perigee or the apogee to show data. You click on it but the altitude disappears once you move the mouse.

    Case 2) happens to me sometimes in theoretically-closed orbits that actually aren't because in your path there is a planet you are going to rendezvous with. Ex: orbiting around Kerbol and making a rendezvous with a planet. Imagine a blue trajectory that goes from your ship to the target planet. In those cases, if between the ship and the target planet there is only the periapsis or the apoapsis, you cannot create a maneuver node in the arc between the ship and the point where the peri/apoapsis exists. But you can create a maneuver node between the peri/apoapsis point and the rendezvous planet. And it is no use to trying to solve it as in case 1). Even when going to the Space center and coming back to the ship, the issue remains.

    Has anyone know if cases 1) and 2) are bugs?

    Thanks in advance.

  10. Sure. This is from an earlier version of KSP. I was doing photo shoots at Kerbin of these. The lander and rover/ boat together. At Laythe, I would separate the rover from the lander just after dropping from orbit. I landed each using chutes so as not to use precious fuel. I had to balance the rover with science parts which could jettison. Now we have better parts to use but here's the old pic. Notice the combination of jets, spikes and nukes:


    Here is the rover on its own:


    Here is the assembly on an intermediate (not the launch) stage; I took the engines off for the shot. I asparagus staged the fuel tanks:


    Awsome! Thanks for the feedback!

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