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Posts posted by LordCorwin

  1. It is a great game. After you do your dual-fly by, it's time to do some landing on them. Current career save for me, I just managed to land on minimus, then moved the lander from the biome it landed in and set it down again in 5 different biomes there on minimus (didn't actually go back into orbit, was more of a lift-off/drift to next biome), then did a mun intercept with the same lander otw back from minimus, landed, then returned to kerbin. Would have managed 2 mun biomes, except it turns out I've been missing the optimum launch windows, and using too much delta-v for intercepts on all my ships, this was just figurative straw on my camel's back that broke me down to go ask for help the otherday over in gameplay. Now I'm reading/re-reading a player made tutorial and redoing a few things. Now putting up unmanned probes (using the ScanSat mod, only mod I currently have installed) and have managed to get mapping probes in polar orbits so far on Kerbin, mun, minimus, and Eve. Actually used the same type of booster for all the probes (4 SRB-kd25as, 4x3 stack of fl-t800 tanks, with 4 LV-t45 engines, and probe iself has an ion engine and 700 unit xenon tank) (4 at kerbin, 1 at mun, 1 at minimus, and 1 at Eve) only the minimus/eve probes had to dump their booster section and finish with the ion engine (eve probe had 2 more xenon tanks, and 12 SRBs)

    Wow, still I don't have knowledge about landing procedures or sending information back to Kerbin to reuse science modules to test a landing, but I'll take into account!

    PS: Dual fly-by successful!!

  2. Hello to everybody, this is my first post!

    I started two days ago, playing the career mode. After some issues trying to understand the map GUI, finally yesterday I achieved to do a Mun fly-by and return to Kerbal safely. Today I'm planning to do a dual fly-by, Mimbus and Mun (the latest when coming home!).

    I really enjoy this game!!!!


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