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Posts posted by LordCorwin

  1. Everyone keeps saying how the ejection angle is the most important (phase less so because you're doing it by date if you use the online tools). But does stock KSP have any way to show you what angle you're setting a node at? Can you approximate by rotating the camera in map view so the orbit line is vertical and then eyeball it? Although if the angle really needs to be in single or even fractions of a degree that would be almost impossible.

    Hehe, that's why I always have a 360º protactor with me :D

  2. Hello Forty21112, I had the same problem when I started moving other planets. The idea is: you can move to any planet whenever you want, but there are given moments when the ammount of fuel to spend is minimal and others when the ammount is HUGE. So you need tools to know when to start the maneuver.

    TOOL 1: This is optional, but it simplifies your life. When doing planetary transfers, you need something that tells you exactly how much fuel you have in delta-v units. For that purpose you have for instance the Kerbal Engineering Mod. Once installed the mod, follow the instructions and you'll able to put the Science>Kerbal Engineering System in your rocket. It will give you lots of parameters such us your remaining delta-v

    TOOL 2: This transfer calculator has been my friend for a very long time: ksp.olex.biz/ . Thanks Olex!!

    * Your input data are: Origin planet (eg Kerbin), Target planet (eg Duna) and Current Orbit Height (Eg 90km). Better if it is circular.

    * As a result, the calculator tells you what are the planet positions when you have to start the boost (Phase Angle), how much delta-v required (ejection burn delta-v), and in what moment of your orbit you must start (ejection angle).

    So yes, if the planets must be in a certain position, may be you'll have to wait 250 days before starting the maneuver.

    It is OK to be approximate but take the results seriously.

    1) The ejection angle is VERY important. If the calculator says to you the Ejection angle is 162º, well, you can use 160º or 165º, but never more than that.

    2) Also, if your burn takes 40seconds, it is OK (even better) to start 20 seconds before the Ejection angle point and finishing 20 seconds after the Ejection angle.

    3) And finally, as everything is approximate, count that you'd need an extra 10% of delta-v, just in case.

    Hope it helps.

  3. With the latest version I noticed that on first stages of the game it was quite difficult to control de rocket when leaving Kerbin's surface, between 5k and 20k.

    I think it is due to the new aerodynamic model.

    I solved this using better wings with more lift ratio, activating SAS, adding the stabilizer unit, maintaining the atmospheric performance quite below 100% (seen with Kerbal Engineer mod)... and not starting the orbit maneuver until 20km height. Even then, your maneuvers and corrections must be gentle.

    Edited: also, take care of selecting an engine with Gimbal ability

  4. Well, I think I've improved my skills now. See in the picture, I managed to recover a vessel & a Kerbal that were stranded on Mun's surface!

    This involved to rendezvous close to the vessel on surface, save the Kerbal, turn upside down my ship while floating some meters above the vessel, use RCS with the navball to adjust the approximation to the vessel, and grapple it while floating half meter above it.


    Many thanks to all of you, I couldn't do it without your help!!!.


  5. I'm quite proud of this. Today I've managed to grapple a vessel from Mun's surface and get back to orbit!

    This involved to rendezvous with the vessel on surface, then turn upside down my ship and grapple the vessel while floating half meter above a sloped surface.

    I also manage to save Callan Kerman, who was close to the vessel.


  6. Not really. Notice that planets spin? That spin is your enemy, like every atmosphere when it comes to precise landing. Wings may help with the latter, but when there is no wings, all comes to observing. Where are you landing on? What is the altitude from sea level there? Im kidding. Try the trajectories mod and practice with it!

    Haha, thanks, I'll try. I was also trying to stick to the Nav Ball, but I don't get it. I found it easy to use it in orbit, but not when apporaching to a target on surface.

    No spin, no wings. Just a landing on the Mun.

  7. Hello,

    I've performed dozens of orbital rendezvous with no problem, but trying to land close to a target in surface... that's a different story.

    Appart from selecting the target and matching the descending path close to the target visually, I'm not following any method, just try and error. Sometimes I get 20 meters away from the target, next time it's 5 km!.

    So I'd like to know if there is a good procedure for surface rendezvous. I'm not asking for actual dock, but at least be always close to the target.

    I've checked the Tutorial folder, but I haven't found anything.

    Thanks in advance.


  8. Hello, please check the attached image :-D


    The only add-on I have is the Kerbal Engineer.

    I just placed my rocket in the launch platform, went back to the space center, entered into the radar to check the situation of Duna, accelerated to x100000 until Duna was in the right position, and finally I went back to the platform.

    Luckily I don't have Jebediah in the rocket :-D

    Just for your knowledge!



  9. Hello,

    I don't understand why, but I'm trying to dock two items that previously were docked, and now it seems that the magnetic attraction doesn't happen.

    I made a travel to Ike. I place one part in orbit, with a probe, electricity and a Jr Clamp. Then I went to Ike's surface with Jebediah and the other part, that was a capsule with a normal Clamp.

    After doing all my research on the surface I climbed again to orbit to rendezvous, but when doing the maneuver to dock nothing happens (I also declared the probe port as target). Both probe and capsule touches perfectly, but that's all.

    I'm I missing anything?

    Thanks for your replies.

  10. I also feel the same. Sometimes I sense the lack of a deep purpose to get on those beautiful places. I enjoy walking on the surface for a while, but may be some requirements for long survey missions would be a good addition, or some missions requiring to build something on ground, etc.

  11. You can use physics warp, as long as all craft within physics range are small and simple enough (quite likely if you're talking ion engines). Physics warp does kinda amplify any control inputs though, so best to do those at 1x, and push it up when holding on steady course and thrust. Also, don't go straight to 4x from 1x, unless you know it's safe to do so â€â€.take it up 1 level at a time and watch for any wobble, etc, for a few seconds. I've got away with using 2x even on larger things with nuclear engines.

    I'll take it into account too. Thanks!

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